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so anyone know anywhere decent to buy this, apart from their myspace?



I know MetalMayhem has their first release but once you add shipping it is rather pricey......I picked mine up off eBay quite cheap.....their newest one isn't widely distributed yet....

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so anyone know anywhere decent to buy this, apart from their myspace?



I know MetalMayhem has their first release but once you add shipping it is rather pricey......I picked mine up off eBay quite cheap.....their newest one isn't widely distributed yet....


they have another release? whats that like?

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Metal Mayhem doesnt seem to have it, but instead have another band called Black Rain.


the bon jovi sounding cowboy band...? Think they're name was black rain.

Yeah, that's them. Not a bad band... not great either.

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Metal Mayhem doesnt seem to have it, but instead have another band called Black Rain.



Well I'll be damned...I thought it was the same band..... :doh:


Thanks for wasting my life!!!!! :tumbsup:


Ok the band have said the debut EP is sold out :(. Anyone know any stores that have it? Or any stores that have the new one cheaper then the band? :)



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:omg: What's up with the vocals? Horrible. I can't understand a thing. I'd rather stick with Lordi... ;)



Backed on that. This must go down as the worst week ever for new bands with shit vocalists. Eye, then Knyght and now this. At least Eye and Knyght have a few good ideas going on, but this is utter crap :yikes:


Indeed, give me Mr. Lordi or UDO, or me with my balls being put through a blender. ;)

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:omg: What's up with the vocals? Horrible. I can't understand a thing. I'd rather stick with Lordi... ;)



Backed on that. This must go down as the worst week ever for new bands with shit vocalists. Eye, then Knyght and now this. At least Eye and Knyght have a few good ideas going on, but this is utter crap :yikes:


Indeed, give me Mr. Lordi or UDO, or me with my balls being put through a blender. ;)

You're sounding like Geoff. Jez, have you met him in person? ;)

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:omg: What's up with the vocals? Horrible. I can't understand a thing. I'd rather stick with Lordi... ;)



Backed on that. This must go down as the worst week ever for new bands with shit vocalists. Eye, then Knyght and now this. At least Eye and Knyght have a few good ideas going on, but this is utter crap :yikes:


Indeed, give me Mr. Lordi or UDO, or me with my balls being put through a blender. ;)

You're sounding like Geoff. Jez, have you met him in person? ;)


Oh good god no, he's Australian. :yikes:;)

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:omg: What's up with the vocals? Horrible. I can't understand a thing. I'd rather stick with Lordi... ;)



Backed on that. This must go down as the worst week ever for new bands with shit vocalists. Eye, then Knyght and now this. At least Eye and Knyght have a few good ideas going on, but this is utter crap :yikes:


Indeed, give me Mr. Lordi or UDO, or me with my balls being put through a blender. ;)

You're sounding like Geoff. Jez, have you met him in person? ;)


Oh good god no, he's Australian. :yikes:;)

Say no more, say no more...I hear you... :)

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I just got this cause their was nothing else to get, it's not that bad, kind of like it actually, I mean nothing groundbreaking, not paving the way into new uncharted territory, but they are coming from a proven and good territory, so is the one I got the first one? its got songs like True Girls Are 16, Rockers Don't Go To Jail, and NASTY.

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I just got this cause their was nothing else to get, it's not that bad, kind of like it actually, I mean nothing groundbreaking, not paving the way into new uncharted territory, but they are coming from a proven and good territory, so is the one I got the first one? its got songs like True Girls Are 16, Rockers Don't Go To Jail, and NASTY.


If you dont want it you can give it to me :)


Whered you get it from? How many tracks does it have? Whats the name of the album?

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Its called Blackrain-License To Thrill, I don't think its the one you want,It was way to easy to get to be hard to get! but if u must know, my freind runs a One-Stop! he had it, he's in Rochester New York, I can ask where he got it from?

1. Rock Your City

2. Innocent Rosie

3. N.A.S.T.Y.

4. True Girls Are Sixteen

5. License To Thrill

6. No Forever

7. RockNRoll Is Dead Long Live

8. Rockstars Don't Go To Jail

9. Party War

10. Kill'em All


their u go

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Come on bro, their from France!


sidenote: that song fucking rocks by the way!!!

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  • 3 months later...

I never knew these guys had a selftitled album from 2006...

Just checked out the 'thundering records' website and they are selling this one (along with the inncoent rosie EP).

I assume it's the same band as they have the same logo.


Know anything about this one?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got the s/t debut on right now and it's definitely different from other stuff I've heard from them. I expected as much since they were on a metal label. The debut is definitely heavier 80's style classic metal.


I'm guessing their change in direction is what casued the separation with the record label.

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