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The F*%K Thread


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Don't you mean I fuckin' better know cuz you know where the fuck I live? :)

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You guys are confusing the fuck out of me.


Join the fuckin' club... my mind's already in the fuckin' Poconos drinkin' a fuckin' beer

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Who the fuck is Metal Jay? I fucking thought he was Jay Metal now.


Geez, now I'm really fucking confused...

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Fuckin' B!

Fuckin' C!

Fuckin' D!


That's how they teach the fuckin' alphabet in fuckin' New Jersey schools, right Blue?

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Fuckin' F is for Fat. Fuckin' F is for Freddy. Fuckin' reading is fuckin' funda-fuckin'mental, kids!

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Fucking rimshot please.


as fuckin requested & deserved: rimshot.gif




:wub: Lisa can do fuckin' anything!



Been so fucking busy lately, looks like I've missed out on all the fuckin' fun. All you holidayers... two things:


(1) Fuck you, you lucky fuckers. :D

(2) Have a great fucking trip!


I have to wait until October for a fucking holiday, though I have a weekend away in mid-July, which I'm fucking looking forward too.


Anyway, we moved fucking floors at work and it's been so fucking hectic I've not even been able to log on. :( My new spot is very open, but pretty cool I guess... very fucking crammed and un-spacious though. Which would be cool if I was working with largely norked women, but fuck... guess what, I'm fucking not. :(

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Shame about the fucking nork-free work space Geoff... but then again, if you were fucking surrounded by largely norked women all day, you probably wouldn't get any fucking work done now would you??


My fucking RV is all packed and ready to get the fuck out of Jersey for the fucking weekend. I am well fucking stocked with a 30 pack of fucking Red Dog beer. Fucking cheap stuff but it's pretty fucking good anyway. My second fucking choice would've been Pabst Blue Fucking Ribboon (the official fucking beer of rednecks) but they were fucking out of 30-packs. I fucking hate when that fucking happens.


Y'all have a good fucking weekend cuz when I log the fuck off here you won't hear from me again till Monday night or fucking Tuesday (I can hear you all breathing a fucking sigh of relief already)

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Shame about the fucking nork-free work space Geoff... but then again, if you were fucking surrounded by largely norked women all day, you probably wouldn't get any fucking work done now would you??


My fucking RV is all packed and ready to get the fuck out of Jersey for the fucking weekend. I am well fucking stocked with a 30 pack of fucking Red Dog beer. Fucking cheap stuff but it's pretty fucking good anyway. My second fucking choice would've been Pabst Blue Fucking Ribboon (the official fucking beer of rednecks) but they were fucking out of 30-packs. I fucking hate when that fucking happens.


Y'all have a good fucking weekend cuz when I log the fuck off here you won't hear from me again till Monday night or fucking Tuesday (I can hear you all breathing a fucking sigh of relief already)



Have a good fucking time drinking them Red Dogs. I just picked up a 12 or Newcastle.

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Fuckin'A! Enjoy those fuckin' Newcastles bro. I'm logging the fuck outta here now. Have a fuckin' choice weekend.

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Have a great fuckin' weekend Freddy. Have seven fuckin' beers for me!


I'm pretty fucking content with what I have before me, as I have a 3 day fuckin' weekend. I literally do not have a dollar to my name until the 15th of this month so it won't be that fuckin' great, but I'll enjoy it anyway. Unfuckingfortunately we have to get up at about 8:00am tomorrow to take my girl's car up the coast tomorrow for a service... but I'll be sure to sleep in the other fucking days... avoiding these 12 degree days. :)

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Beer fucking rulz yanno! Just had to fucking say that!



Thanks! :drink::banana::dance:




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