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The F*%K Thread


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windier than a motherfucker here. Jez has been at the fuckin beans again :lol:


It's pretty fucking windy here too. I don't think it has anything to do with Jez though. :unsure:


I was just gonna fucking suggest that the Widda has been blowing again :lol:

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windier than a motherfucker here. Jez has been at the fuckin beans again :lol:


It's pretty fucking windy here too. I don't think it has anything to do with Jez though. :unsure:


I was just gonna fucking suggest that the Widda has been blowing again :lol:



I am so not taking the fuckin bait on that one. on the other fuckin hand, i am gonna plead the fuckin 5th :nyanya:

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I'm going to lose $86 to a fucking c*nt.



I hope to fuck it is a nice, neatly trimmed one!!

The moment I posted that I knew what I'd fuckin' done. I thought to change it but who am I to pause an open door to obsenity?

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fuck all of this i have to go to fucking bed to get up in the fuckin mornin to go to a mutha fuckin ball breakin day at work yet a fucking again i am so over this ass fuckin mudane moronic life.


fuck i feel so much fuckin better for having a fuckin sook.


come the fuck on frifuckingday. :fu:

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Fuck fuck and triple fuck - I have fucked my Knee up. One visit to the fucking hospital later and I am hobbling around on crutches like a Fucking Twat. :doh:

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What really fucks me off is the moment there's a hint of mist you get some dozy fuckers switch on all their fucling fog light on their cars.


Listen you fuckers, I'm right fucking behind you, I can see your fucking car so swith your fucking fog light off

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get up in the fuckin mornin to go to a mutha fuckin ball breakin day at work yet a fucking again i am so over this ass fuckin mudane moronic life.

Can I get a FUCK YEAH!!!


There's nothing like a good holiday to really show you how much you are just wasting your fucking life away being miserable. Fuck it all. HAHA!

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I'm going to lose $86 to a fucking c*nt.

FUCK YEAH!!!!! I got the full fucking refund!! What a real motherfucking relief that was. Turns out the guy can't have been too big a c*nt after all. Fuck me I was nervous...

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It seems since I fucked my knee up, I can now start my fucking week off from fucking work a few fucking days early. Yip de fucking doo! :banana:

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It seems since I fucked my knee up, I can now start my fucking week off from fucking work a few fucking days early. Yip de fucking doo! :banana:

What the fuck did you do to it?

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It seems since I fucked my knee up, I can now start my fucking week off from fucking work a few fucking days early. Yip de fucking doo! :banana:

What the fuck did you do to it?


I've had a dodgy knee for years after an accident, but I was at work Tuesday night and the fucker froze up. I may have ripped a couple of tendons, but won't know until the fucker has gone down from the swelling. Can't weight bear or drive . I am on Leave next week, but it is a fucker all the same. Oh well, here's to lounging aroung listening to some cool fucking tunes and watching DVD's all week :D


Now get me a beer, fucking extra quick boy ;)

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It seems since I fucked my knee up, I can now start my fucking week off from fucking work a few fucking days early. Yip de fucking doo! :banana:

What the fuck did you do to it?


I've had a dodgy knee for years after an accident, but I was at work Tuesday night and the fucker froze up. I may have ripped a couple of tendons, but won't know until the fucker has gone down from the swelling. Can't weight bear or drive . I am on Leave next week, but it is a fucker all the same. Oh well, here's to lounging aroung listening to some cool fucking tunes and watching DVD's all week :D


Now get me a beer, fucking extra quick boy ;)

Haha, sure I'll get you a beer whoops already finished it on the way over to you. Sorry 'bout that. Maybe next time you break something.


Anyway, hope it heals okay... although, if it's getting you time off work sounds like it may be a fuckin' good thing. Lap it up! :tumbsup:

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