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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. It's an embarrassment to our nation that a person of her intellect can be voted into office to help 'rule' our land......
  2. I'm at a loss as to why a band would go through so much trouble to reissue a CD only to crap on their fans like this? I was one of the first people to order this from the band when they reissued it and it took 5 weeks for me to get my CD (and they didn't reply to any of my emails either). Barring any unforeseen troubles the band is having communicating with their fans, this is really unexcusably. These guys could be making so much more money if they allowed someone else (NEH, retrospect, stormspell, etc.) to at least distribute the CDs. I have no doubt that they would sell a sh*tload of copies. Plus, they wouldn't have to deal with the cust. service aspect that they so obviously disdain. EVERYONE would/should be more satisfied, esp. the fans, who, these guys seem to be forgetting, are ACTUALLY THE ONES BUYING THE DAMN PRODUCT! Please don't use Retrospect as an example of a good distributor.They Rip Off every band that they have ever done business with! The bands they sign never get paid,or they lie about how many units actually sold,I got that first hand from my friends in Pair A Dice. They also find old bands material put it on CD sell it and never let the band know! They have already done that to Jones Street,that is why we did the distribution ourselves. Sorry that some CD's took too long to send. When the orders were taken in the beginning and they took so long was because the company that pressed these,said that it would take a couple of weeks and it took almost 3 months. That was the last time I used them. Hmmmm...that's interesting, considering Pair-A-Dice is recording a new album for them....and...is performing at Rocklahoma for Retrospect..... *shrug* I dunno.........
  3. Bruce Bennett, the lead singer owned Krystal Rose Music......and went on to form the band Star Collector during the early to mid 90's. Krystal Rose used to send out a 'newspaper' with tons of Indie bands that he was promoting. I bought a TON of stuff through them back then....including Frontrunner, Herland, Stancy and lots of other Boston based bands.... I had both of their demos transferred professionally a few years back....before Retrospect released their stuff. Not sure, but I also have a cassette single by them that probably is not on the Retrospect stuff either.... Excellent sleazy hard rock band!
  4. Actually, she did Shawn....on her first record three tracks were complete writes by her...and 7 or 8 were co-writes with Liz Rose, whom she works with a lot. Sony/ATV signed her to a PUBLISHING deal at age 14.......this isn't a Britney Spears situation.... Her second album had numerous songs written solely by herself, and with co-writes from Big and Rich. Saying that she 'sometimes helps write' her own songs is doing a disservice to someone who has worked their ass off to get where they are....even if they are a teenager. An artist like yourself, I'm sure would respect that.... I'm not going to argue subjective things...such as Taylor Hanson having more talent, because history probably shows otherwise. I know you'll say that 'just because' an artist is commercially successful doesn't necessarily illustrate who has more talent....I know this, but on a playing field that is not subjective, he loses that battle......especially to me. Almost all artists have co-writes.....but if you read about this girl, you would see that she is the exception to so many rules. I mean..c'mon..Britney Spears.....
  5. Wooooooaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! Take it easy there sport! obviously you aint from around these boards are you??? Im sure you'll just get a warning, but in case you get something more severe, I'll have your back bro, but you just crossed a MEGA-FUCKING LINE!!!! Heavy Harmonies Rules Of The Metal Boards, Rule #1:19.C-A17:26 Provision T-28: Clearly states, :No Member or Guest shall ridicule, chastise, castigate, denounce, simplify, insult, or speak with derision, at any time, anywhere in the parameters of this forum, towards the iconic, revolutionary, rock and metal pioneering band, known as Nickleback!! Doing so will result in swift vengeance and furious anger, and extreme punishment to the likes of pain you have never known, plus you will get a warning. And pretty much everybody on the boards except me will gang fuck you, belittle you, try to coax you into suicide, and make you feel like you don't belong here, and you need to get over to the Wham board! So my brother just a little tip from the wise, stay the fuck away from anything regarding Nickleback unless it is A. They are god's! B. their new album kills anything released in the last decade. or C. you can't wait for the tab to come out so you can start covering their songs. keep it to those topics, and everything should go cool for you my brother! Trust Me!!! I Know. Actually....he can pick on Nickelback all he wants! But when he picks on Taylor....well, then the gloves come off!!! LOL Shawn, you can say anything you'd like about what she 'lacks'....but she does write her own songs. And what do you expect from someone who wrote those songs when she wasn't even a legal adult??!! Of course they're going to sound 'young'. To me, it's when those 'young' artists start acting all 'grown up'...and start dressing like sluts...is when someone needs to 'say something'........but, truthfully, it doesn't bother me that people think she's 'this or that'..because, at the end of the day it's all subjective anyway.....
