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The Corona Titty Bonanza at Cody's House


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2 of my friends who have had the Corons, and one who has right now, all decided to head over to my house yesterday, cause I was going to lose my mind from boredom and isolation anyways, I feel so ran down I didn't feel like even playing darts or pool, so I busted out the DVDs and we viewed all the classics, mind you these guys and girl are all half my age, they had never seen the good old early 80's titty classics, so I presented them the classics, Last American Virgin, Revenge Of The Nerds, Hardbodies, Beach Balls, Private Resort, Fraternity Vacation, and of course, the king of them all Porky's, something happened, you see there's a scene in Porky s that's unlike any scene in any other movie I can think of, the 1st time I saw it as a little kid I laughed so hysterically I almost passed out, and when I watched it again yesterday, I damn near had the same reaction, I cant help it or explain it, something about it makes me unable to not laugh, my friends laughed to, but not as hard as I was, it's the only scene of it's kind, and as lethargic as I am, it spent the last of the energy I have without me even controlling it, I was curious if any of my metal brethren worship this flick like I did as a kid, and does anybody else remember this scene? or is it just a Cody thing? I'm very interested.



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30 minutes ago, gooup said:




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would that be a muff top?

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

Ah yes, the 80s titty movie. I remember all the one's you mentioned fondly.

There was also,

Screwballs I and II

Hot Chilli

The Bikini Shop

Spring Break

Hot Dog - The Movie.


These movies were on high VHS rental rotation when I was in my early teens. I knew them all like the back of my hand, so to speak.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
5 hours ago, Leykis101 said:



Kim Cattrall was always as sexy as fuck and despite the cunt of a character she played on "Sex and the City", she seems to be pure class in real life. 

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3 hours ago, Darkstone said:

Kim Cattrall was always as sexy as fuck and despite the cunt of a character she played on "Sex and the City", she seems to be pure class in real life. 

Funny you say that, when I was in high school I got my first internship at believe it or not, a Pop Rock station, I was in 11th grade, and that was not the kind of radio station I wanted to be associated with, I was rather embarrassed tbh, but my very 1st day I was sent on a remote with one of the older jocks, we had to go to Park City, as I'm sure you all know that's where Sundance is held, I had to get all Dave's shit ready because he was veteran press, and he would get 1st crack at the "Big" interviews, which he also did for TV, He later went onto host the tabloid show Extra, his name is Dave Nemeth, if any of you remember him? but my 1st day on the job for that gay ass pop station, I got to meet Kim Cattrall, as well as Cynthia Nixon who was also on that show I never watched once with Kim, I actually got to go to dinner with Glenn Close and Miguel Fererra, the next year I went back and did radio interviews for the rock station I worked at for a few years, I met some actually awesome actors, and their was some huge cocksuckers, the absolute coolest mother fucker I ever met was Mathew Perry, he was just like a regular dude, absolutely zero ego, he got as smashed as I did, he is truly a good dude, the biggest douche I ever met was Kevin Spacey, that guy wreaked of cocksucker, I ad-libed my questions to him because he acted so put out and disgusted he had to answer questions, but many of these guys are under contract and they have no choice if their promoting a movie, which he was, so he just made it as miserable as possible, Kim Cattrall and Cynthia Nixon were very nice, Nixon is as pretty as a dogs asshole, and possibly one of the coolest chicks I ever met, Kim was getting absolutely hounded by people, so she was kind of annoyed, I could never live that life, watching those guys trying to go take a shit, and motherfuckers follow them into the goddamn bathroom, I'd loose it, id snap someones nose or neck, I truly don't think people understand the hassle that comes with being famous, and by the time most of them do, it's far too late, anyways, I had to mention that, because as stated it was heard Kim was an awesome person, and I don't know if you met her? or just heard that, but I had to definitely put my 2 cents in and agree 100%, she really was a down to earth person, and I had always envisioned her being the complete opposite, I was way to busy to even stop and talk to her as a fan, or I would've howled when I saw her, or spit a couple of Mahoney lines from Police Academy.

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23 hours ago, Darkstone said:

Ah yes, the 80s titty movie. I remember all the one's you mentioned fondly.

There was also,

Screwballs I and II

Hot Chilli

The Bikini Shop

Spring Break

Hot Dog - The Movie.


These movies were on high VHS rental rotation when I was in my early teens. I knew them all like the back of my hand, so to speak.

