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The F*%K Thread


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Only a couple of hours to go... as Jez says, thank fuck this week's almost done. Less than two hours to fucking go.

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"What the fuck's a frush??!!"

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What the fuck is a Chelski? :blink:

Isn't that a Fucking famous person..


Chelski = English Footie team Chelsea who are owned by a Russian Billionaire, so some people over here now adapt their name to sound a little more Russian. Not important or the slightest bit interesting. :beerbang:

No it really isn't. :whistle:


After completing an audit of this thread, it must be brought to the attention of Chris and Jez, that no "FUCK" was present in their last two posts here :tsk: .

Pick up your fuckin' game boys :lol:

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What the fuck is a Chelski? :blink:

Isn't that a Fucking famous person..


Chelski = English Footie team Chelsea who are owned by a Russian Billionaire, so some people over here now adapt their name to sound a little more Russian. Not important or the slightest bit interesting. :beerbang:

No it really isn't. :whistle:


After completing an audit of this thread, it must be brought to the attention of Chris and Jez, that no "FUCK" was present in their last two posts here :tsk: .

Pick up your fuckin' game boys :lol:

FUCK!! How could I miss that? :yikes:

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Nice fuckin avatar Widow...reminds me of myself...no no no I mean ermmm!!!! Oh Fuck

Dug yourself a nice little fuckin' hole, huh? :whistle:

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Nice fuckin avatar Widow...reminds me of myself...no no no I mean ermmm!!!! Oh Fuck


:yikes: ewwww.......I'll never fuckin' think of you the same way again....



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Fuck I'm in deep do-do!



I think you are fuckin correct. :lol:



Hahaha fuckin harrggghhhh! Yet no-one shall see the Rock Horror Show pics!!! Never for they are under lock n fuckin key!

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Fuck I'm in deep do-do!



I think you are fuckin correct. :lol:



Hahaha fuckin harrggghhhh! Yet no-one shall see the Rock Horror Show pics!!! Never for they are under lock n fuckin key!

Fuckin' :blink:

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Fuck I'm in deep do-do!



I think you are fuckin correct. :lol:



Hahaha fuckin harrggghhhh! Yet no-one shall see the Rock Horror Show pics!!! Never for they are under lock n fuckin key!

Fuckin' :blink:



I fuckin second that Brother Chris.... :yikes:

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