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Weather in Norfolk fuckin' sucks.......

Eveything in fuckin' Norfolk fuckin' sucks..


I wont have a bad fuckin word said about Great Yarmouth :whistle:

And why fuckin' not ?


My childhood holiday resort for 7 years......my parents must have either been poor or fuckin hated me.


I just fucking checked, It was the latter :tumbsup:


fuck :unsure:

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Free fuckin' beer! Is there a better concept?


Well, aside from free oral sex with free beer, is there a better concept?


Well, technically, aside from free intercourse of any nature with free beer, is there a better concept?

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Here is a picture of a poofters fuckin' convention :lol:


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Better than a 'Complete Bunch Of Losers' convention mate. This must be an old photo, as they are smiling and have obviously just fucking won something :D



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Can you pick which of the photo's are of a team that are use to winning sporting events to a team that fuckin' win an event as often as we get to witness a total lunar eclipse






You must admit though, you do get very excited when it rarely ever happens ;):lol:

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Can you pick which of the photo's are of a team that are use to winning sporting events to a team that fuckin' win an event as often as we get to witness a total lunar eclipse






You must admit though, you do get very excited when it rarely ever happens ;):lol:


Or then again, you could be like these guys who go over the top when they win a fuckin' Johno's paint trophy.......sounds really important that does... :whistle: ...Sorry Ian ;):lol:


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Can you pick which of the photo's are of a team that are use to winning sporting events to a team that fuckin' win an event as often as we get to witness a total lunar eclipse






You must admit though, you do get very excited when it rarely ever happens ;):lol:

Yep, could not agree more mate. I was discussing this with my wife on the weekend actually. Seriously, good on the Brits. They won it fair and fuckin' square and they're enjoying the victory. I do think it is cute, though, as it is such a rarity and such a big occasion to beat the Aussies. :lol: For us, beating the Brits at something/anything is (was?) just a part of daily routine. ;)

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Fuck everything.......

Starting with this fuckin' computer? Mate, not sure if I can squeeze my member into the USB port.


Or can I?

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Haha. I can imagine. We're a US company and yesterday, being our year end, was like the motherfucker c*nt motherfucker day from a motherfucker's motherfuck. Needless to say, I'm glad it's Tuesday, the first day of a new month.

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