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Yeah but isn't H.I.M. (which I like... :anon: ) kind like Type O "lite"?


And is this where your favorite Superhero is?


Aren't Type O "lite" enough on their own these days?


Doesn't Juan Valdez rock?


Should Type O join forces with H.I.M. and become Ultra Lite?


How could Juan Valdez not rock?

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Ummmm.....yeah. Me! Why would Type O Negative want to sue their pants off? :blink:


Have you heard Type O Negative? Don't you think they'd be a little pissed off if they heard H.I.M.? There is a similarity, isn't there?


Hmmmm......I don't hear it??


I don't like Type O Negative's vox.....so I haven't really listened to much, though.


And if we're going on 'similar sounds'.......what about Dirty Looks sounding like AC/DC? Or Boned...???

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Hmmmm......I don't hear it??


I don't like Type O Negative's vox.....so I haven't really listened to much, though.


And if we're going on 'similar sounds'.......what about Dirty Looks sounding like AC/DC? Or Boned...???


When I heard H.I.M.'s version of Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game" a while I coulda sworn it was Type O ...imagine my embarrassment when I found out it wasn't? :anon:

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Ummmm.....yeah. Me! Why would Type O Negative want to sue their pants off? :blink:


Have you heard Type O Negative? Don't you think they'd be a little pissed off if they heard H.I.M.? There is a similarity, isn't there?


Hmmmm......I don't hear it??


I don't like Type O Negative's vox.....so I haven't really listened to much, though.


And if we're going on 'similar sounds'.......what about Dirty Looks sounding like AC/DC? Or Boned...???


Are you leaving out early Krokus?

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Are you leaving out early Krokus?


Or X-Sinner?


Isnt' there a whole thread somewhere devoted to AC/DC "clones?"

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Are you leaving out early Krokus?


Or X-Sinner?


Isnt' there a whole thread somewhere devoted to AC/DC "clones?"


Are we making a clone of that thread here?


Haha.....maybe.......but we're makin' music conversation on a music board, ain't we???? :bananamac:



Hmmmm......I don't hear it??


I don't like Type O Negative's vox.....so I haven't really listened to much, though.


And if we're going on 'similar sounds'.......what about Dirty Looks sounding like AC/DC? Or Boned...???


When I heard H.I.M.'s version of Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game" a while I coulda sworn it was Type O ...imagine my embarrassment when I found out it wasn't? :anon:



Oh....and blechhhhhhhhhh.........I hate that song. :yuck: Aren't womens s'posed to love it, and Chris Isaak???

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This is a MUSIC board? Since when?

I thought we were here to trade recipes?

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When have I ever posted porno pics? Aren't the girls in all my pics in the Major babe-age thread wearing SOME sort of clothing?

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When have I ever posted porno pics? Aren't the girls in all my pics in the Major babe-age thread wearing SOME sort of clothing?


I dunno? :blink:


Where's the recipes? I need some new ideas.........d'ya ever get bored with the same ol' same ol' for dinner?

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Why aren't you posting porno pics? Do you have a problem with porn?


I have no problem at all w/porno pics... but isn't there a warning from Dan in the Major Babe-Age thread sayin' "No Hardcore?" You don't want me to get :baneed: do ya?


Where's the recipes? I need some new ideas.........d'ya ever get bored with the same ol' same ol' for dinner?


Why do you think my wife watches so much Food Network?

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Why aren't you posting porno pics? Do you have a problem with porn?


I have no problem at all w/porno pics... but isn't there a warning from Dan in the Major Babe-Age thread sayin' "No Hardcore?" You don't want me to get :baneed: do ya?


Of course not, why would I want that to happen?

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Are you a Terminator?


Why would a Terminator drink coffee?




Terminator? I thought I was a superhero?


Do ya wear superhero underpants??? :banana:




Do you wanna see a pic of me rocking my Green Lantern Superhero underpants?

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