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My old bands E.P Sold on eBay, I was part of the NWOBHM apparently

Nick C

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Flipping heck!


I'm amazed...back when I was 17 and from 1979 - 1981 I was in a band called Enigma and apart from a few demos plus a great live reel to reel tape we recorded and subsequently lost when my mates dad cleared out his garage, we released a 7" 4 track E.P. on Bootleg Records back in 1980.

On the E.P. there were 4 tracks

"I Aim to Bluff"


"She Said"

"Wolf on the Mountain"


The bulk of it was recorded in a 4 track studio in Stockport called Graveyard Studios and the last track in an 8 track studio which I think was called Bootleg and they pressed the E.P. I think.


Now I was mucking about on google and did a search on the band name and the 1st E.P. track "I Aim to Bluff" and blow me away a copy had sold on eBay.com.au!


The description was "Enigma - I aim to Bluff EP - PRIVATE NWOBHM 1980"


Now it sold back to a chap in the U.K. ..... I couldn't view the item anymore but by tracing the feedback of who bought it I was able to find out that it was sold for $66.32 (U.S.).....to say I was AMAZED is to say the least.


The thing that amazes me also is that the chap/chapess who bought it must have had another copy as the feedback left for the seller said

"Delighted with this as it's in much nicer condition than he copy I already had!"


Just in case you think I'm a joshin...do a google search as follows...use the quotes

enigma "i aim to bluff"


Well I feel on Cloud 9 - ocassional stuff likes this makes you realise what you did was worthwhile...and still to an extent affects people even 30 years after the event.


So to that person if you ever read this I doff my cap and say thanks for making an old rocker very very happy!!!

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Yeah I think I have a couple...definitely 1....there were 500 pressed and all but around 25 got sold.


I kind of remixed/cleaned it up a couple of years ago as I went to give a little talk to my sons class when he was in infant school at the request of the teacher.

I took a couple of basses and a few photos (which I left and didn't get back...but I can replace 'em if I let Mick the guitarist know) and I took a copy of the E.P. - so they could play it I transferred it to CDR..but it was pretty crackly so I cleaned it up best I could and boosted the bass a bit as best you can with a piece of vinyl (Piccadilly Radio in Manchester lost the master tapes years ago!).

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Neat-O story Nick!! Any chance of converting your old single to MP3s so us here in HH land can hear some 'a your musical past? :lol:

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Neat-O story Nick!! Any chance of converting your old single to MP3s so us here in HH land can hear some 'a your musical past? :lol:


Haha! I'm a tad embarrassed about it these days as it sounds a quite dated, plus we were all around the age of 16 - 18. I don't think your missing much - I wouldn't call it a lost classic - but we were kinda proud of it at the time....and yes I am still today but I dunno I just get all red faced when I play it folks. I think I played a bit to Jez last time he was down, but he probably won't remember as we'd had (quite) a few beers!

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Awesome stuff, Nick. Is your photo on the artwork for the EP? If so, I want it!


Seriously, though, that's awesome stuff.

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Awesome stuff, Nick. Is your photo on the artwork for the EP? If so, I want it!


Yeah, what Geoff said! Post a picture of the cover at least!! :P

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Sorry guys....it wasn't a picture sleeve - We didn't have that sort of money :lol: Just a plain white sleeve with a hole in it to show the label.

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Sorry guys....it wasn't a picture sleeve - We didn't have that sort of money :lol: Just a plain white sleeve with a hole in it to show the label.



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That was a great story Nick! I'd be all for hearing those tracks if you ever want to share them with us. :)

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So you played on one of those "hyper mega super extremely rare", "Never before on cd", "A cross between Queensryche and Iron Maiden" kind of albums... SWEET!!!


Can I have one for my all silver pressed quantity quality cd collections?


Seriously though, how cool for you Nick. Do you ever confab with the others in the band?


BTW: very serious about getting my meathooks on one of your discs. :)

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I still see Mick the guitarist from time to time, the 2nd drummer Crommie on ocassion (in fact he was on the plane last time we went to Spain to see the inlaws!) and very very rarley the 1st drummer Sid (who was actually the 2nd but Crommie left then came back later...but Sid was the 1st I worked with in the band and I haven't seen him for 3 years or so)...the others have all disappeared into the ether.

Still see Spooner who was about as close to a band as you can be without actually being in it (in fact he's probably my best mate!).


I was toying with the idea of putting the cleaned up E.P. AND demos onto a CDR and grabbing some old band pics off Mick and doing a little package for just me Spooner and Mick in all honesty ... but I'll see.


Seriously it's nowt to get excited about, it was 30 years ago and we were teenagers...don't expect anything earth shattering if I do get the balls to let anyone hear it haha!

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  • 1 month later...


A cool guy (thanks Malc & Harvey Mettle ) put me onto this website/link below, there's a pic of the single for any who are interested what it looked like :nerd: .

I added a comment as the date of release was wrong.

Enigma single

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  • 3 months later...

Hello Nick!

Mario from Italy here - I would really like to hear the demos/live, and possibly find a copy of the 7" if you have any left :-)

Please contact me at famcorby@libero.it


I know Malc (Macmillan) too ;-)




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  • 8 months later...



Things have picked up a little since I posted this over a year ago thanx to some folks (Mario and Malc and a chap called Emil over in Sweden who runs the blog below I think). A little thing is in the pipeline (no band get together) but maybe something sufacing next year. As I say we were no Sledgehammer or Mythra, but it's nice people are still interested.


Click the link below for a bit about the old band!



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Thanks chaps :)


Someone, I think Emil as he got no. 9, has loaded up Wolf on the Mountain (the E.P. closer) on Youtube....everytime I check on google I get something new added heh!



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