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Fuck...al this talk has got me thinking about fuckin' picnic tables again!!!!


Fucking pervo!!!

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Fuck...al this talk has got me thinking about fuckin' picnic tables again!!!!


Fucking pervo!!!


Fuckin' too fuckin' right! "Oh I've spilt some BBQ sauce on you contessa* ....no no don't wipe it away I'll lick it off".



* Contessa I believe is an up market picnic table available at all fuckin good stores....and fuckin sexy too!

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The fuckin' outlaws just fuckin' left !!!!! :banana::bananamac:

Fuck..did they play "Green Grass and High Tides"?


:rofl2: 2 fucking points for that one Sir. :bowdown:

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Rain... it's fucking...

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Fuck, it's pretty fucking chilly out there this morning. Beautiful sunny day... cold as fuck.

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My usual early Friday morning fucking post, but I will say it anyways


Thank Fuck it's Friday!!! Ya hear me Brothers?

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