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Who wants to start up a friendly wager??


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When my daughter was going into Jr High, 7th grade, there was a huge PTA and school board meeting, because there was going to be 2 trannies attending the JR High with my daughter, and they of course were boys who acted like girls, and they were not going to be using the boys bathrooms, and this got an entire jr high school and parents of around 3000 people jammed into a gym built for around 900, so it had to be held out on the soccer field, all of this over 2 little pukes who wanted to see snatch, and parents were actually voting yes to this, well being the supportive dad I am, trying to remember my daughters athletic name could ride on what I said, her being in the first year of the school I walked up to the microphone to address the school board and the parents, her mom mouthed something at me then ran her finger across her throat, but this was my little girl, I kept it civil, until one of the queers dads started to tell me I was a piece of shit and how would I like it if my daughter was ostracized all year, and then his fucking jumbo wife jumped in with her louder then average shrill, honestly she could've gone for a dude, but I just stood there, and of all the shit I was ready to hurl at them, and completely say what every parent I knew that was there wanted to say, I took a deep breath and I looked at the school board members and ignored the mutant parents, bit my lip and said the most minimum thing I could think, I said OK, I'll no vote this and not against it, but the first time one of them little dudes follows my daughter into the girls bathroom, im gonna follow him in there, and I cant promise anything goods gonna happen except my daughter wont ever have to worry about boys in her bathroom again, and I walked off, because that's exactly what I felt.

I cant imagine there's a father of a girl on this swim team who's gonna be able to just stand there and bite his lip much longer, I was dead serious when I said that, I don't give a fuck if those boys were 15, that's my little baby girl, and ill fucking wreck anybody who lays a fucking hand on her, she's 20 yrs old and I still feel this way, if one of those fathers doesn't take care of this for everyone, Ive lost faith in humanity, and any of you who have a baby girl, unless your a fucking scumbag, I know you feel this way, so does anyone wanna make a friendly wager if this will happen or not? you make the call, im bored and stoned, and im tripping im seeing the day they allow a fucking scumbag faggot piece of shit cocksucker run around a fucking little girls locker room and just snatch watch, that's their sport, I think this dude needs to be taken into some hills, and maybe explained how he should rethink his position, OK, thank you rant over, hit me up if you wanna bet cause im dead serious, there's 35 girls on that team, you cant tell me 35 dads are just gonna look past this.



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Thank God we can still change schools in Australia (as long as you can pay for the privilege). My daughter is going to a catholic school from this year. They have to pay lip service to the progressive agenda of course, but they don't ram it down kids throats like in State schools where it is basically 100% brainwashing and activism recruitment these days.

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  • 2024 Gold Donors

The acceptance of transgender Males competing athletically with Females baffles the fuck out of me.

Surely any sane person could see how ridiculous it is, yet it's not just accepted, it's encouraged. 

I can't understand it.

Nothing against transgender people, but this is some bullshit.

It also makes you wonder what sort of satisfaction an athlete would get knowing that they have a huge biological advantage against their opponents.

I'm not including all trans males in this statement, but the ones competing against girls/women must be sociopathic. 

Slighty off topic, but I watch the USA Today show in the morning and they did a story a couple of days ago about your latest "Jeopardy" record breaking champ.

A lovely looking lady.

Seriously though, that's fine, her gender orientation didn't give her an advantage in this example and good on her.

The ones competing in female sports though, should be ashamed of themselves. 

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22 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

The acceptance of transgender Males competing athletically with Females baffles the fuck out of me.

Surely any sane person could see how ridiculous it is, yet it's not just accepted, it's encouraged. 

I can't understand it.

Nothing against transgender people, but this is some bullshit.

It also makes you wonder what sort of satisfaction an athlete would get knowing that they have a huge biological advantage against their opponents.

I'm not including all trans males in this statement, but the ones competing against girls/women must be sociopathic. 

Slighty off topic, but I watch the USA Today show in the morning and they did a story a couple of days ago about your latest "Jeopardy" record breaking champ.

A lovely looking lady.

Seriously though, that's fine, her gender orientation didn't give her an advantage in this example and good on her.

The ones competing in female sports though, should be ashamed of themselves. 

Dusty, did you watch the video? this faggot is walking around the girls locker room with his cock hanging out, he still likes females, he's made sure to open his towel to some of these girls, and he always makes sure his cock is in sight, this university is letting a fucking Rape-O just hang out around all these girls, swinging his cock, beating them in swimming they have now reported they feel threatened, and their coach told them if they wish to lose their spot on the team then they should keep complaining, my rant wasn't about ferrys swimming against chicks, everybody knows that dude couldn't beat any dudes, so he had to beat chicks, out of all the shit going on right now, this has gotten to me the most, and I will tell you right this second, on my little girls life, my girls one of those girls who feels threatened(which she would just take care of it herself) but if she was that motherfucker wouldn't make his next swim meet, and I would be charged proudly with a hate crime, im just waiting to see if any of these girls dads have a set of balls on them, how they can just passively wait around while this fucking rape-o is stalking their daughters in the girls locker room and he has cart blanche to do it, blows my mind. that dude wouldn't swim again, within the next year or so, I don't think he'd want to be on the swim team anymore, call up a couple of my closest Tongan pals and take that fucker out somewhere in the Uintahs, and say k motherfucker you wanted to be a girl, well your transitions on us.

