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The F*%K Thread


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Goooood fuckin' morning everybody... it's fuckin' raining in Jersey, and I'm still half asleep cuz the wife and I were up till past fuckin' midnight last night putting together our new computer desk that we bought at fuckin' Staples. Therefore, nobody better fuck with me today cuz I am NOT in the fuckin' mood for any fuckin' bullshit!! :angry:


Other than that, everything's fuckin' fine...how'bout y'all?


Fuckin' :poke::nyanya:


I'm in a great fuckin' mood today.....despite the pea soup thick fog out there. :unsure:

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Fuckin' :poke::nyanya:

I'm in a great fuckin' mood today.....despite the pea soup thick fog out there. :unsure:


Nice... bait the fuckin' bear why don'cha? :)


Nah, I've had my coffee so I'm now officially the sweetest, nicest fuckin' son of a bitch on Planet Earth again. Amazing what a little fuckin' caffeine will do for ya. :)

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Sounds like someone hasn't had their fucking cup of coffee yet this morning. :unsure:


Today I feel like I need one of them fuckin' gigantic "Box O'Joe" coffee containers from Dunkin' Fuckin' Donuts!!


:lol: Did anyone else just try to say this 10 times fuckin' fast??? :lol:





Fuckin' :poke::nyanya:

I'm in a great fuckin' mood today.....despite the pea soup thick fog out there. :unsure:


Nice... bait the fuckin' bear why don'cha? :)


Nah, I've had my coffee so I'm now officially the sweetest, nicest fuckin' son of a bitch on Planet Earth again. Amazing what a little fuckin' caffeine will do for ya. :)


:lol: awwww.......I feel the fuckin' love, baby :)

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:lol: Did anyone else just try to say this 10 times fuckin' fast??? :lol:




It's got a nice fuckin' flow to it doesn't it?? :lol:

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Plz fucking help me ! Fucking pigeons surrounds me !!!!

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Plz fucking help me ! Fucking pigeons surrounds me !!!!


Throw'em some fuckin' stale bread and then run like fuckin' hell Chris!!

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Plz fucking help me ! Fucking pigeons surrounds me !!!!


Throw'em some fuckin' stale bread and then run like fuckin' hell Chris!!


A fuckin' stale baguette (sp?) .........knock the fuckers out!!!! :lol:

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People, people, PLEASE... can't we all just fuckin' get along??

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Hehe You got it Fuckin backwards! 167pissonomagnetzz8.jpg




Hehe......only thing 'backwards' around here is gonna be my fuckin' hand........upside yo fuckin' head!!! :lol:



JIMMY!!!!!!!! GET HIM!!!!! :axe:

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People, people, PLEASE... can't we all just fuckin' get along??


Hahaha........awwwww.......no fuckin' worries, Keef, just fuckin' funnin'..............John and I go way fuckin' back...



*as she hides the knife behind her back*........mwahahahaha...... :P

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Its too Fuckin bad about those Fucking Ohio State Losers!!


Thier gonna lose!!!


Haha...what's that fuckin' sound I hear??.....Oh, yeah...that's the sound of a Jim Tressel coached Buckeye team OWNING those fuckers up North.......4-1...soon to be 5-1


Lllloyd will soon have another 'L' to his name..........!! :lol:


Get ready to pucker the ol' sphincter Lllloyd......the 18th will soon be on ya....



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**********Random Thought***********


I can just see Christine coming back to the board after her hiatus and thinking WTFUCK is up with all this Eric Brittingham stuff.



********Back to my regularly scheduled thoughts*************




I think that is throwing all the fucking newbies off too.



I may not have 5000+ posts, but I'm far from a :n00b: around here! :blink:




We weren't saying you were a noob, we were talking about the poor people that come on this forum for the 1st time to see all of this Eric Brittingham nonsence that's been going on.


and by the way you forgot to say the magic word- FUCK. :)



Ooops! I'm very fuckin' sorry! :P

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You wont see me comin burgerking.gif:lol:


pssssst........"fuck" :lol:




and ............ewwwwwwwww.........that is one creepy muthafucker!!!! :yikes:

Yes that is one creepy motherfucker!! :yikes:

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Goooood fuckin' mornin everybody... another fuckin' day, another fuckin' dollar... where the fuck is my coffee and my smokeless fuckin' tobacco? OK, I'm all fuckin' set...bring on the fuckin' madness!!

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... where the fuck is my coffee and my smokeless fuckin' tobacco?

Keef... fuckin-a... do you chew?



Yea, I'm not exactly fuckin' proud of it but I fuckin' do. It's fuckin' nasty shit, I know, and I've been tryin' to fuckin' quit on and off for the last couple of years, but right now I'm "off" again. I know, I fuckin' suck.

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... where the fuck is my coffee and my smokeless fuckin' tobacco?

Keef... fuckin-a... do you chew?



Yea, I'm not exactly fuckin' proud of it but I fuckin' do. It's fuckin' nasty shit, I know, and I've been tryin' to fuckin' quit on and off for the last couple of years, but right now I'm "off" again. I know, I fuckin' suck.


We sell a lot, a lot, A LOT of that at the store.... I would think they should come up with a fancy thing for the spittin' part...


WOTTY........can ya make Keef a fancy fuckin' spittoon in your pottery class????? :lol:

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