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What will become of our music in 100 years?


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I take part in a Music quiz in Munich. Almost everybody who takes part is younger and it's an extremely broad set of tastes. 

Last week I ran the quiz. We all take turns to run it. I threw LA Guns, Rip and Tear, in there based on it was the second most viewed on youtube after Ballad of Jane by them .  Not a single person got the band or song. 

It struck me that most of our music may well just fade away. A few will pick it up and enjoy it but it'll be a real niche. Those crazy dudes back in the 1980s. 

Perhaps the big hitters will still be know. Def Leppard's come up and people knew it but anything out of the mega hits seems to be gone already. 

Kind of sad. 

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13 hours ago, PeterS said:

I take part in a Music quiz in Munich. Almost everybody who takes part is younger and it's an extremely broad set of tastes. 

Last week I ran the quiz. We all take turns to run it. I threw LA Guns, Rip and Tear, in there based on it was the second most viewed on youtube after Ballad of Jane by them .  Not a single person got the band or song. 

It struck me that most of our music may well just fade away. A few will pick it up and enjoy it but it'll be a real niche. Those crazy dudes back in the 1980s. 

Perhaps the big hitters will still be know. Def Leppard's come up and people knew it but anything out of the mega hits seems to be gone already. 

Kind of sad. 

It is a bit sad, but not surprising.  When I've played or watched music trivia games I often draw blanks when it comes to different eras & genres.  But with all the info available online, streaming services and forums like this, hopefully 80's hard rock/metal, and not just the most popular artists, will retain some interest and find new fans for at least a few more decades.

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I'm not surprised at all. There's probably only a pretty tiny handful of stuff from that era that would really be recognisable at all to the average person. 

A bunch of Bon Jovi, Gn'R & Van Halen songs, 'Pour some sugar on me' and 'Love Bites' from Def Leppard, 'Is this love' from Whitesnake - maybe 'Here I go again' to some real "music experts." 'The flame' by Cheap Trick. 'To be with you' and 'More than words.' 'Every rose has it's thorn' and maybe 'Nothin' but a good time' at a stretch from Poison. 'Cherry Pie.' 

And I reckon that'd be close to it. I guess stuff from the Metallica 'Black' album if you want to include that. 'Winds of change' by Scorpions?

But yeah, I don't think it'd be much more than that. Stuff like LA Guns, or Ratt and that entire second tier "successful" group of bands from the era just aren't known at all to anyone who's not actually into the scene. Well that's been my experience anyway. :)

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I can't name much....or any....music from 100 years ago.  

It's like anything I guess....Time change, people change.

I do think things will have a better chance of surviving though with the digital media.  And I also think music has evolved so much that I'm not sure how much more it can evolve.  

I won't be here so it won't much be mattering to me at that point :)

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to expect anyone to recognise Rip & Tear or any other LA Guns song is a bit optimistic lol.

Most classic rock people would get - you know the stuff which is on Dads driving rock cds ;)

But that's about it.

as to where our music will be in 100 years? Well metal was born in the 70s which is say 50 yrs ago now so there is a reasonable chance rock will still be about in some form. 

depends on whether we can refrain from destroying the planet or ourselves before then :(

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