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do you remember Green Ketchup

66 mustang

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Never heard of it. There is no date on the article, when was it written and when did this stuff come out? No way I would be interested in green ketchup and I wouldn't buy it for the kids knowing they would probably love it for the first week or so and then it would sit in the fridge going unused for the next 10 months.

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Do they still make that sh*t?? I cant' swear to it but I seem to remember a waitress in an Applebee's or similar eatery offering my son purple ketchup (!) when he was very small. He's 9 now so it had to be quite a few years ago now. If memory serves he looked at her funny and said "Ewwww, no! Red please!" :rofl2:

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I did find this


In October 2000, Heinz introduced colored ketchup products called EZ Squirt, which eventually included green, purple, pink, orange, teal, and blue.[10] These products were made by adding food coloring to the traditional ketchup. As of January 2006[update] these products have been discontinued.[11]

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Do they still make that sh*t?? I cant' swear to it but I seem to remember a waitress in an Applebee's or similar eatery offering my son purple ketchup (!) when he was very small. He's 9 now so it had to be quite a few years ago now. If memory serves he looked at her funny and said "Ewwww, no! Red please!" :rofl2:


Smart kid.. :tumbsup:

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We had it over here for a while in a regular Heinz bottle.


Really? I don't remember it. If if tasted the same I'd quite happily eat it, I couldn't care less what colour it is.

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We had it over here for a while in a regular Heinz bottle.


I remember it, tasted the same but just didn't look right, quite a novelty though, my kids would love it :)

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