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Song of the Day

66 mustang

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Another Angel Down - Avantasia


Jorn Lande :bowdown:


The best song on that album by about 4 light years.


It's my fav tune on there but I like every song on the album.

"Shelter from the Rain" is one of my favs too since it has Mr Kiske and is pure Classic Helloween. :tumbsup:

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Edie {Ciao Baby} - The Cult


Easily my favourite song by The Cult :tumbsup:


A classic :bowdown:


It certainly is mate :drink:


That's my fav from The Cult too. :banger:


on topic:

"No Stranger To Love" - Black Hughes/Glenn Sabbath


We must have a connection going mate, Born Again, Seventh Star (about to start playing it) and Edie (Ciao Baby) :bowdown:


Oh I see that you like good music too. :tumbsup:


I'm still not sure about the Born Again though. I like most of the songs but it just sounds kind of wierd to me.

It's like Ian's voice and the music doesn't mesh right. I just wonder what those songs would of sounded like with a Dio or Tony Martin singing or even Glenn Hughes. This is not to say that I don't like Ian's voice because I'm a huge Purple fan but for me he sounded out of place on that Sabbath release.


Backed - As I said before, you should have seen them live on that tour with Gillan doing all the old classics - Weird was not the word. Plus the mighty 'Stonehenge' back drop as well of course!! :)


Remind a newbie of where did you see them?


Can you remember what they played off Born Again and how did they sound?


What was with the back drop?


Thanks :tumbsup:


Saw them at the Reading festival in 1983 along with the last Phil Lynott Thin Lizzy show!!


Can't remember what they played off 'Born Again', but it was basically a greatest Hits type show + a couple of Deep Purple numbers thrown in, which was a little bit odd to say the least, especially hearing Tony Iommi playing the Blackmore riffs.


They played pretty well if I am honest, but when they kicked into 'Smoke On The Water' alot of people started moaning and booing.


The Backdrop - well it wasn't a back drop really , but a mini type Stonhenge set up, allegedly where the Spinal Tap parody came from. Not quite as funny, but not far off.


All in all a pretty poor show for a Sabbath gig, but Thin Lizzy made up for it with a blinding show. :tumbsup:


Cheers Jez :tumbsup:

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Fall Of The Peacemakers - Molly Hatchet


One of the best songs ever recorded and Southern Rock at it's awesomely awesome best!! :guitbannana:

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