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66 mustang

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"A View To A Kill" (1985)



In Roger Moore's final turn as James Bond 007, he travels from France to San Francisco to investigate crazed industrialist Max Zorin (Christopher Walken, in a typically great batsh*t crazy performance) who plans to destroy Silicon Valley in California so that his company can monopolize the world's microchip market. Bond's sidekick this time is Stacey Sutton, a geologist played by former "Charlie's Angel" Tanya Roberts (who was baked to absolute hottie perfection by this time).


I dig this film a lot, it's not quite as goofy as the preceding "Octopu$$y," there are some cool action sequences and impressive set pieces. The only problem is that by 1985, Roger Moore was pushing 60 years of age and therefore was clearly too old for the Bond role. As a result, several "stunts" featuring Moore are painfully obvious green-screen trickery (wouldn't want him to break a hip after all!) and his love scenes with various young hotties end up coming off kinda creepy.


Aside from those minor complaints, good show, one of my favorite Moore 007's.


...and dammit, I almost hate to admit it but I love the theme song to this one, by Duran Duran:


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"Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil" (2011)


Two West Virginian good ole boys just want to spend a relaxing weekend fishin' and drinkin' beer at their mountain cabin, but things get complicated when they have an unfortunate run-in with a gang of preppie college kids who've seen too many horror movies. Mayhem (and hilarity) ensues. Very funny "style parody" that flips all the cliches and conventions of the "inbred/redneck horror" genre on their heads.


After the sh*tty day I had yesterday, I needed to watch something funny, violent and bloody and "Tucker & Dale" fulfilled all three requirements. It's a hoot.

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"Licence to Kill" (1989)




In Timothy Dalton's second (and ultimately final) turn as 007, James Bond goes rogue when his old CIA pal Felix Leiter and his new wife are victimized by a vicious Mexican drug lord. Lotsa stunts, fights and stuff blowin' up follows, as usual.


Decent enough flick and Dalton plays 007 as a cold, utter bad-ass looking for revenge, but overall it didn't feel very "Bond-ish" if you know what I mean. This could've been a generic action movie starring just about anybody.


Robert Davi is great as the scumbag drug lord and the brief cameo by Wayne Newton (!) is seemingly squeezed in there just to make the audience ask "wait a minute, what the hell is Wayne Newton doing in this movie?"


I liked this one a lot when it first came out but it hasn't aged very well.

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"Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil" (2011)


Two West Virginian good ole boys just want to spend a relaxing weekend fishin' and drinkin' beer at their mountain cabin, but things get complicated when they have an unfortunate run-in with a gang of preppie college kids who've seen too many horror movies. Mayhem (and hilarity) ensues. Very funny "style parody" that flips all the cliches and conventions of the "inbred/redneck horror" genre on their heads.


After the sh*tty day I had yesterday, I needed to watch something funny, violent and bloody and "Tucker & Dale" fulfilled all three requirements. It's a hoot.


This looks funny as hell....


Thanx Keef!! :tumbsup:

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"Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil" (2011)


Two West Virginian good ole boys just want to spend a relaxing weekend fishin' and drinkin' beer at their mountain cabin, but things get complicated when they have an unfortunate run-in with a gang of preppie college kids who've seen too many horror movies. Mayhem (and hilarity) ensues. Very funny "style parody" that flips all the cliches and conventions of the "inbred/redneck horror" genre on their heads.


After the sh*tty day I had yesterday, I needed to watch something funny, violent and bloody and "Tucker & Dale" fulfilled all three requirements. It's a hoot.



So the Red Box FINALLY Had it in stock eh?? Man I LOVE this movie!! Good violent bloody stupid fun!!!! Usually it's the Hillbillies that are the stupid ones, but not in this case!!! :rofl2:

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"Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil" (2011)


Two West Virginian good ole boys just want to spend a relaxing weekend fishin' and drinkin' beer at their mountain cabin, but things get complicated when they have an unfortunate run-in with a gang of preppie college kids who've seen too many horror movies. Mayhem (and hilarity) ensues. Very funny "style parody" that flips all the cliches and conventions of the "inbred/redneck horror" genre on their heads.


After the sh*tty day I had yesterday, I needed to watch something funny, violent and bloody and "Tucker & Dale" fulfilled all three requirements. It's a hoot.


This looks funny as hell....


Thanx Keef!! :tumbsup:


It was a pisser! Check it out!!


So the Red Box FINALLY Had it in stock eh?? Man I LOVE this movie!! Good violent bloody stupid fun!!!! Usually it's the Hillbillies that are the stupid ones, but not in this case!!!


Yup, finally... I even sent Redbox's customer service an e-mail telling them "PLEASE put more copies of this movie in my local machines, I'm tired of it showing up "out of stock" every time I go looking for it!" and lo and behold a couple of days later, it popped up. :D

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"Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" (2011)



Remake of the 1973 cult classic in which a troubled family moves into a Victorian mansion with a dark past, and the daughter is menaced by a horde of tiny creatures that whisper to her from the basement.


Cool, creepy stuff with loads of atmosphere, produced by Spanish horror maestro Guillermo Del Toro.

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"Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" (2011)



Remake of the 1973 cult classic in which a troubled family moves into a Victorian mansion with a dark past, and the daughter is menaced by a horde of tiny creatures that whisper to her from the basement.


Cool, creepy stuff with loads of atmosphere, produced by Spanish horror maestro Guillermo Del Toro.


I watched this last night and I want my 2hrs back. I actually got up, let the dogs out and checked on the computer for a couple minutes during the last 1/3 of the movie.

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I watched this last night and I want my 2hrs back. I actually got up, let the dogs out and checked on the computer for a couple minutes during the last 1/3 of the movie.


Didn't dig it huh? Wife and I enjoyed it. Though I gotta admit, the little girl was kind of annoying, haha. We also hoped that the "goblins" would kill her father cuz he was an utter douche bag. :rofl2:

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I watched this last night and I want my 2hrs back. I actually got up, let the dogs out and checked on the computer for a couple minutes during the last 1/3 of the movie.


Didn't dig it huh? Wife and I enjoyed it. Though I gotta admit, the little girl was kind of annoying, haha. We also hoped that the "goblins" would kill her father cuz he was an utter douche bag. :rofl2:


I don't know, maybe I'm board of these movies or maybe I just wasn't in the mood to watch it. I was really hopeing that the wife would bring home Tucker and Dale vs Evil.


another thing about these types of movies that involve kids is the fact that they make me feel guilty because it is a rare occasion when I let my daughter sleep with me, even when she tells me her room is scary. I try my best to keep her in her room

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I was really hopeing that the wife would bring home Tucker and Dale vs Evil.


Oh hell yeah, I can understand how, if you were hyped up for "Tucker & Dale" and ended up with this instead, you might've been like "Awwww, sh*t." Haha.


I saw "Tucker & Dale" a few nights ago and definitely preferred that to "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark."

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I was really hopeing that the wife would bring home Tucker and Dale vs Evil.


Oh hell yeah, I can understand how, if you were hyped up for "Tucker & Dale" and ended up with this instead, you might've been like "Awwww, sh*t." Haha.


I saw "Tucker & Dale" a few nights ago and definitely preferred that to "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark."

that's the Red Box Luck going on there.

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