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  • My Little Pony





Shit weathers been in the 70s here, I aint been playing on the computer, time to get ramped up to start working, make some $$$

What 'ave you been doing for work, lately?

I have been doing the same thing Ive done off and on since I was 17, Concrete resurfacing, I have figured it out to a science, In the early spring, I discovered is the ultimate time to hit up folks who can afford to have it done, I sell about 25 jobs, if weather cooperates I can have them all finished by the end of May, and be completely finished working, then fuck off all summer, and since I no longer have to be to the radio station by 6pm, I can work from sun up to sun down, maybe do a few more jobs, and since Im so goddamn good at it, I make most of my sales on word of mouth, and references, so It would be literally foolish and incomprehensible to even think of quiting doing this now, as Ive spent so long and built up such a good reputation, dude I practically am given these jobs, if I do not meet 25, I have to do a little bit of working, and I am doing it myself this spring, Ive decided not to hire any help, I will be hopefully sitting well soon, but It is always gut eating stress until I have secured the 25, Im probably going to do 30 this year, if you'd like to see my work, you can let me know, and I be happy to send you a couple pics, or even post them here, though it has zero to do with this forum, so I'd probably get in trouble, unless Dan doesn't care, then I will, why? you know anyone who wants some top quality resurfacing work done Nolan?

I'm not even confident I know what resurfacing is. So, yeah, throw a couple pics up.

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Here are some pics of the counter tops I just finished in my kitchen, .





my master shower,





and my back patio




It's all concrete, heavy duty, long lasting, and looks fucking killer, I was going to do my kitchen counter tops in marble, but I did my bathroom counters with Marble instead, and I cant say Im totally happy with Marble, I dont know about you? lots of people prefer it, I guess I will see.

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  • My Little Pony

Oh, so you do all sorts of finished concrete work; interior and exterior. It looks good, Cody. Yeah, most people go with marble/granite, but if they knew concrete could look like this, they'd definitely consider it. This has to be cheaper, too, or are your prices similar? The problem I've noticed with concrete is people think they can do it on their own. I've seen some terrible jobs.

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Oh, so you do all sorts of finished concrete work; interior and exterior. It looks good, Cody. Yeah, most people go with marble/granite, but if they knew concrete could look like this, they'd definitely consider it. This has to be cheaper, too, or are your prices similar? The problem I've noticed with concrete is people think they can do it on their own. I've seen some terrible jobs.


Nolan, I know you absofuckinglutely despise this format of an answer, and generally don't read them all, if you read them at all, but I am in a way I guess plugging what I do, as well as explaining why somebody like myself got into it, and even more bizarre, the fact I ended up loving it to the point I will never stop doing it, if I became a platinum selling producer, or caught a prime time nationally syndicated radio host job, I would always find myself back doing this job, without question, or fail, also Nolan, I kind of have a duty to get into as much depth as possible at any given chance possible, when it comes to getting info out about this trait, and service, I talk about that below, so I hope the long nature of my response doesn't dissuade any of you from reading this, and for you Nolan, I will even scroll down, and knock the below novel in two, for you, OK chief?


Well Nolan, It's a fair assessment you made categorizing what I do to be concrete finishing, but it's actually not an honest assessment, this completely unknown, truly unexploited, an almost seemingly obscure trait, talent, and form of work, and to my knowledge, I know of NO!! Colleges, Trait Schools, or training programs, of any kind, anywhere, in service, the basic premise and what I did for many years, was when a company, business, or person, discovered that their concrete driveway, or patio, was beginning to become damaged, destructed, worn, and worn out, if they could catch and call in time, they would call us, saving them loads of money, and the cost of completely replacing the entire driveway\patio pouring a new one, we would completely grind out all and every rough and broken edge, till it was flat, then we float every damaged and destroyed spot of the concrete, in essence this could also be described as we patch every damaged area of concrete on the project, then we block down all the high spots, completely making sure the driveway is completely level, and then a minor grait, we then blew a cement textured spray over the entire project, troweling it out, and applying a 100% water proof sealant over the project, in turn, what I just described is known as resurfacing, the name is self defining, and was only done to the exterior, I am just recently beginning my trek into interior, and it's really odd, how nobody knows about it, in my early years, I began doing this with my friends company, who began in 1994, then I believe there were only 5 licensed company's doing this in the entire Western US, it has no legacy, no history, nothing to draw upon for knowledge, this is really a brand new trait, in it's earliest infancy, and has all been learned by trial and error, as my good friend, and former boss Shane tells it, he and his co-partner Geoff(Hey! what do you know)spent the 1st 3 years in the company, underbidding jobs, figuring out what machinery and tools were needed to do which job(the machinery and tools we use are extremely expensive) and the funniest, trashing and destroying many jobs, and then they had to hire 4 guys, and spend the next 4 years doing repair and even completely redoing many jobs, at the grand price of FREE DOLLARS!! thank god I had them.


