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Anyone who can help please do


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Brian why in the hell would you ever be embarrassed??? you need to get over the embarrassment, cause its nonsense, this is absolutely flooring, im just sitting here thinking, what the fuck am I complaining about? I even showed my daughter, hey bro, I have absolutely no extra cash right now, when I find out about my taxes, I will help as much as I can, but in the meantime I posted this up on my FB page, I have almost 3000 friends, so it's bound to at least get a few donations for you, if I can help you at all in any way DO NOT BE EMBARRASSED!, just ask.

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Thanks all, I just never catch a break it seems. I am so glad to still be here, but it's just one thing after the other. And I don't like to ask for anything, it just got to the point where I had no choice. Thanks for thinking of me and my family, it is appreciated more then anyone will ever know.

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I know I don't know you from Adam, but your story is a real heart string puller my friend. I commend you for keeping your chin up and having a positive attitude when most wouldn't and you shouldn't.

I am glad you posted up here to reach out in the HH community, I know most of come of like prat's but I know we all have hearts and would help a brother when he's down. I know I'm gonna check with the Ms. and see what if anything we can do to at least get the word out for you.

Best wishes with your situation and keep us all posted on how you are doing.



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Thanks Terry, Very much appreciated. I need all the support I can get. Never ever thought it would come to this. But I am trying to hang in there the best I can. Any help, best wishes, good luck, or just a hi how are you doing today all makes things a little better. Thank you all again

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I feel very selfish, going out buying CDs while a fellow brother is in need. I will do my best, Brian.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. If I could afford to buy a couple of CDs this week, then I can certainly afford to help out a friend in need. We talk about being a family here at Heavy Harmonies; here's hoping those who can afford to do so will prove that "family" is more than just a word.

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Dominick and Mark Thanks so much for your kind and generous donations. It is much needed and no need for anyone to feel guilty, I am just so happy to have people who understand and care about what happens. The donations mean a lot, But the emails of support are also so important to me, and keep me going. My family and myself, thank you immensely.

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Under the knife tomorrow at 12:30. Hopefully will be on time. Talk to you all soon.

Good luck, my friend. Being in debt is hard enough. Being in debt and also being in excrutiating pain is just hellish. Hopefully this surgery will at least alleviate most if not all of the pain.

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