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Metal Jay Still At It.


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Good evening all you emo kids,


So, uh, looks like you're all here in Victoria, hey? Okay, well, uh, emo onwards then.


Newly Recruited Emo Kid (at least until I escape their watchfull glares)

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Good Morning Ice-T


Body Count's in tha house.

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Good morning Simple Pimple,


You're red, annoying and close to the crevasse. Leave immediately or be throllopped.



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Good Evening Geoff, Chris, Jason, Keef, Nick, Chad, Rick, Pete, Jez, Ian, Ty, MJ, Lisa, and anyone I left out.


The water is fine come on in.



Thanks for asking. I actually bought Fightstar's 'Grand unification' on the weekend for a sweet aud$12 and the cover depicts the water I'd spoken of several (thousand) times before. How amazing that the one moment of the CD I dwelled so much upon is actually the theme for the cover. I'm rad...










































... until the water comes.

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Good evening Eric


I look through the windows of a department store in envy at the people who live inside. My home is the gutter with the moon as my night light.



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Good morning beasties,


I look across the gravel surface towards the gutter in envy at the people who live in it. My home is the middle of the street with the moon as my blanket.



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Good morning Eric Brittingham, Jason, Megan O'Reilly, Wes, Nick, Pete, Keith, Agapanthis, Mark, Chad, Rick, Cameron, Chris, David Letterman, Turkish Muay Thai Kickboxing Federation, Sandra, Tiscus, Naomi, Laura, Heath, Paul, Tinkerbell, Ballzack, Craig and all you novices in a trained man's game,


Eek! The cat!



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Hello Cousin Wes,


I feel your faith and emphasise the impact of your worship, to ensure my part of the world is just that bit more impossibly awesome than conceivable.



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Good morning Eric Brittingham, Jason, Megan O'Reilly, Wes, Nick, Pete, Keith, Agapanthis, Mark, Chad, Rick, Cameron, Chris, David Letterman, Turkish Muay Thai Kickboxing Federation, Sandra, Tiscus, Naomi, Laura, Heath, Paul, Tinkerbell, Ballzack, Craig and all you novices in a trained man's game,


Eek! The cat!





Why does Jason get two shoutouts?

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Good morning Eric Brittingham, Jason, Megan O'Reilly, Wes, Nick, Pete, Keith, Agapanthis, Mark, Chad, Rick, Cameron, Chris, David Letterman, Turkish Muay Thai Kickboxing Federation, Sandra, Tiscus, Naomi, Laura, Heath, Paul, Tinkerbell, Ballzack, Craig and all you novices in a trained man's game,


Eek! The cat!





Why does Jason get two shoutouts?


3 times, thank you very much.

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Good morning Eric Brittingham, Jason, Megan O'Reilly, Wes, Nick, Pete, Keith, Agapanthis, Mark, Chad, Rick, Cameron, Chris, David Letterman, Turkish Muay Thai Kickboxing Federation, Sandra, Tiscus, Naomi, Laura, Heath, Paul, Tinkerbell, Ballzack, Craig and all you novices in a trained man's game,


Eek! The cat!





Why does Jason get two shoutouts?

'Cuase he looks so gorgeous in that little tutu and it get's my mind in a muddled frenzy of confusion.

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Good morning Eric Brittingham, Jason, Megan O'Reilly, Wes, Nick, Pete, Keith, Agapanthis, Mark, Chad, Rick, Cameron, Chris, David Letterman, Turkish Muay Thai Kickboxing Federation, Sandra, Tiscus, Naomi, Laura, Heath, Paul, Tinkerbell, Ballzack, Craig and all you novices in a trained man's game,


Eek! The cat!





Why does Jason get two shoutouts?


3 times, thank you very much.


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Good Morning Anders and Bjorn:


It's only for the weak.



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Good evening Jenna Jameson fans.


Bob's getting anal tonight.



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Good morning Bob,


How was it? We are talking giving, yes? Not receiving... like Jenna Jameson? Mmmmmmmmm.



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