I began doing this in the spring of 1996, fresh out of High School, and realized once I was given some creative control, I was an absolute fucking junkie for doing it, I have since done it off and on, almost every year since, when I moved from city to city following disc jockey jobs, I would inquire into the resurfacing market in every city I lived in, never finding any kind of boom, or huge market anywhere, while I was off doing the grunt shit, my 2 bosses, were now fucking up indoor counter tops, showers, steam rooms, hot tubs, etc. so by the time I decided to end my employment with my buddy's(never work for friends, and I will never hire them) I was equally if not better then my 2 mentors, and knew how much they were making, and knew how much I was making, as well as how much I was making them, and I got fed up, and decided to take the prosperous and wealth loaded path, I knew could be, or I could also end up, not only broke, homeless, and destitute, but as I learned from the other co\founder of the business, I could end up $2.8 million dollars in debt, I got off to a scary and ruff start, but have since coming up with this Spring plan, began to do alright.


Nolan, to be honest, in my years on earth, I have a hard time thinking up many things that last longer then Marble\Granite, even as strong and just plain Tough as this cement I do is, I just haven't been in the business long enough to see how long it lasts, and though within the last 4 or so years, Resurfacing has began to catch on, there just isn't enough known history to know either, as far a price goes, the price in Marble\Granite is in the actual material, and then the quality of installer call forth the price of the installation, my product, is amazingly low cost to produce, the machines and tools with which I apply it, are ball dropping, but are paid for years ago, so my true cost boils itself down to the actual job at hand, much of this is hand done, extremely tedious, and time consuming, and one fuck up, puts you back at square one regardless of how far along you are in the job, if somebody wants an extravagant, jaw dropping,mind boggling, one of a kind job done, well then I'll be more then fucking happy to be the man to do it for them, but I also know exactly what goes into a job of that nature, and so I have zero problem charging as such, I try no to get myself into something I cant get out of, but every once in awhile I'll get a creative hair up my ass, and go to town,

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  • My Little Pony


Oh, so you do all sorts of finished concrete work; interior and exterior. It looks good, Cody. Yeah, most people go with marble/granite, but if they knew concrete could look like this, they'd definitely consider it. This has to be cheaper, too, or are your prices similar? The problem I've noticed with concrete is people think they can do it on their own. I've seen some terrible jobs.


Nolan, I know you absofuckinglutely despise this format of an answer, and generally don't read them all, if you read them at all, but I am in a way I guess plugging what I do, as well as explaining why somebody like myself got into it, and even more bizarre, the fact I ended up loving it to the point I will never stop doing it, if I became a platinum selling producer, or caught a prime time nationally syndicated radio host job, I would always find myself back doing this job, without question, or fail, also Nolan, I kind of have a duty to get into as much depth as possible at any given chance possible, when it comes to getting info out about this trait, and service, I talk about that below, so I hope the long nature of my response doesn't dissuade any of you from reading this, and for you Nolan, I will even scroll down, and knock the below novel in two, for you, OK chief?


Well Nolan, It's a fair assessment you made categorizing what I do to be concrete finishing, but it's actually not an honest assessment, this completely unknown, truly unexploited, an almost seemingly obscure trait, talent, and form of work, and to my knowledge, I know of NO!! Colleges, Trait Schools, or training programs, of any kind, anywhere, in service, the basic premise and what I did for many years, was when a company, business, or person, discovered that their concrete driveway, or patio, was beginning to become damaged, destructed, worn, and worn out, if they could catch and call in time, they would call us, saving them loads of money, and the cost of completely replacing the entire driveway\patio pouring a new one, we would completely grind out all and every rough and broken edge, till it was flat, then we float every damaged and destroyed spot of the concrete, in essence this could also be described as we patch every damaged area of concrete on the project, then we block down all the high spots, completely making sure the driveway is completely level, and then a minor grait, we then blew a cement textured spray over the entire project, troweling it out, and applying a 100% water proof sealant over the project, in turn, what I just described is known as resurfacing, the name is self defining, and was only done to the exterior, I am just recently beginning my trek into interior, and it's really odd, how nobody knows about it, in my early years, I began doing this with my friends company, who began in 1994, then I believe there were only 5 licensed company's doing this in the entire Western US, it has no legacy, no history, nothing to draw upon for knowledge, this is really a brand new trait, in it's earliest infancy, and has all been learned by trial and error, as my good friend, and former boss Shane tells it, he and his co-partner Geoff(Hey! what do you know)spent the 1st 3 years in the company, underbidding jobs, figuring out what machinery and tools were needed to do which job(the machinery and tools we use are extremely expensive) and the funniest, trashing and destroying many jobs, and then they had to hire 4 guys, and spend the next 4 years doing repair and even completely redoing many jobs, at the grand price of FREE DOLLARS!! thank god I had them.


