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The F*%K Thread


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Fuck Rudi Koertzen shits me !!!!!!!!!!!! and I'm not the only one!!!!!!!



2239: We can't let Rudi's ongoing shocker go undocumented, so here's Raja S: "If players are dropped for poor performances, why not umpires suffer the same fate? Rudi Kortzen is the pits--the latest lbw of Clarke being a horror decision--ball was sliding well down leg."



Phil Lewis: "LBWs are a blight on the game and have ruined many great matches. What can be done to remove the lottery of dodgy umpiring decisions, especially with LBWs? Hawkeye can assist, but is even that reliable enough. Rudi is having yet another shocker! When do umpires become accountable for ruining this great game? It’s blasé and rubbish to state that it all evens out, because frankly it doesn’t!"




312: Plenty of anti-Rudi sentiment out there. Haemish Maul tells it like it is: "Perfect stuff from the Aussies. Set The Sherminator up a treat. Slipped him the full one moving into middle stump, about half way up. Brilliant. Only thing missing was Rudi's eye sight. He decides on noise these days. Well, when he fancies it. He actually thought Punter knicked his at Lords and he thought Bell edged this one. No reliance on what he sees at all. And fair enough too. If he honestly believed Clarke's was hitting the stumps and Johnson's wasn't going over the top, he should rely on noises. Maybe he should turn to the voices in his head. Who knows, they may be good at what they do. Rudi isn't." Ouch, ouch and double ouch. You've got to wonder why these blokes carry on well past their expiry date. Bucknor did it, Shepp did it, Rudi's doing it.




0240: Tut tut. Johnson hits Bell on the pads bang in front with an inswinging beauty, hitting middle and off half way up - yet Rudi Koertzen turns down the lbw appeal. Rudi may like to apportion blame to the players, but he needs to look at his own umpiring. He gives players out that aren't, and lets others off who are gone, gone, gone. Both sides suffer, as does the sport, from umpiring this awful. Poor Mitch: when it's not going your way, it's not going your way.



Now grab your seeing eye dog, your cain and just fuck right off Koertzen :fu:

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Unlike the Pom's, I hate it when the rain interrupts a test match...even when things are not looking to fuckin' good for us ;):lol:

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I could not give a flyin' fuck about anything at the moment........Smokehouse Sessions 2004 has just landed :bye:

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I could not give a flyin' fuck about anything at the moment........Smokehouse Sessions 2004 has just landed :bye:



Thank FUCK! :bananamac:


You are not fuckin' wrong Widda......I was starting to get a bit fuckin' worried :lol:

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Some fucking bitch in a Porsche almost side swiped me today on the way home. I should have let her hit me and then I could have sued the fuck out of her.

Fuckin' go for it Bob........

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