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
20 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

Dusty, did you watch the video? this faggot is walking around the girls locker room with his cock hanging out, he still likes females, he's made sure to open his towel to some of these girls, and he always makes sure his cock is in sight, this university is letting a fucking Rape-O just hang out around all these girls, swinging his cock, beating them in swimming they have now reported they feel threatened, and their coach told them if they wish to lose their spot on the team then they should keep complaining, my rant wasn't about ferrys swimming against chicks, everybody knows that dude couldn't beat any dudes, so he had to beat chicks, out of all the shit going on right now, this has gotten to me the most, and I will tell you right this second, on my little girls life, my girls one of those girls who feels threatened(which she would just take care of it herself) but if she was that motherfucker wouldn't make his next swim meet, and I would be charged proudly with a hate crime, im just waiting to see if any of these girls dads have a set of balls on them, how they can just passively wait around while this fucking rape-o is stalking their daughters in the girls locker room and he has cart blanche to do it, blows my mind. that dude wouldn't swim again, within the next year or so, I don't think he'd want to be on the swim team anymore, call up a couple of my closest Tongan pals and take that fucker out somewhere in the Uintahs, and say k motherfucker you wanted to be a girl, well your transitions on us.

Yeah, it's disturbing. 

I just don't understand how this is even a debate. 


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the way I see it is this, these fringe fuckers need to go do there own shit and stop infringing on what the normal people in the world do, we are the majority, why the fuck are we pandering to the minority? make sense to you? maybe there's a reason they have been repressed, maybe it's time to put the fucking genie back in the bottle, put the clamps down, and just say if you aren't on par to conduct yourself with class and act like a fucking normal human being, regardless of what kind of freak you are, then we should stifle them, we tried, we tried hard, there's a difference between treating motherfuckers like equals and bending over backwards when we get nothing out of it, what benefit does it serve us to suck these fuckers cock? I know I get nothing out of it but stress, time to call it a fucking day.

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This is the type of stuff that takes a fine concept with regards to bias and acceptance and spins it the fuck out of whack.

And that is why the PNW is in flames.

Don't take this wrong, but its the unending rolling over that is setting an impossible to return from negative standard.

Case in point your swimmer story Cody, all it takes (or would have taken) was someone to act like an adult and curb this shit.

Sure OK you can swim with the girls, your going to do what now? Well than fuck off. Problem solved.

Or can I go around saying I'm transgender just so I can whack off at pretty people and not get in trouble. Fuck I have been going about it all wrong.

And as you've mentioned the first dude or dudette that looks at my daughter or son for that matter inappropriately will get a one way ticket to having a handicap placard in their windscreen.

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12 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

Stuff like this makes me glad I don't have children.....

It definitely doesn't make shit easy, especially when the systems that should be trying to protect and help the kids is the system fucking them off, I am glad the bulk of this happened when my daughter was old enough to handle herself, maybe to much, but just the same, I got no problem with anyone, well pedophiles don't get a lot of love out of me, neither do faggots who cover their faces and assault senior citizens and weaker people, their called Antifa, anyone else, I don't care if you suck cock or wanna wear panties, I don't care if you believe in god or Satan or anything, fact is that I got no problem with anybody else's preferences or kinks etc, why cant it end with that, why do you then have to infringe on my life and make me hate you? I know im not alone, many people I discuss shit with don't care what 2 dudes do, or if you wear fishnets, why do you have to start infecting people with it? give em an inch they take a foot, I know now days it's racist and like I said, don't give a fuck, by the looks of my twitter feedback I'm up there with Hitler in the white supremacist department, and frankly I don't give a fuck, its apparent  a boot needs to be put back on a few necks, because now it's affecting the way I live and that's not what I signed up for, that's not how you repay the middle of the road everyday people who without them, you still would be hiding in the closet and having to hide your identity, there's just to many people who are starting to be effected by this shit, passiveness only works for so long.

