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Metal Jay Still At It.


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Good afternoon Eric Brittingham and all you half-mutants,


Seriously, are those ninja turtles still teenagers?



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Good evening Eric Brittingham and all those who used to be Rico Suave.


Toilet paper is not for reading



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Good afternoon Eric Brittingham and all you bubbles in a schooner,


The world is fluffy and my head is hazy, like Keith's.


Drunk by lunchtime

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Good afternoon Eric Brittingham and all you bubbles in a schooner,


The world is fluffy and my head is hazy, like Keith's.


Drunk by lunchtime


Good morning Eric Brittingham and all of his acolytes, particularly Geoff.


Who told you that my head was hazy? Was it Eric? He truly IS watching me at all times then! :banana:


Blood on me

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Good evening Eric Brittingham, and everyone here at nuts central


Trillions of amoeba can be found behind my ear



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Good evening again Eric Brittingham


People thought I loved a whale ... but the relationship was only planktonic



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Salutes and hoots to Eric Brittingham and all of his servants here on Earth!


Quarter pounder, Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish and fries,

Doesn't matter what you order, everybody dies.


McDonaldland Massacre.

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Good evening King Brittingham and all His humble servants.


Keith is a McDonalds poet and

he doesn't even know it.


Fries taste better with trans fats.

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Good morning Eric Brittingham and all you crispy french fry-looking bohemian rapsoders,


I've pretty much been talked into buying McDonalds for lunch. I wonder what a chain of outlets like that'll cost me.



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Good Morning Jason.


Candlebox is the greatest band in the world.


Cover Me.


"You" leave others "Far Behind"

It's Amazing, are you guys on Happy Pills? I think you need to Change, Don't You? You're making No Sense.

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Good Morning Jason.


Candlebox is the greatest band in the world.


Cover Me.


"You" leave others "Far Behind"

It's Amazing, are you guys on Happy Pills? I think you need to Change, Don't You? You're making No Sense.

These are all the Simple Lessons in life. Hope we all don't become Drowned.

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Good morning Eric Brittingham and all you candles in the box,


Like an outsider stranded in a desolate town of matches I prowl these boxless streets alone.


The Other

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Good Morning Eric Brittingham, I need your wise guidance.


Have you ever had the triumphant dream where you stalked and killed the ferocious Lyrfimstrdl, only to wake up and be disappointed when you find out that it isn't even listed in the f**king dictionary???

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