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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Little Fockers- sucked. Save your money.


True Grit- Very good.

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Last night on TV:


Spiderman I & II

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Fired Up


Pretty decent comedy


Superman III


My favourite and funniest of the series.


The Descent Part 2


Okay sequel

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Iron Man

Just watched this on TV, never seen it before. Loved it, much better than I expected, one of the best Marvel adaptations. Wife and I both agreed that we'd like to se a bit more baddie-butt-kicking from the suited one, hopefully there is more action in the sequel...

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Silent Night, Deadly Night


A terrible slasher movie from 1984 about a boy who watches his parents get killed by a nutter in a santa suit and turns killer himself 13 years or so later.

Badly acted, looks like a made for tv film, absolute crap.

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"First Blood" (1982)


Sly's first go-round as the original American Bad Ass, John Rambo. I hadn't seen this movie in over 20 years and was curious how well (or not) it had aged. Turns out it's still a great butt-kicker.

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Really good horror, only spoilt by a predictable ending. Great documentary-style film with amazing acting.

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Re-Watch: "Creature" (1985)


Silly but likable b-grade "Alien" ripoff, set on one of the moons of Saturn and featuring the usual group of stock science-fiction movie characters (i.e. the brave captain, the cute female first officer, etc.) battling a carnivorous critter. Fun if you like that sort'a thing, and I do. :lol:



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Dr. Dolittle part 2



Only because my kids wanted to see it ............... :blink:

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I'm about halfway through "End of the Century: The Story of the Ramones" and will probably finish it later this afternoon.


Even if I wasn't a huge Ramones fanboy, this would still be one of the best, if not THE best, Rock documentaries I've ever seen. It's fascinating, funny, and heartbreaking all at the same time. Great, great stuff.



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Tried -- notice I said tried -- to watch "Battlefield Earth" last night.


And...wow. All the reviews I've read about it over the years were right, that damn thing is unwatchably bad. I was so bored that I said "f*ck this" and turned it off about 45 minutes in, which is something I rarely do. Lord knows if I'll bother to go back and watch the rest of it.

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The Stepfather


This is the recent remake...surprisingly good!


Read about this recently, really liked the original.

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Tried -- notice I said tried -- to watch "Battlefield Earth" last night.


And...wow. All the reviews I've read about it over the years were right, that damn thing is unwatchably bad. I was so bored that I said "f*ck this" and turned it off about 45 minutes in, which is something I rarely do. Lord knows if I'll bother to go back and watch the rest of it.


Good decision mate, rubbish film

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