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The F*%K Thread


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Fuck man, that fuckin' sucks! To add to the fuckin' Monday Morning Quaterback syndrome, I just got Dish Network installed yesterday, complete with the fuckin' DVR package, etc. No more fuckin' VHS problems for me.


I fucking love my DVR man. You are going to fucking wonder how you ever fucking did without before.



After this most recent fuckin' experience (and a goof while trying to record "Lost" a couple of fuckin' weeks ago, fortunately I didn't fuck up recording the season fuckin' finale this past week), believe me, TiVo is looking better and fucking better...

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Hey Wes, while you're there, fuckin' drunk and without a care in the fuckin world, could you tell the fuckers in Firehouse to hurry up and make a new fuckin' album. Tell them it's been long enough and it's time to fuckin' put something new out. if they give you any lip... 'Geoff said so,' is all you need to say. Fuckin' thanks mate!



They told me that they'll fucking start on a new fucking cd after the fucking summer is over.


Thanks Wes, nice fuckin' job. Thanks for the info. Next assignment, can you tell the fuckin' summer there to hurry along and finish up. If it gives you any fuckin' lip, tell it hurry up 'Because Geoff said so.' When it comes over here to Australia I'll fuckin' fix it up with an uppercut too.

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Hey Wes, while you're there, fuckin' drunk and without a care in the fuckin world, could you tell the fuckers in Firehouse to hurry up and make a new fuckin' album. Tell them it's been long enough and it's time to fuckin' put something new out. if they give you any lip... 'Geoff said so,' is all you need to say. Fuckin' thanks mate!



They told me that they'll fucking start on a new fucking cd after the fucking summer is over.


Thanks Wes, nice fuckin' job. Thanks for the info. Next assignment, can you tell the fuckin' summer there to hurry along and finish up. If it gives you any fuckin' lip, tell it hurry up 'Because Geoff said so.' When it comes over here to Australia I'll fuckin' fix it up with an uppercut too.




Your fucking welcome Geoff. As far as summer goes, it's just fucking getting here in Illinois, and it is so fucking hot. The fucking humidity in this state needs to fuck off.

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Fucking hot in Jersey today too H&H. I spent my afternoon installing two air conditioners upstairs, one in my bedroom window and one in my son's bedroom. The one for my son's bedroom was easy cuz it was one we've owned for several years, so it was a matter of popping it out of the fucking box and throwing it in the fucking window. The one for my bedroom was brand-fucking-new outta the box and you wouldn't believe all the fucking assembly that was fucking required. By the time it was fucking installed I needed to just sit the fuck in front of it for a while and enjoy the cool fucking breeze

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I fucking love summer. I miss the fucker so much already. I hate coldness and winter with a fucking passion. I'd stab it with an ice pick if I could, as I was making love to it. That's how much I fuckin' hate it.

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Fucking hot in Jersey today too H&H. I spent my afternoon installing two air conditioners upstairs, one in my bedroom window and one in my son's bedroom. The one for my son's bedroom was easy cuz it was one we've owned for several years, so it was a matter of popping it out of the fucking box and throwing it in the fucking window. The one for my bedroom was brand-fucking-new outta the box and you wouldn't believe all the fucking assembly that was fucking required. By the time it was fucking installed I needed to just sit the fuck in front of it for a while and enjoy the cool fucking breeze



I hope you've had a fucking chance to enjoy a cold fucking beer after all that fucking work.

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I fucking love summer. I miss the fucker so much already. I hate coldness and winter with a fucking passion. I'd stab it with an ice pick if I could, as I was making love to it. That's how much I fuckin' hate it.



Fucking "Basic Instinct" reference...fuckin' nice one Geoff!


I hope you've had a fucking chance to enjoy a cold fucking beer after all that fucking work.


Fuck yes, you fuckin'A better believe I fucking did. Coupla nice cold Yuengling fuckin' Lagers. Sweet fucking stuff. Wish I had some more of 'em right now. Although if I'm not fucking mistaken there may be one lone surviving fucking Newcastle Brown Ale hiding in the fridge... time to put that fucker out of its misery methinks

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I fucking love summer. I miss the fucker so much already. I hate coldness and winter with a fucking passion. I'd stab it with an ice pick if I could, as I was making love to it. That's how much I fuckin' hate it.



