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Question about my posts


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Does anyone know why when I go to post a youtube video in my threads or replies now, it will only post the link, and will not show the actual video on the HH Board, I have never had any problems as far as this goes, so does anyone know what could be the problem? or what if anything Ive done to fuck up my settings, because I dont want my video posts to just be links to somewhere else, I want to make sure they are seen, right here on HH, and not off a link, that you have to follow to a different site? Thanx

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Does anyone know why when I go to post a youtube video in my threads or replies now, it will only post the link, and will not show the actual video on the HH Board, I have never had any problems as far as this goes, so does anyone know what could be the problem? or what if anything Ive done to fuck up my settings, because I dont want my video posts to just be links to somewhere else, I want to make sure they are seen, right here on HH, and not off a link, that you have to follow to a different site? Thanx


I have the same problem mate. When I add the link, it used to post the video, but now only the link appears.


Stefan seems to be able to post the videos every time ... but I've asked him and he doesn't know why ... apparently he just posts the link into the message and the video appears. :doh:

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the trick is just to manually type [ media ] then paste the youtube link then put [ /media ] again

(please note that the open bracket then media then close bracket is typed without the space)


here i try to put Miley Cyrus controversial video for your eyes




well looks like she was exposed to GREAT WHITE - Hooked cover on this video :D

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when my IE updated it quit posting videos. now what I have to do is.....see the square in the upper left hand of the reply box, it also has FONT, SIZE and all the other options. click the square and turn off all that stuff then you can copy and paste the video's like you use to be able to do.

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I just post the link in the body of the post. I use Firefox and have no problems,

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I just post the link in the body of the post. I use Firefox and have no problems,


I use Firefox at home ... so wtf?


Anyway, will follow Nightrain's instructions next time!

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I just post the link in the body of the post. I use Firefox and have no problems,


I use Firefox at home ... so wtf?


Anyway, will follow Nightrain's instructions next time!


Maybe its a UK thing?? :whistle:

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I just post the link in the body of the post. I use Firefox and have no problems,



No I use to just hit the media button on the header above, then post the link into the box that came up, but now it doesn't post that way. now I post the link into that box, and when I hit post, the reply just shows the link, not the actual video, and the same happens when I try to post within the body of the post, I use Maxthon 3, and have never had any problem with this, up until last week, Nightrains response has been the ONLY!! Thing I have been able to get to work, which is kind of inconvenient, but I guess I'll just keep doing, until I get it figured out. Thanx Everyone.

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