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66 mustang

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Roadgames (1981)


An Australian thriller with Stacy Keach as a truck driver who tries to catch a serial killer. Nice Hitchcock feeling overall, suggestive camera work and the young Jamie Lee Curtis. Cool movie.


Love the sound of that. Just looked up a review in a 'video movie guide' book I have, and I quote: "Even though director Richard Franklin actually studied under Alfred Hitchcock, he doesn't show any of his mentor's ability here." Ouch. Still think I'll check out the film if I get a chance.


Believe me, it's worth watching.

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Not strictly a movie but.....


Heaven 17 "Live" In Sheffield.


The 30th Anniversary of the outstanding "Penthouse And Pavement" album played in its entirety.



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Just finished THE HURT LOCKER. I was a little wary of this movie, despite all the Oscar hype, I was afraid it was really just an action movie. Well, it did have plenty of action, but it was not just mindless. I found the movie well acted and very interesting and compelling. Also, I don't care much for reality/doc style filming, but it worked well for this film. Recommend :)

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Just finished THE HURT LOCKER. I was a little wary of this movie, despite all the Oscar hype, I was afraid it was really just an action movie. Well, it did have plenty of action, but it was not just mindless. I found the movie well acted and very interesting and compelling. Also, I don't care much for reality/doc style filming, but it worked well for this film. Recommend :)


Yeah that's a pretty decent film. Thoroughly unmemorable though, with nothing to the storyline other than just doc-style camera following of some soldiers. And the way it ends is just odd and doesn't work at all...

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Just finished THE HURT LOCKER. I was a little wary of this movie, despite all the Oscar hype, I was afraid it was really just an action movie. Well, it did have plenty of action, but it was not just mindless. I found the movie well acted and very interesting and compelling. Also, I don't care much for reality/doc style filming, but it worked well for this film. Recommend :)


Yeah that's a pretty decent film. Thoroughly unmemorable though, with nothing to the storyline other than just doc-style camera following of some soldiers. And the way it ends is just odd and doesn't work at all...


I was let down by this movie. a one time watcher.

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"Hard Rock Zombies" (1985)

Picked this up on a cheapie compilation DVD at the supermarket the other night. Never seen it but it's one of those movies people have been telling me I "have to see" for years now. All I can say is... wow. This movie is one long series of "WTF?" moments. It's part horror, part comedy, all stupid. :lol:


Our heroes are a terrible mulleted rock band who come to a small town in the middle of nowhere to meet a record company scout (?). While there they pick up a hot chick hitchhiker who invites them to stay at her home, which is populated by a bunch of midgets, weirdos, and assorted psychos. Eventually we find out the head of the household is none other than Hitler himself (!!), who has been in hiding all these years but has picked that exact moment to start the Fourth Reich. The band members are killed by the Nazi family, but are eventually brought back to life by a groupie who plays one of their songs at their grave sites. They play an undead concert and eventually battle the rest of the townspeople who have been turned into zombies before heading peacefully back to their graves... or something like that. Seriously, this movie wasn't very linear at all. I spent most of the run time with my jaw in my lap, constantly saying "what the f***?" :yikes:


While all that is going on you get a bunch of MTV-video style montages set to the band's crappy pop/rock music, some gore, some boobs, some zombie munchin', it's a totally nonsensical, sleazy good time. I never want to see it again, but it was still totally worth the $1.99 I paid for it. :rofl:

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"Hard Rock Zombies" (1985)

Picked this up on a cheapie compilation DVD at the supermarket the other night. Never seen it but it's one of those movies people have been telling me I "have to see" for years now. All I can say is... wow. This movie is one long series of "WTF?" moments. It's part horror, part comedy, all stupid. :lol:


Our heroes are a terrible mulleted rock band who come to a small town in the middle of nowhere to meet a record company scout (?). While there they pick up a hot chick hitchhiker who invites them to stay at her home, which is populated by a bunch of midgets, weirdos, and assorted psychos. Eventually we find out the head of the household is none other than Hitler himself (!!), who has been in hiding all these years but has picked that exact moment to start the Fourth Reich. The band members are killed by the Nazi family, but are eventually brought back to life by a groupie who plays one of their songs at their grave sites. They play an undead concert and eventually battle the rest of the townspeople who have been turned into zombies before heading peacefully back to their graves... or something like that. Seriously, this movie wasn't very linear at all. I spent most of the run time with my jaw in my lap, constantly saying "what the f***?" :yikes:


While all that is going on you get a bunch of MTV-video style montages set to the band's crappy pop/rock music, some gore, some boobs, some zombie munchin', it's a totally nonsensical, sleazy good time. I never want to see it again, but it was still totally worth the $1.99 I paid for it. :rofl:


Myself and a few mates got videos for a horrorthon and plenty of beer and "Hard Rock Zombies" was one of the films.This is way below B grade horror flicks but it has alot of big dumb fun lol moments but i do agree it has alot of wtf jaw on the floor moments.


The crazy thing is if i come across it cheap i will watch it again for a laugh.I'm a shocker for shitty horror B grade and below.

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Angels and Demons or Demons and Angels ...whatever it's called, rather dull, rather daft, couldn't get over how old, bad, puffy faced Tom Hanks looked.

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PONYO! Not his best work but enjoyable, I like Studio Ghibli films. Made my hungry for ham :)

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"Night of the Living Dead" (1968) for about the millionth time.

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Shrek Forever After....A complete let down.

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Bleak British horror. Very confusing and silly.

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A live action film that looks and feels like anime. Very odd indeed, looks great but I have absolutely no idea what the f*** was going on. The ending is completely indecipherable. Probably a film that would make a lot more sense on repeat viewings, but that is 2 hours of my life I can think of far better things to do with. Not recommended unless you're a huge Anime fan and like some of the bizarre, convoluted plots they come up with.


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