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9 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

It definitely doesn't make shit easy, especially when the systems that should be trying to protect and help the kids is the system fucking them off, I am glad the bulk of this happened when my daughter was old enough to handle herself, maybe to much, but just the same, I got no problem with anyone, well pedophiles don't get a lot of love out of me, neither do faggots who cover their faces and assault senior citizens and weaker people, their called Antifa, anyone else, I don't care if you suck cock or wanna wear panties, I don't care if you believe in god or Satan or anything, fact is that I got no problem with anybody else's preferences or kinks etc, why cant it end with that, why do you then have to infringe on my life and make me hate you? I know im not alone, many people I discuss shit with don't care what 2 dudes do, or if you wear fishnets, why do you have to start infecting people with it? give em an inch they take a foot, I know now days it's racist and like I said, don't give a fuck, by the looks of my twitter feedback I'm up there with Hitler in the white supremacist department, and frankly I don't give a fuck, its apparent  a boot needs to be put back on a few necks, because now it's affecting the way I live and that's not what I signed up for, that's not how you repay the middle of the road everyday people who without them, you still would be hiding in the closet and having to hide your identity, there's just to many people who are starting to be effected by this shit, passiveness only works for so long.

They're not male and not female so if they aren't welcome in the mens washroom why are they okay in the womens washroom? Give them their own crapper and let them compete in sports as 'other' against those like them....and if that is politically incorrect then too fucking bad....I believe in 'live and let live' but this shit is crazy....

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10 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

It definitely doesn't make shit easy, especially when the systems that should be trying to protect and help the kids is the system fucking them off, I am glad the bulk of this happened when my daughter was old enough to handle herself, maybe to much, but just the same, I got no problem with anyone, well pedophiles don't get a lot of love out of me, neither do faggots who cover their faces and assault senior citizens and weaker people, their called Antifa, anyone else, I don't care if you suck cock or wanna wear panties, I don't care if you believe in god or Satan or anything, fact is that I got no problem with anybody else's preferences or kinks etc, why cant it end with that, why do you then have to infringe on my life and make me hate you? I know im not alone, many people I discuss shit with don't care what 2 dudes do, or if you wear fishnets, why do you have to start infecting people with it? give em an inch they take a foot, I know now days it's racist and like I said, don't give a fuck, by the looks of my twitter feedback I'm up there with Hitler in the white supremacist department, and frankly I don't give a fuck, its apparent  a boot needs to be put back on a few necks, because now it's affecting the way I live and that's not what I signed up for, that's not how you repay the middle of the road everyday people who without them, you still would be hiding in the closet and having to hide your identity, there's just to many people who are starting to be effected by this shit, passiveness only works for so long.

Well said and I have always said similarly, you do you but as long as it doesn't hurt me or my family (and it goes without saying acts against kids, animals, and the like are an instant game over).

Same for religion, great praise whomever but don't look sideways at me cuz I got a Satan fish on my car.

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24 minutes ago, martinsane said:

This is the type of stuff that takes a fine concept with regards to bias and acceptance and spins it the fuck out of whack.

And that is why the PNW is in flames.

Don't take this wrong, but its the unending rolling over that is setting an impossible to return from negative standard.

Case in point your swimmer story Cody, all it takes (or would have taken) was someone to act like an adult and curb this shit.

Sure OK you can swim with the girls, your going to do what now? Well than fuck off. Problem solved.

Or can I go around saying I'm transgender just so I can whack off at pretty people and not get in trouble. Fuck I have been going about it all wrong.

And as you've mentioned the first dude or dudette that looks at my daughter or son for that matter inappropriately will get a one way ticket to having a handicap placard in their windscreen.

Exactly, a lot of these snowflakes problems are they weren't around when there was actual repression and violence towards them, all these black cocksuckers trying to call the shots and strong arm white kids, ala ASU library, they cant even comprehend the type of shit the blacks back in Jim Crow endured, these are just entitled little millennials who are just fucking idiots, who btw more then likely the only reason are enrolled at Arizona State is because they are black, my daughter told me it's bad down there, she's going to transfer up here to Utah State, it's to bad, cause now she's going to have to pay to go to school, but she wants to be a litigator, not a politician, the PNW is truly worrisome, like seriously, when your leaders are as if not more fucking nuts then the people, nothing positive is going to arrive, but the worlds going fucking crazy and people don't just stop for a second and think that it doesn't have to be that way, step up and take a spot on the local school board, cause I know that's all it took at my daughters school, get involved in shit on local levels, if they destroy our country I know im gonna make sure im on the outs, or dead when they do.

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  • 2024 Gold Donors
33 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

They're not male and not female so if they aren't welcome in the mens washroom why are they okay in the womens washroom? Give them their own crapper and let them compete in sports as 'other' against those like them....and if that is politically incorrect then too fucking bad....I believe in 'live and let live' but this shit is crazy....

This is 100% correct and pure logic.

I don't know why it's not treated as such.

It's also interesting that as far as I'm aware there are no women who have transitioned into men who are competing athletically with males.  

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