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Length between studio releases

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I can't believe how long it takes for some bands to release new material. Take Nocturnal Rites for instance. Their last studio disc was released in 2007. They had one band member change at guitar. Six years later, not one new song/demo/snippet. Nothing. Latest I heard, it will be another year before a new disc. How on Earth does it take 7 fucking years to release a disc???

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Tad Morose haven't released an album since 2003.

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Been waiting for Tool to release something since 2006.

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Come on guys.... you are all talking about bands that went on long hiatus. This band isn't on hiatus. They didn't split up. They are just taking forever to release new material.

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I guess they're being realistic. Nowadays, especially for a non-mainstream band, how much can you make from creating a new music ? Honestly, you're lucky to even reach the breakeven point, some are losing money I guess, even though you're using ProTools instead of the old expensive studio thing.


Aside from the digital downloads, fans mostly only want to pay money to see their concert playing old hits :D

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Not that it will interest many people on here, but my all-time favourite band, Bolt Thrower, released a feckin' amazing album in 2005. They then had another album written and binned it, saying it wasn't good enough. And that they won't release another until it reaches their high standards.


I applaud the artistic integrity, but eight years? :crying:

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Come on guys.... you are all talking about bands that went on long hiatus. This band isn't on hiatus. They didn't split up. They are just taking forever to release new material.

Um FIREHOUSE never left!!!

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