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How do you listen to your music?


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Geoff,I work for the local council lifting rubbish from the streets 6 days a week,pretty much half of my hometown on foot by myself everyday,wouldn't say im fit but I can walk and walk all day long and my ipod keeps me focused,sane and not bored :) cant run the length of myself btw


oh and KarpetRydOFunk,are you sure you have enough speakers? 17!!! holy shit my wee Renault scenic would collapse ;)


It'd be like the car at the end of the Blues Brothers film ;)

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You can have my CDs when you pry them from my cold dead fingers. :lol:


I'm with you ... my friends are horrified that I haven't gone 'digital', and that I prefer physical CDs to anything else ...


I only tend to listen to stuff at home or in the car, and I don't have a PC, so I don't listen to anywhere near as many albums as I used to :(

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In average I play at least 2 CDs everyday, either in the car or at home, sometimes 3 or 4 but it's rare and usually on weekend


at work I get to listen to MP3s about 1-3 albums during lunch break or after hours, sometimes more


and for those who loves to use headphone, please be warned that you should limit yourself to one hour of usage and take a break before using it again (and don't set too loud) because the effect in the next 10-20 years will be ugly for your hearing if exposed too loud and too long :)

Shit, how long is your lunch break?? Lucky bastard ?


I'm all digital these days. CD collection is just sitting there gathering dust. I store everything on my desktop PC and use Mediamonkey as my organiser. I copy music to my samsung galaxy phone and a few other USB devices and play them plugged into a stereo at home as well as in the car. Each week I just delete most of whats on my phone / USB and put a bunch of new stuff on there. I hate apple products....everything is so much easier with samsung

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In average I play at least 2 CDs everyday, either in the car or at home, sometimes 3 or 4 but it's rare and usually on weekend


at work I get to listen to MP3s about 1-3 albums during lunch break or after hours, sometimes more


and for those who loves to use headphone, please be warned that you should limit yourself to one hour of usage and take a break before using it again (and don't set too loud) because the effect in the next 10-20 years will be ugly for your hearing if exposed too loud and too long :)

Shit, how long is your lunch break?? Lucky bastard


I'm all digital these days. CD collection is just sitting there gathering dust. I store everything on my desktop PC and use Mediamonkey as my organiser. I copy music to my samsung galaxy phone and a few other USB devices and play them plugged into a stereo at home as well as in the car. Each week I just delete most of whats on my phone / USB and put a bunch of new stuff on there. I hate apple products....everything is so much easier with samsung



Ah ha, the closest to my setup so far. I have Samsung phones too, the only reason i don't use them is because of their battery life. I use a dedicated MP3 player because it can last for days between charges and i load it up with stuff once a week.

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Marantz PM7200 KI amplifier

Marantz CD5001 CD player

Rega P9 Tuntable vinyl player

Mordaunt-Short 908 loudspeakers


I listen on the PC too but it's Logitech speakers so I prefer the Hifi system.

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Marantz PM7200 KI amplifier

Marantz CD5001 CD player

Rega P9 Tuntable vinyl player

Mordaunt-Short 908 loudspeakers


I listen on the PC too but it's Logitech speakers so I prefer the Hifi system.


That lot sounds expensive! :omg:

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Yes, it was but it sounds good.

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I also wanted to mention I did have a Zune. The software was glitchy and eventually the battery started to go. So I sold it after it became clear changing the battery would be too difficult. Even when the device was new the battery life was terrible. My cassette player had better battery life than it.

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Interesting, i'm on my second Zune classic since 2006 but that's only because i dropped my original one down the toilet by accident a couple of years ago.


I bought my wife a new model about three years ago but she stopped using it when she got a car with a USB port a couple of years ago so i have it as a spare now. Battery life on all of them have been great. Maybe i've just been lucky.


I used the software as my main music player for years and agree it has some limitations and glitches which is why i moved on to Media Monkey. I still add my music in to both software package databases though so i can sync it to my Zune.


I don't see an alternative because i can't stand iTunes which has to be a strong contender for the worst designed software ever!

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  • My Little Pony

Interesting, i'm on my second Zune classic since 2006 but that's only because i dropped my original one down the toilet by accident a couple of years ago.


I bought my wife a new model about three years ago but she stopped using it when she got a car with a USB port a couple of years ago so i have it as a spare now. Battery life on all of them have been great. Maybe i've just been lucky.


I used the software as my main music player for years and agree it has some limitations and glitches which is why i moved on to Media Monkey. I still add my music in to both software package databases though so i can sync it to my Zune.


I don't see an alternative because i can't stand iTunes which has to be a strong contender for the worst designed software ever!

Software. Yes. But their hardware is good. ITunes is shit, but I still prefer iPods over the rest. Well, over everything else I've had. I use MediaMonkey, and can transfer to my Nano. Actually, I don't like the Nano; it's too small, and I don't like the touch screen. I'd prefer to have the click wheel again.

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I can't really disagree about the hardware being good. I just can't bring myself to own anything made by Apple. I was forced to support their kit for a while and it gave me nightmares for months afterwards :)

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In average I play at least 2 CDs everyday, either in the car or at home, sometimes 3 or 4 but it's rare and usually on weekend


at work I get to listen to MP3s about 1-3 albums during lunch break or after hours, sometimes more


and for those who loves to use headphone, please be warned that you should limit yourself to one hour of usage and take a break before using it again (and don't set too loud) because the effect in the next 10-20 years will be ugly for your hearing if exposed too loud and too long :)

Shit, how long is your lunch break?? Lucky bastard


I'm all digital these days. CD collection is just sitting there gathering dust. I store everything on my desktop PC and use Mediamonkey as my organiser. I copy music to my samsung galaxy phone and a few other USB devices and play them plugged into a stereo at home as well as in the car. Each week I just delete most of whats on my phone / USB and put a bunch of new stuff on there. I hate apple products....everything is so much easier with samsung



Haha, my lunch break is around 90 minutes, but then my work is finished around 4 PM and I hang around a bit for some music until 5 or 5.30 PM. Usually, if market is quite slow and after taking care of some clients, I get to listen to music during work hours :D


well it's sad to see your CDs just gathering dust, why don't you play some of em on weekend ?

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