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The Uninteresting Thread


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  • Wotty


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  • heaven&hell


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I am going to implode from lack of owning new albums in the MHR field. Seriously, are they just being released to taunt me? F*ck the world.


Stop buying crap then!

The only stuff I ever do actually spend money on for myself these days are a couple of good CDs when I feel brave, and even that I can't do anymore.

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I rang Wotty before but he wasn't in at the time...so I left an inane message on his answerphone about Man U winning the European Champions League Trophy...coz I'm a sad Northerner! By Gum!

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I rang Wotty before but he wasn't in at the time...so I left an inane message on his answerphone about Man U winning the European Champions League Trophy...coz I'm a sad Northerner! By Gum!


Up the Chelsea

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John Terry.......Wannnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!


One little slip from John Terry that cost them the game - One Huge slip from 'The Shite' Town that got them relegated.....WANKERS :bowdown: . You obviously Know how he feels mate, but alot worse?

You could sign him up for next season and you can both slip and slide together (apart from you haven't got any money to buy him) :rofl2:

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Been busy today, very unimpressed. Except for free Chinese for lunch... that impressed me.

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The computer is making me want to murder it and my inability to understand stuff about it.

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I hate being up early but I am having coffee now so it almost makes up for it.

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We went sailing on the Norfolk Broads yesterday....Never let 11 year olds pilot your boat !!!!!!!! :yikes:

Did you and the 11 year old pick up any Broads?

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We went sailing on the Norfolk Broads yesterday....Never let 11 year olds pilot your boat !!!!!!!! :yikes:

Did you and the 11 year old pick up any Broads?

If only !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :whistle:

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We went sailing on the Norfolk Broads yesterday....Never let 11 year olds pilot your boat !!!!!!!! :yikes:

Did you and the 11 year old pick up any Broads?

If only !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :whistle:

I'm sorry.... :crying:

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