  6. Very good stuff, Geoff...thanks for the 'heads up'! And, yeah.......they don't sound like those bands listed!
  7. Ok...yeah, I still have it. White cover with 'The Burning Cage' in black lettering....BC in the background. Released in 1996...looks like they were from New York and had three members: John Brady, Guitars/Keys; Billy Gleason, Bass; and Down Howland Vox and Drums Now that you bring it up...I guess I'll have to give it a listen, as I probably haven't listened to this in 10 years or so........
  8. I have always like chicks who had a little 'flair' to 'em.....like Dale Bozzio from Missing Person...loved her...
  9. Totally laughing my ass off here..!! I was one of the *5* who voted...hot body...but the face...eh..not so much..!!! It's the reason I posted a poll....I just wasn't sure if she was 'material' for the Major-Babeage thread!! Also, totally laughing at GlamJunkie's post.....that would have been funny!
  10. Yes, I have it.....or had it *not sure if I sold it already*...but yeah, the cover has the name in fancy lettering or something...very plain cover from what I remember.
  11. Ahhhh....Shawnage!! GREAT to see you finally make your way to the BEST message boards for 'our' type of music. I've seen you post on Melodicrock....but I think you'll like these boards quite well!!! The memories of the Metal Edge crew are coming back to me....haha Stick around man!!!! Oh..in case anyone doesn't know....he's the singer of Line of Fire....excellent stuff!!!!
  12. The St. James that you show in the flyer is from PA....they had two releases that I know of...and had a Bon Jovi sound going on from what I can remember. I have both of their releases....the real question was that I had *heard* that one of their releases was released on CD...but, I've never seen..nor heard...of anyone having it. I do have both on cassette and have since transferred them professionally to CD.
  13. Would anyone like to go for a jog?
  14. Hey...anyone want to see some cute undies! hehe
  15. Never had problems with them, but I haven't called them in years. I used to talk to Ryan's brother quite frequently...he was always very helpful. Sorry you're having issues with them.
  16. Sounds good! Didn't know that he formed a new band......does this mean Yellowcard are no more? That would be unreal considering Paper Walls was their best album to date, for me.
  17. ....a valiant battle she fought. Upon reading Michael Sweet's post, I could barely get through it.......for more reasons than I care to remember. My deepest condolences go out to him and his family, as I'm sure it has touched them all...and they will need comforting, support and the will to go on. Now Playing: Lady...by Stryper.....
  18. But would you even want to deal with Shawn?......I think THAT is the question!! LOL
  19. I guess I'd add that I don't dislike it at all, crikey. Just think it's an 8/10 disc rather than the 10/10 disc that everyone else thinks it is. A few great songs short of being a classic IMO, & the songwriting isn't quite up to the par of the musicians involved, but I do like it. LOL...no problem, an 8 out of 10 is damn good!
  20. Seriously...anyone who doesn't like the 1st Hardline disc has issues. I mean....if you don't like THAT disc, which to me personifies a GREAT hard rock record, then you just don't like hard rock. I mean...that album has ALL the right stuff. Melody......songs.....great vocals...great backing vocals...great production....it's bombastic! "Hands of Time" is one of the best ballads, so I just really don't get anyone on THIS message board that doesn't like it. Weird........
  21. Excuse me ma'am.......you're losing your drawers!!
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