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Miss Behaviour


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Wow, what's with the ill words for White Widdow? Jeez you guys are harsh. :( How the worm turns...



Honestly mate, I just find stuff that's fairly solid really dull. Give me an album with 2 outright killer tracks and a bunch of filler over a solid one with no-filler-but-no-real-standout-tune anyday. This is because I generally don't get time to listen to CD's all the way through so I skip tunes a lot. Best example (one I know you agree with) is that first Tyketto disc. I play it tons but frankly I only really ever play the first 3 tracks, the rest is more generic hard rock that isn't to my taste at all. But I'd much rather buy a lop-sided album like that than a White Widdow...


'Cross To Bare', 'Change Of Passion' and 'Fire & Ice' get it across the line for me. A keeper for sure.


To be honest the only time the album dips below 'very good' is 'Shadows'.


To be honest Tim, Im not too sure how 'happy' i'd be picking up an album with 2 killer songs and 8 fillers.............??

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To be honest Tim, Im not too sure how 'happy' i'd be picking up an album with 2 killer songs and 8 fillers.............??


And yet you still keep buying Hinder albums?! I thought that "Change of Passion" song was crap - is the only one I actually remember, everything else was so un-memorable...

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Wow, what's with the ill words for White Widdow? Jeez you guys are harsh. :( How the worm turns...



Honestly mate, I just find stuff that's fairly solid really dull. Give me an album with 2 outright killer tracks and a bunch of filler over a solid one with no-filler-but-no-real-standout-tune anyday. This is because I generally don't get time to listen to CD's all the way through so I skip tunes a lot. Best example (one I know you agree with) is that first Tyketto disc. I play it tons but frankly I only really ever play the first 3 tracks, the rest is more generic hard rock that isn't to my taste at all. But I'd much rather buy a lop-sided album like that than a White Widdow...


'Cross To Bare', 'Change Of Passion' and 'Fire & Ice' get it across the line for me. A keeper for sure.


To be honest the only time the album dips below 'very good' is 'Shadows'.


To be honest Tim, Im not too sure how 'happy' i'd be picking up an album with 2 killer songs and 8 fillers.............??




Now I understand the love for the Unruly Child, it only has a handful of good tracks and the rest is loaded with filler.


I understand that the White Widdow isn't a breaktrough sounding band, but it's hard to deny the fact that the songs are all good.


As for the Miss Behaviour, they do have a similar sound to White Widdow, however I find the tracks have a greater variety in the sound and flow. The soft lush ballad is something that White Widdow did not pull off anywhere near as good as the one on the Miss Behaviour. I know the ballad sounds boring at first, but dammit does is grow on you....just hate the video.


With the exception of maybe Jettblack's Two Hot Girls they sure don't make good music videos like they used to. First Signal's This City was lame Harry Hess looked so uncomfortable and disinterested, Crashdïet's Generation Wild although well made was freakin' scary and Very First Time from Unruly Child was simply hard to watch, really hard to watch.

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Now I understand the love for the Unruly Child, it only has a handful of good tracks and the rest is loaded with filler.



Mate that's proper harsh! But yeah there are some weaker tunes and I'm okay with that if the good ones are killer...

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To be honest Tim, Im not too sure how 'happy' i'd be picking up an album with 2 killer songs and 8 fillers.............??


And yet you still keep buying Hinder albums?!


lol.........I didnt buy the last one ;-)

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Firstly, in defence of Hinder they've never been a 2 killer / 8 filler kind of band. The reverse may be said of the last CD (8 killers, 2 fillers) but the first 2 CDs were pretty much filled to the brim with killer tracks and not a filler in sight.


Now, to White Widdow. I don't know why people had such a struggle picking the killer tracks on this CD. Please read Uncle Geoffrey's teachings:


Stand-out tracks:

Tokyo Rain

Broken Hearts Won't Last Forever

Cross To Bare

Don't Fail Me Now

Fire & Ice


Great tracks:

We've Got The Wings

One More Day

Change Of Passion


Weakest, but still good tunes:

Spirit Of Fire (some amazing guitar in this one, though)

Shadows Of Love


Peace out. Hope y'all learned something today.

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Firstly, in defence of Hinder they've never been a 2 killer / 8 filler kind of band. The reverse may be said of the last CD (8 killers, 2 fillers) but the first 2 CDs were pretty much filled to the brim with killer tracks and not a filler in sight.


Now, to White Widdow. I don't know why people had such a struggle picking the killer tracks on this CD. Please read Uncle Geoffrey's teachings:


Stand-out tracks:

Tokyo Rain

Broken Hearts Won't Last Forever

Cross To Bare

Don't Fail Me Now

Fire & Ice


Great tracks:

We've Got The Wings

One More Day

Change Of Passion


Weakest, but still good tunes:

Spirit Of Fire (some amazing guitar in this one, though)

Shadows Of Love


Peace out. Hope y'all learned something today.


I learnt that you have lower quality standards than me. Or more ear-wax.


I listened to this today and still nothing sunk-in. I honestly don't know how you rank the songs as they all sound the same, which is probably why I dislike the later tracks as I'm just bored by then. I remember listening to "Change of Passion" thinking - where's the hook? How you can describe it as a "great track" is beyond me. Like all the other songs, it's okay at best. Sure there's no filler, and they can all play quite nicely, but it's all so lifeless IMO. Granted the Vega sounds a little similar and is pure 80's too, but it has top-class songwriting (from proven songwriters) and stonking big hooks all over it. In truth the Vega is a class-apart from WW, and it would've been huge even back in the 80's. WW would've been in the bargain-bins...