I began doing this in the spring of 1996, fresh out of High School, and realized once I was given some creative control, I was an absolute fucking junkie for doing it, I have since done it off and on, almost every year since, when I moved from city to city following disc jockey jobs, I would inquire into the resurfacing market in every city I lived in, never finding any kind of boom, or huge market anywhere, while I was off doing the grunt shit, my 2 bosses, were now fucking up indoor counter tops, showers, steam rooms, hot tubs, etc. so by the time I decided to end my employment with my buddy's(never work for friends, and I will never hire them) I was equally if not better then my 2 mentors, and knew how much they were making, and knew how much I was making, as well as how much I was making them, and I got fed up, and decided to take the prosperous and wealth loaded path, I knew could be, or I could also end up, not only broke, homeless, and destitute, but as I learned from the other co\founder of the business, I could end up $2.8 million dollars in debt, I got off to a scary and ruff start, but have since coming up with this Spring plan, began to do alright.


Nolan, to be honest, in my years on earth, I have a hard time thinking up many things that last longer then Marble\Granite, even as strong and just plain Tough as this cement I do is, I just haven't been in the business long enough to see how long it lasts, and though within the last 4 or so years, Resurfacing has began to catch on, there just isn't enough known history to know either, as far a price goes, the price in Marble\Granite is in the actual material, and then the quality of installer call forth the price of the installation, my product, is amazingly low cost to produce, the machines and tools with which I apply it, are ball dropping, but are paid for years ago, so my true cost boils itself down to the actual job at hand, much of this is hand done, extremely tedious, and time consuming, and one fuck up, puts you back at square one regardless of how far along you are in the job, if somebody wants an extravagant, jaw dropping,mind boggling, one of a kind job done, well then I'll be more then fucking happy to be the man to do it for them, but I also know exactly what goes into a job of that nature, and so I have zero problem charging as such, I try no to get myself into something I cant get out of, but every once in awhile I'll get a creative hair up my ass, and go to town,



I realize this is the short answer, so thank-you.

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Oh, so you do all sorts of finished concrete work; interior and exterior. It looks good, Cody. Yeah, most people go with marble/granite, but if they knew concrete could look like this, they'd definitely consider it. This has to be cheaper, too, or are your prices similar? The problem I've noticed with concrete is people think they can do it on their own. I've seen some terrible jobs.


Nolan, I know you absofuckinglutely despise this format of an answer, and generally don't read them all, if you read them at all, but I am in a way I guess plugging what I do, as well as explaining why somebody like myself got into it, and even more bizarre, the fact I ended up loving it to the point I will never stop doing it, if I became a platinum selling producer, or caught a prime time nationally syndicated radio host job, I would always find myself back doing this job, without question, or fail, also Nolan, I kind of have a duty to get into as much depth as possible at any given chance possible, when it comes to getting info out about this trait, and service, I talk about that below, so I hope the long nature of my response doesn't dissuade any of you from reading this, and for you Nolan, I will even scroll down, and knock the below novel in two, for you, OK chief?


Well Nolan, It's a fair assessment you made categorizing what I do to be concrete finishing, but it's actually not an honest assessment, this completely unknown, truly unexploited, an almost seemingly obscure trait, talent, and form of work, and to my knowledge, I know of NO!! Colleges, Trait Schools, or training programs, of any kind, anywhere, in service, the basic premise and what I did for many years, was when a company, business, or person, discovered that their concrete driveway, or patio, was beginning to become damaged, destructed, worn, and worn out, if they could catch and call in time, they would call us, saving them loads of money, and the cost of completely replacing the entire driveway\patio pouring a new one, we would completely grind out all and every rough and broken edge, till it was flat, then we float every damaged and destroyed spot of the concrete, in essence this could also be described as we patch every damaged area of concrete on the project, then we block down all the high spots, completely making sure the driveway is completely level, and then a minor grait, we then blew a cement textured spray over the entire project, troweling it out, and applying a 100% water proof sealant over the project, in turn, what I just described is known as resurfacing, the name is self defining, and was only done to the exterior, I am just recently beginning my trek into interior, and it's really odd, how nobody knows about it, in my early years, I began doing this with my friends company, who began in 1994, then I believe there were only 5 licensed company's doing this in the entire Western US, it has no legacy, no history, nothing to draw upon for knowledge, this is really a brand new trait, in it's earliest infancy, and has all been learned by trial and error, as my good friend, and former boss Shane tells it, he and his co-partner Geoff(Hey! what do you know)spent the 1st 3 years in the company, underbidding jobs, figuring out what machinery and tools were needed to do which job(the machinery and tools we use are extremely expensive) and the funniest, trashing and destroying many jobs, and then they had to hire 4 guys, and spend the next 4 years doing repair and even completely redoing many jobs, at the grand price of FREE DOLLARS!! thank god I had them.


