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The Uninteresting Thread


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I got a promotional copy of the new Spider Rockets CD (whoever they are) in the mail over the weekend and it came with a Spider Rockets sticker. I feel so privileged that I can be in the sticker club with Nick and Wes. :)

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I'm sitting here in shock that my St Louis Cardinals are up 2 games to 1 on the Mets.


Not anymore, they're not. Helluva game last night.


My World Series prediction: Tigers/Mets, Mets will win in 5.


But I've been wrong before, so don't quote me :)

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I'm trying to write up a review of the Iron Maiden concert I saw on Friday for my friend's e-zine... and getting nowhere fast :P

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I'm trying to write up a review of the Iron Maiden concert I saw on Friday for my friend's e-zine... and getting nowhere fast :P


Please, when your review will be done, post it here as well

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I'm trying to write up a review of the Iron Maiden concert I saw on Friday for my friend's e-zine... and getting nowhere fast :P


Please, when your review will be done, post it here as well


I shall... there's a quickie review (with a couple of crappy pictures I took with my cell phone camera) over in the "Heavy Metal" section that I posted here the day after the show, if you want to check that out for now... :)

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I shall... there's a quickie review (with a couple of crappy pictures I took with my cell phone camera) over in the "Heavy Metal" section that I posted here the day after the show, if you want to check that out for now... :)


thanks i go see those pics right now :gone:

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I just finished washing dishes.


If my son isn't awake by 8 AM I may have to go upstairs and poke him with a stick...but right now, I'm enjoying the silence.

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I got a promotional copy of the new Spider Rockets CD (whoever they are) in the mail over the weekend and it came with a Spider Rockets sticker. I feel so privileged that I can be in the sticker club with Nick and Wes. :)


Can I be in the club too? I have Tango Down stickers on the back of my monitor. Ooh, can I please, c'mon you guys! :bowdown:

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You're in Pete. Got any Shotgun Alli stickers you can distribute to the other members of the club? :)

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You're in Pete. Got any Shotgun Alli stickers you can distribute to the other members of the club? :)


I want one!


..and does my I (heart) dorks sticker count??


Yeah, that's pretty much the same thing... :anon:


Ya know that reminds me, I brought a few Shotgun Alli pins over to the lads in Merry Olde England and totally forgot to give them out... <_<

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You're in Pete. Got any Shotgun Alli stickers you can distribute to the other members of the club? :)


I want one!


..and does my I (heart) dorks sticker count??


Yeah, that's pretty much the same thing... :anon:


Ya know that reminds me, I brought a few Shotgun Alli pins over to the lads in Merry Olde England and totally forgot to give them out... <_<


oh... I see... we gotta go to freakin England to get the Alli goods <_< (had you have remembered to give 'em out anyway :P)

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

Just remembered another pretty uninteresting thing I saw on the toob prior to last monday night's football game....a reporter was asking ex Raider's coach John Madden 'bout the not-so-good season thus far for the Raiders.....but the camera person had a somewhat unusual angle....and from said angle the viewer could see into Madden's nostril & there was hairs' & green stuff (I know....ewwww!) in there! How's that for uninteresting? :wacko:

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