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Firstly, in defence of Hinder they've never been a 2 killer / 8 filler kind of band. The reverse may be said of the last CD (8 killers, 2 fillers) but the first 2 CDs were pretty much filled to the brim with killer tracks and not a filler in sight.


Now, to White Widdow. I don't know why people had such a struggle picking the killer tracks on this CD. Please read Uncle Geoffrey's teachings:


Stand-out tracks:

Tokyo Rain

Broken Hearts Won't Last Forever

Cross To Bare

Don't Fail Me Now

Fire & Ice


Great tracks:

We've Got The Wings

One More Day

Change Of Passion


Weakest, but still good tunes:

Spirit Of Fire (some amazing guitar in this one, though)

Shadows Of Love


Peace out. Hope y'all learned something today.


I learnt that you have lower quality standards than me. Or more ear-wax.


I listened to this today and still nothing sunk-in. I honestly don't know how you rank the songs as they all sound the same, which is probably why I dislike the later tracks as I'm just bored by then. I remember listening to "Change of Passion" thinking - where's the hook? How you can describe it as a "great track" is beyond me. Like all the other songs, it's okay at best. Sure there's no filler, and they can all play quite nicely, but it's all so lifeless IMO. Granted the Vega sounds a little similar and is pure 80's too, but it has top-class songwriting (from proven songwriters) and stonking big hooks all over it. In truth the Vega is a class-apart from WW, and it would've been huge even back in the 80's. WW would've been in the bargain-bins...

'Change of passion' is without doubt the most basic song on the CD, but I still enjoy it. Possibly for it's simplicity.


Yeah, I dunno. It looks like we all agree that there's no fillers on it, but I know for me personally I have no problem picking out the stand-out tracks too. Like you, I do not rate consistent CDs without highlights high in my rankings... which is why this did rate high, because it has plenty of stand-outs. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I got the Miss Behaviour in the mail yesterday. To be honest, it's good but not as good as I had hoped. With a few more listens it may grow on me. I'm not dissapointed but if it had come out in 2010, this would have never come close to my top 10.


I blends alot of what I liked over the last few year: White Widdow, Vega, Work Of Art, W.E.T and even some H.E.A.T. But I don't think the entire release is as strong as those releases...at least not as instant to these ears. I may eat my words for my earlier evaluation.

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Well, I still think it's a fantastic release ! :guitbannana: But I have been spinning it quite a few times in the meantime.

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Well, I still think it's a fantastic release ! :guitbannana: But I have been spinning it quite a few times in the meantime.


+1.......spun it again this morning and it is just great. Think I might even prefer this to Bad Habit.


'Emergency' remains my fav track so far this year. Just melodically perfect for me. Excellent keys and solos too.

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After a few more spins, my opinion still hasn't changed, it's a very good release, better and much more varied than Bad Habit, but not a top 10, unless 2011 doesn't produce like 2010.


My fav tracks are of course Emergency (my top song so far of 2011 as well), Till We Meet Again(still adore this ballad, so smooth), Cynthia (killer chorus, love those chick name songs), 11th Hour and Living The Dream. I find a few tracks drag on a bit like Perfect War and especially the prog like title track Last Woman Standing. Taking Hostage sounds great but during the chorus the words are near impossible to understand and the chorus to 1988 is OK but not as sharp as it could have been...nor is the lyrical delivery. The vocal power and prononciation of the lyrics are the album's weakess points.


The more I listen to Miss Behaviour the more I'm thinking Final Frontier. Although the vox aren't anywhere as high pitched as Rob Moratti, I find many tracks are very Final Frontier...especially Cynthia.

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After a few more spins, my opinion still hasn't changed, it's a very good release, better and much more varied than Bad Habit, but not a top 10, unless 2011 doesn't produce like 2010.


. Although the vox aren't anywhere as high pitched as Rob Moratti,


Thank God ;-)


Well I suppose when you consider whats to come in 2011, I doubt this will make my top 10 either - or Bad Habit come to that.


Still a great album tho.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got the Miss Behaviour this morning. Freaking great stuff with some really excellent songs on it - Absolutely Love 'Till We Meet Again' (lush lush keys), 'Emergency' and the title track is nice aswell, a little different to the rest, with the pompy mid section. Overall a really very very good disc indeed.

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  • 7 months later...

Ok, this is weird, I saw these guys last night as part of the support package to the Electric Boys/Jettblack show, and decided to see what was said on here about them.

Why I say its weird, is I was under the impression I had never heard of them before, but I distinctly remember seeing that video posted here now that I have seen it again.


Funny thing is, I am not usually a fan of keyboard heavy AOR, but last night I was impressed (suitably moreso than when I saw Houston this year).

Why I was impressed was that in the live environment at least, they reminded me very much of Countdown era Europe, right down to Seb sounding like a dead ringer for Joey Tempest.

Live isnt always the best place to judge what a band sounds like on an album as they may very well be a lot more polished on record and a lot heavier live, for instance.


Spoke to Seb briefly after the gig, and he seemed like a very cool guy.


I have ordered the latest album, but am not 100% sure I will be as impressed with it as I was with their live show, but I feel its better to remain cautious just in case.

The debut, going on comments here, is probably something to not pay too much money for, which is annoying as thats the one that costs the most. Just have to see if the eBay auction will pay off.

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  • My Little Pony

I need to revisit this one. I got it along with a ton of other stuff, so it kinda got swept aside. I'm starting to get caught up--no I'm not.

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My hearing still is probably at 50% or so due to the gigs on Sunday and Weds, but what I have heard of the CD today, I really like.

Will have to give it a proper go when my ears stop ringing and are no longer muffled.

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