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Section 8


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This really grinds my gears. Baltimore County has followed Baltimore City is passing a law saying although you own your property, you have to accept low income section 8 vouchers. It's law. You own your property, but you aren't allowed to rent your property to whoever YOU see fit. You must allow any vagrant with a voucher.

I have already experienced this in Baltimore City, where I have lived in this same neighborhood for almost my whole life.

A guy bought a foreclosed wreck of a house next door to me. He put tons of money into the home and made it look amazing. Rent was $1600 a month. He accepted a section 8 voucher tenant. Was supposed to be 5 residents. Didn't end up that way.

These ghetto assholes were trash. They totally made the neighborhood worse. They had people blasting music and running in and out of the house all hours of the day and night. The police were there every other week. They disappeared for awhile and then all of the sudden were back. By the time he finally got them out, there was 12 people living there. They had destroyed the entire house including all of the appliances.

He had to spend all of that money all over again.

Who in the fuck gives the government the right to tell me who I can or can't rent to? Why are they forcing crime into good neighborhoods? FUCK you government!!

Read about the law here:


Edited by AlphaMale
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Sounds like there were good intentions behind it. But how do they force a landlord to rent to one person over another? Also, it doesn't look like they can't be evicted for any reason the landlord seems fit. What kind of renter protection do you have in place over there? Where I'm from it's ridiculous. It's not easy to get someone out of your house. That's why I rent to my brother and his wife. You never know what kind of fuckos you're letting into your home. 

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21 minutes ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

Sounds like there were good intentions behind it. But how do they force a landlord to rent to one person over another? Also, it doesn't look like they can't be evicted for any reason the landlord seems fit. What kind of renter protection do you have in place over there? Where I'm from it's ridiculous. It's not easy to get someone out of your house. That's why I rent to my brother and his wife. You never know what kind of fuckos you're letting into your home. 

Long process through the courts. 6 months or more sometimes. I'm all for low income residents having access to affordable housing but to pass a law telling the owner that he must accept them or be sued is ludicrous. I guarantee these politicians would change their tune if they had the type of next door neighbor I had.

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That sucks but its the same out west as Karpetface mentioned. The renters/squatters have all the rights and you as the property owner will always get shafted. Can't pick and choose, an't evict, can't arrest. Tons of can'ts and no cans.

That's why I gave up on the slumlord dream as its too risky, unless of course you have hundreds of properties and a team of lawyers.

And precisely the reason as your neighbor, there is no point in fixing something up and then trying to at least make the mortgage. In Oregon they are passing a rent cap law so let's say your property costs $1200 a month to make it, the cap says you can only charge $800! So I have to cover the delta? Why and as mentioned who gives the state the right to say what I charge for MY property...

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