I began doing this in the spring of 1996, fresh out of High School, and realized once I was given some creative control, I was an absolute fucking junkie for doing it, I have since done it off and on, almost every year since, when I moved from city to city following disc jockey jobs, I would inquire into the resurfacing market in every city I lived in, never finding any kind of boom, or huge market anywhere, while I was off doing the grunt shit, my 2 bosses, were now fucking up indoor counter tops, showers, steam rooms, hot tubs, etc. so by the time I decided to end my employment with my buddy's(never work for friends, and I will never hire them) I was equally if not better then my 2 mentors, and knew how much they were making, and knew how much I was making, as well as how much I was making them, and I got fed up, and decided to take the prosperous and wealth loaded path, I knew could be, or I could also end up, not only broke, homeless, and destitute, but as I learned from the other co\founder of the business, I could end up $2.8 million dollars in debt, I got off to a scary and ruff start, but have since coming up with this Spring plan, began to do alright.


Nolan, to be honest, in my years on earth, I have a hard time thinking up many things that last longer then Marble\Granite, even as strong and just plain Tough as this cement I do is, I just haven't been in the business long enough to see how long it lasts, and though within the last 4 or so years, Resurfacing has began to catch on, there just isn't enough known history to know either, as far a price goes, the price in Marble\Granite is in the actual material, and then the quality of installer call forth the price of the installation, my product, is amazingly low cost to produce, the machines and tools with which I apply it, are ball dropping, but are paid for years ago, so my true cost boils itself down to the actual job at hand, much of this is hand done, extremely tedious, and time consuming, and one fuck up, puts you back at square one regardless of how far along you are in the job, if somebody wants an extravagant, jaw dropping,mind boggling, one of a kind job done, well then I'll be more then fucking happy to be the man to do it for them, but I also know exactly what goes into a job of that nature, and so I have zero problem charging as such, I try no to get myself into something I cant get out of, but every once in awhile I'll get a creative hair up my ass, and go to town,



I realize this is the short answer, so thank-you.



Always happy to respond to your "none" assaulting or degrading reply's, with the "short version" of whatever I have to say, so let's keep your response, to ONLY assaulting and degrading responses, got it? good man, now as you were.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

Well,I'm the commish of a fantasy baseball league so I've spent a lot of time getting that ready.We had our draft on Sunday so now everything looks good to go ! There's 10 of us in the league and we spent most of Sunday in a bar,eating and drinking and picking players.I know many people do their drafts online but not me.I prefer to be in a league with people I know and do it in person.It's more fun that way.

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Fantasy baseball is a full time job, talk about some long and tedious shit

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

Yes,it is long and tedious at times but winning makes up for everything !I was actually co-champ last year-the one game playoff between Texas and TB screwed me !

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Well,I'm the commish of a fantasy baseball league so I've spent a lot of time getting that ready.We had our draft on Sunday so now everything looks good to go ! There's 10 of us in the league and we spent most of Sunday in a bar,eating and drinking and picking players.I know many people do their drafts online but not me.I prefer to be in a league with people I know and do it in person.It's more fun that way.

Yeah, the draft can be the better than the season. Especially if your team is not very good. Who was your first pick?
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  • 5 months later...

Currently doing the divorce thing, so my PC access is limited to work ... on the plus side, I get to play 'my' music as and when i like now :)

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  • 2 months later...

Cody has been fairly quiet lately. He just hovers around, but doesn't ever swoop down to say anything.


I was just lying in wait, waiting for you to talk shit, then BAM!!! I planned to swoop in and take you out!! BIOTCH!! now bad weather is here, time to veg in my home until the spring, so looks like im black, im glad you guys stayed white here.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Damn.... almost exactly 1 year later and I am wondering the same thing as last year............ where is everybody? I can't believe this board can go hours and hours without a single post.


WTF :taz:

It used to not be this way it was always hoppin'.

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Damn.... almost exactly 1 year later and I am wondering the same thing as last year............ where is everybody? I can't believe this board can go hours and hours without a single post.


WTF :taz:

It used to not be this way it was always hoppin'.



Exactly!! Did everybody stop listening to this music and start listening to hiphop?

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