Fucking "Basic Instinct" reference...fuckin' nice one Geoff!


I hope you've had a fucking chance to enjoy a cold fucking beer after all that fucking work.


Fuck yes, you fuckin'A better believe I fucking did. Coupla nice cold Yuengling fuckin' Lagers. Sweet fucking stuff. Wish I had some more of 'em right now. Although if I'm not fucking mistaken there may be one lone surviving fucking Newcastle Brown Ale hiding in the fridge... time to put that fucker out of its misery methinks



your making me fucking jealous with that Newcastle as I'm stuck with the same old fucking Icehouse.

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H&H, maybe we oughta start a fucking "Beer Thread" so we can discuss our favorite fucking brews with the other users ;)

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H&H, maybe we oughta start a fucking "Beer Thread" so we can discuss our favorite fucking brews with the other users ;)



I was thinking that would be a good thread to. We could call it "What are you drinking"?


Speaking of beers have you heard of Fat Tire before? It's one of my favorite fucking beers in the whole fucking world. It's brewed in Ft. Collins, Colorado. The only problem is you can't get it on this side of the fucking Mississippi River yet.

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Fat Tire? Nah, can't say I've fuckin' heard of that one. My personal favorite is Sierra Nevada Pale Ale but it's too fucking expensive!!

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H&H, maybe we oughta start a fucking "Beer Thread" so we can discuss our favorite fucking brews with the other users ;)


Here ya go...... ;)http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.ph...ic=1624&hl=Beer





oh yeah........fuck.

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Bud Fucking Light for me thanks.



Glad to see you didn't fucking forget MJ



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There was already a fuckin' beer thread? Well fuck, Wes, I think you and I oughta bring that fucker back from the dead. Thanks for the fuckin' tip tho MJ.

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Monday fucking morning and I don't have to fucking work.



The only bad thing is my whole fucking family is coming over because my wife wanted to have a family fucking bbq.



I feel your fuckin' pain my brutha... I'm going to the fucking parade here in town (fortunately it passes by the end of my block) and then to my bro in law's house for a BBQ. There better be some fucking beer there, that's all I'm going to fucking say. Otherwise I'm not going to make it thru the fucking afternoon

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Monday fucking morning and I don't have to fucking work.



The only bad thing is my whole fucking family is coming over because my wife wanted to have a family fucking bbq.



I feel your fuckin' pain my brutha... I'm going to the fucking parade here in town (fortunately it passes by the end of my block) and then to my bro in law's house for a BBQ. There better be some fucking beer there, that's all I'm going to fucking say. Otherwise I'm not going to make it thru the fucking afternoon



You could always fucking take your last fucking NEWCASTLE, that is if your didn't already fucking drink it.

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You could always fucking take your last fucking NEWCASTLE, that is if your didn't already fucking drink it.


Fucking drank that fucker last fuckin' nite bro! If I get to my fuckin bro-in-law's house and there's no beer, we'll just have to do a fucking beer run. No fucking biggie.

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You better watch JLP, because Lisa is the fuck thread police.


If you forget to say the word fuck in this thread she'll let you fuckin know about it. :P


Hmmm...would that be fuckin' similar to the 'Dream Police'??!!! Muwwhwhahahahaha :banana:

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Glad to see you didn't fucking forget MJ




Haha......sometimes ya just gotta say........"What the FUCK!!!" ;):D


:bananamac: :bananamac: :bananamac:

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The fucking trash people just fucking went by my house on a holiday.


WTF. I didn't even have my trash out. I even tried chasing the fucking guy down but he wasn't stopping for fucking anyone. Now I'm gonna have all this fucking trash for another fucking week.

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I'm Australian and had to work on fuckin' Monday. It's Tuesday now and I'm still fuckin' working. Fuck it all in a bucket.

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Finally everyone is fucking gone from my fucking family BBQ. I didn't think they were ever gonna fucking leave.


I hope for your fucking sake that at least some of them brought some fucking beer.

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