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The F*%K Thread


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I'll tell ya,people who fuckin' work don't know fuckin' lucky they fuckin' are.Try fuckin' staying with the fuckin' enemy every fuckin' day.Can you tell I'm fuckin' pissed off ?? :angry::angry::angry:

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I'll tell ya,people who fuckin' work don't know fuckin' lucky they fuckin' are.Try fuckin' staying with the fuckin' enemy every fuckin' day.Can you tell I'm fuckin' pissed off ?? :angry::angry::angry:


The fucking enemy? Are you living with your mother-in-law?

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I'll tell ya,people who fuckin' work don't know fuckin' lucky they fuckin' are.Try fuckin' staying with the fuckin' enemy every fuckin' day.Can you tell I'm fuckin' pissed off ?? :angry::angry::angry:


The fucking enemy? Are you living with your mother-in-law?

I fuckin' might as well be...

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I'll tell ya,people who fuckin' work don't know fuckin' lucky they fuckin' are.Try fuckin' staying with the fuckin' enemy every fuckin' day.Can you tell I'm fuckin' pissed off ?? :angry::angry::angry:


The fucking enemy? Are you living with your mother-in-law?

I fuckin' might as well be...

HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! Are you in the mother fucking lode of shit in the entire universe?

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That fuckin' sucks about your fuckin' hand Geoff!! Why the fuck were you punching a fuckin' cement wall? Were you THAT fuckin' pissed??

Indeed Brother Keith, I was THAT fuckin' pissed. He called me a tulip manufacturer so I felt I had to deck the fucker. He won.


Seriously, though... you don't realise how fucking much you rely on your right fuckin hand until it's useless in plaster. Fuckin' HATING these 4 hour posts too. I think I might go take my frustrations out on a cement fuckin' wall. :(

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I'm home sick today.


I hate being at fucking work but I also hate being home fucking sick.


At least you get to fuckin' hang with us during the fuckin' day for a change Wes. :drink:

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I'm home sick today.


I hate being at fucking work but I also hate being home fucking sick.


At least you get to fuckin' hang with us during the fuckin' day for a change Wes. :drink:


Yeah, you get to hang fuckin' out with the daytime crew today. :drink: Hope your feeling better.

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I'm home sick today.


I hate being at fucking work but I also hate being home fucking sick.


At least you get to fuckin' hang with us during the fuckin' day for a change Wes. :drink:


Yeah, you get to hang fuckin' out with the daytime crew today. :drink: Hope your feeling better.

That fucking sucks dude. Hope you feel better soon, fucker... :drink:

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What the fuck did you have, Wes? Are you fucking better? Hope you're better cousin. Do you think it's in our genes?

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Fuck me with a fucking tire iron. What a fucking BRUTAL day!!!

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Weekend starts in eight hours. Am I meant to be fuckin' excited? Yeah, woo. Awesome. I get to sit the fuck around and... well, sit the fuck around. Can't surf, can't really do any stupid fucked up thing. Looking forward to the next six fucked up weeks, that's for sure. Anyone good with dynamite? Want to blow up a fuckin' wall? Revenge is a dish best served with fuckin' explosives.

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Weekend starts in eight hours. Am I meant to be fuckin' excited? Yeah, woo. Awesome. I get to sit the fuck around and... well, sit the fuck around. Can't surf, can't really do any stupid fucked up thing. Looking forward to the next six fucked up weeks, that's for sure. Anyone good with dynamite? Want to blow up a fuckin' wall? Revenge is a dish best served with fuckin' explosives.

I guess fucking juggling is out!!! :P

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Weekend starts in eight hours. Am I meant to be fuckin' excited? Yeah, woo. Awesome. I get to sit the fuck around and... well, sit the fuck around. Can't surf, can't really do any stupid fucked up thing. Looking forward to the next six fucked up weeks, that's for sure. Anyone good with dynamite? Want to blow up a fuckin' wall? Revenge is a dish best served with fuckin' explosives.

I guess fucking juggling is out!!! :P

:lol: Indeed... and I had my poor little heart set on the Annual Fucking Juggling Contest in the first week of May, just down the fuckin' road. :( Guess I'll have to wait till next fuckin' year.

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Weekend starts in eight hours. Am I meant to be fuckin' excited? Yeah, woo. Awesome. I get to sit the fuck around and... well, sit the fuck around. Can't surf, can't really do any stupid fucked up thing. Looking forward to the next six fucked up weeks, that's for sure. Anyone good with dynamite? Want to blow up a fuckin' wall? Revenge is a dish best served with fuckin' explosives.

I guess fucking juggling is out!!! :P

:lol: Indeed... and I had my poor little heart set on the Annual Fucking Juggling Contest in the first week of May, just down the fuckin' road. :( Guess I'll have to wait till next fuckin' year.

Can't you do it with one fucking hand???

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Weekend starts in eight hours. Am I meant to be fuckin' excited? Yeah, woo. Awesome. I get to sit the fuck around and... well, sit the fuck around. Can't surf, can't really do any stupid fucked up thing. Looking forward to the next six fucked up weeks, that's for sure. Anyone good with dynamite? Want to blow up a fuckin' wall? Revenge is a dish best served with fuckin' explosives.

I guess fucking juggling is out!!! :P

:lol: Indeed... and I had my poor little heart set on the Annual Fucking Juggling Contest in the first week of May, just down the fuckin' road. :( Guess I'll have to wait till next fuckin' year.

Can't you do it with one fucking hand???

I'm focusing on my feet at the moment... just to see if it's a possibility. Dreams die hard.

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