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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Tried -- notice I said tried -- to watch "Battlefield Earth" last night.


And...wow. All the reviews I've read about it over the years were right, that damn thing is unwatchably bad. I was so bored that I said "f*ck this" and turned it off about 45 minutes in, which is something I rarely do. Lord knows if I'll bother to go back and watch the rest of it.


Good decision mate, rubbish film


Yeah, but I'm sure my Film Watcher's O.C.D. will probably compel me to finish watching it at some point. I simply can't NOT finish a movie, even a godawful piece of crap like this. Dunno why. I guess in the back of my mind I'm afraid that if I never find out how it turns out, it's going to bother me forever.

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Tried -- notice I said tried -- to watch "Battlefield Earth" last night.


And...wow. All the reviews I've read about it over the years were right, that damn thing is unwatchably bad. I was so bored that I said "f*ck this" and turned it off about 45 minutes in, which is something I rarely do. Lord knows if I'll bother to go back and watch the rest of it.


Good decision mate, rubbish film


Yeah, but I'm sure my Film Watcher's O.C.D. will probably compel me to finish watching it at some point. I simply can't NOT finish a movie, even a godawful piece of crap like this. Dunno why. I guess in the back of my mind I'm afraid that if I never find out how it turns out, it's going to bother me forever.


Probably afraid you`ll enjoy it :rofl2:

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I've never watched Battlefield Earth, but find it hard to imagine it being as bad as everyone says! What is so terrible about it?


Having said that, I have enough films to watch and I dislike Travolta, so I don't need persuading to leave this one well alone.

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I've never watched Battlefield Earth, but find it hard to imagine it being as bad as everyone says! What is so terrible about it?


Having said that, I have enough films to watch and I dislike Travolta, so I don't need persuading to leave this one well alone.


What little I've seen has been total "WTF?" nonsense thus far. You get dropped into the story without a single clue of who the characters are, what the story's supposed to be about, etc. Basically the guy who I assume will end up being the hero has spent the entire time getting into fights with other characters (in slow motion, in what I assume is an attempt to be stylish) and screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" or "AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGH!" a lot, while Travolta (under about 100 pounds of ugly makeup that makes him look like the love child of Yoda and a Klingon) stands around cackling and arguing with the other aliens.


Y'know all those awful post-apocalyptic "Mad Max" ripoff movies that were made in Italy back in the '80s, that tried to mix the science-fiction and sword-and-sorcery genres (badly)? This is what one of those movies would've looked like if it had a $50 million dollar budget.


Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of crappy movies (I'm sure some of the films I've posted about in this thread have made that quite obvious)... but thus far this flick is a whole 'nother KIND of crap. This is the sort of crap that the CRAP calls "crap." If that makes any sense. :blink:

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I've never watched Battlefield Earth, but find it hard to imagine it being as bad as everyone says! What is so terrible about it?


Having said that, I have enough films to watch and I dislike Travolta, so I don't need persuading to leave this one well alone.


What little I've seen has been total "WTF?" nonsense thus far. You get dropped into the story without a single clue of who the characters are, what the story's supposed to be about, etc. Basically the guy who I assume will end up being the hero has spent the entire time getting into fights with other characters (in slow motion, in what I assume is an attempt to be stylish) and screaming "AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGH!" a lot, while Travolta (under about 100 pounds of ugly makeup that makes him look like the love child of Yoda and a Klingon) stands around cackling and arguing with the other alien characters.


Y'know all those awful post-apocalyptic "Mad Max" ripoff movies that were made in Italy back in the '80s, that tried to mix the science-fiction and sword-and-sorcery genres (badly)? This is like one of those movies, with a $50 million dollar budget.



I have yet to see this,but I did read the book and it was quite good. Not surprised that the book got messed up in movie translation.


Crazyheart Jeff Bridges as an alcoholic has been country western entertainer. Not bad. Can't imagine the role was too big a stretch...

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Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

Alright Freddy, you can calm the fu-k down; I've watched it, now.

This film was hilarious, yet the title was misleading. I expected more tyrannical conquering. While this usually finds its way on the list of worst movies ever made, it stills is deserving of, at the least, one viewing from any film buff.


:rofl: Damn, I missed this post till now. Glad you enjoyed it... nice to see that I'm not the only cinematic masochist around here. :P


You've got a point though -- Santa doesn't really "conquer" anything, does he? :blink:


Seriously, if ever a movie was screaming to be remade by Tim Burton (or perhaps Rob Zombie), "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" is it. Just imagine what either of those twisted f*cks could do with that film!!! :yikes:

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I've never watched Battlefield Earth, but find it hard to imagine it being as bad as everyone says! What is so terrible about it?


Having said that, I have enough films to watch and I dislike Travolta, so I don't need persuading to leave this one well alone.


How could you not like him in Grease and Pulp Fiction :whistle:

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I've never watched Battlefield Earth, but find it hard to imagine it being as bad as everyone says! What is so terrible about it?


Having said that, I have enough films to watch and I dislike Travolta, so I don't need persuading to leave this one well alone.


How could you not like him in Grease and Pulp Fiction :whistle:


I would like both films more if someone else had played those parts. Unless it was Nicholas Cage.

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Angels And Demons


Enjoyed what I could understand as my wife kept talking over the relevant bits :hammer:

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The Towering Inferno


One of the great disaster films!


Also noteworthy for the fact that it's O.J. Simpson's film debut (even though all he does is run around hallways, kicking doors open and saying "Hello? Is anybody in here?" :lol: )

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Freddy vs. Jason


"Welcome to my nightmare, bitch!"


I love that movie. It was a total fanboy dream come true to see those two finally mix it up.


Probably gonna watch "Predator 2" tonight...

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Freddy vs. Jason


"Welcome to my nightmare, bitch!"


I love that movie. It was a total fanboy dream come true to see those two finally mix it up.



Did you happen to see that Nightmare on Elm Street four hour two part special they did on the Biography channel where they talked about all of those movies including Freddy Vs Jason? I think the special came out last year but I caught the rerun last Sunday. Very awesome special that had interviews with almost everyone that was involved in all of the movies.

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Freddy vs. Jason


"Welcome to my nightmare, bitch!"


I love that movie. It was a total fanboy dream come true to see those two finally mix it up.



Did you happen to see that Nightmare on Elm Street four hour two part special they did on the Biography channel where they talked about all of those movies including Freddy Vs Jason? I think the special came out last year but I caught the rerun last Sunday. Very awesome special that had interviews with almost everyone that was involved in all of the movies.


Yeah, I saw that around Halloween time. It was killer. Lots of cool insider info and geek trivia about the series.

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