Fast Time At Ridgemont High must get a mention. Special scene when Phoebe Cates comes out pool


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  • 2023 Gold Donors
On 11/25/2020 at 8:56 PM, Leykis101 said:

2 of my friends who have had the Corons, and one who has right now, all decided to head over to my house yesterday, cause I was going to lose my mind from boredom and isolation anyways, I feel so ran down I didn't feel like even playing darts or pool, so I busted out the DVDs and we viewed all the classics, mind you these guys and girl are all half my age, they had never seen the good old early 80's titty classics, so I presented them the classics, Last American Virgin, Revenge Of The Nerds, Hardbodies.

I'm sure a man of your knowledge was aware of this, Cody San.


On 3/25/2020 at 1:46 PM, Darkstone said:

I'd just discovered Little Caeser when T2 came out and recognized him straight away. The credits confirmed it and I got a kick out of it.

Here's one you might not be aware of. The 1984 sex comedy "Hardbodies" was regularly rented by me from my local video store back in my early teen "titty movie self isolation" days. It was only recently that I discovered  "Vixen" were the all girl band who featured prominently.  They had more of a pop/rock vibe.




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Cody, your not alone, that scene is epic and obviously while one watches it, just the shear strength/will of the principal and Bula not to lose their shit is amazing.

I'd bet, like many 80's movies the improvising and just sheer amount of talent displayed in scenes like this can't be matched again. And in a low rent titty comedy, makes it that much more awesome.


For Kim C fans Mannequin and Big Trouble in Little China are great vehicles for her prowess. And agreed she is and was very hot.


Lastly, great stories Cody. Meeting those celeb's and those being cool is refreshing. I met John Ashton once and he was the coolest person ever and I've met a good many cool people.

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41 minutes ago, martinsane said:

Cody, your not alone, that scene is epic and obviously while one watches it, just the shear strength/will of the principal and Bula not to lose their shit is amazing.

I'd bet, like many 80's movies the improvising and just sheer amount of talent displayed in scenes like this can't be matched again. And in a low rent titty comedy, makes it that much more awesome.


For Kim C fans Mannequin and Big Trouble in Little China are great vehicles for her prowess. And agreed she is and was very hot.


Lastly, great stories Cody. Meeting those celeb's and those being cool is refreshing. I met John Ashton once and he was the coolest person ever and I've met a good many cool people.

I was a fan of Ashton, I thought he was epic as Harry's dad in Night Court, I don't think he ever got a lot of credit for that role, as he played like 10th fiddle to that extremely talented cast.


A side note for those in the know, I forgot to mention another great little tidbit with regards to Hardbodies, if you didn't notice a teenage Michael Rappaport in there you'll die laughing.

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I had to throw in a shout out to my all time favorite childhood early 80's titty flick, in was almost as obscure as the music we all love, but I saw it once on an old early 80's pay channel called SelectTV, how it never got more well known I just don't know, I no longer have my VHS of it, and last checked had never been given a DVD release, it was called The Party Animal, I'm sure one or two of you has seen it, but i seriously feel empty until I get it, my VHS was so used parts of it would completely be gone, but if any of you that like these movies get an opportunity you need to watch it, I've seen it pop up late at night on Cinemax a few times, but never been able to record it, I will if I see it again.

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9 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

I had to throw in a shout out to my all time favorite childhood early 80's titty flick, in was almost as obscure as the music we all love, but I saw it once on an old early 80's pay channel called SelectTV, how it never got more well known I just don't know, I no longer have my VHS of it, and last checked had never been given a DVD release, it was called The Party Animal, I'm sure one or two of you has seen it, but i seriously feel empty until I get it, my VHS was so used parts of it would completely be gone, but if any of you that like these movies get an opportunity you need to watch it, I've seen it pop up late at night on Cinemax a few times, but never been able to record it, I will if I see it again.

Been a while since I've seen that one, but you can watch it here (the link works just not here apparently due to the age restrictions:


Many favorites from my youth but a few that resonate at the moment are Jekyll and Hyde Together Again and the epic The Wild Life.


So many more however.

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9 hours ago, martinsane said:

Been a while since I've seen that one, but you can watch it here (the link works just not here apparently due to the age restrictions:


Many favorites from my youth but a few that resonate at the moment are Jekyll and Hyde Together Again and the epic The Wild Life.


So many more however.

The Wild Life, will never be released on DVD and its fucking sad, many EVH tracks in that movie including Donut City

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On 11/29/2020 at 9:32 AM, Leykis101 said:

The Wild Life, will never be released on DVD and its fucking sad, many EVH tracks in that movie including Donut City

That's right I almost forgot about the VH stuff. I just can't help going about saying "It's Casual" or one of my favorite lines from the movie: :There's this place, called Les Girls. You can get a steak and a girl and put them on the credit card. VISA or Mastercharge".


RIP Chris Penn.

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What a waste of talent, had more talent in his pinky then his brother had ever.

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