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Your right Jason, Jimmy isrunning away with it for now. Wait till after race 26 when if he's still in first he'll only be 5 points ahead of second. We'll see then. Sucked Stewart wrecked! :angry:

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I think like you do that Johnson is so good right now that is doesn't matter where they reset the points but it does suck that you go from being up 200 points to just 5. But if Johnson can just keep driving the way he has he'll take the whole thing. Of course I have to root for Tony but if I had to pick a second person it would be Jimmy.

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the way i look at it is in a football perspective. if you go 15-1 in the regular season then go into the playoffs you still have a lose and you go home thing, no matter if the next team to you went 10-6 so I don't really care about if it is fair or unfair. in the other sports the team with the best record always doesn't win the championship. It is the team who is the best in the "playoffs" but i would like to see the leader after 26 races have some other compensations like first pick of pit's for the final 10 races. automatic pole position as the homefield advantage given to the best team in the playoffs and the rest of the field qualify for 2-43 place. I mean if you work that hard through the season to be the point's leader their needs to be a little more "homefield advantage" you earn.

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I have to agree with what people are saying about Jeff Gordon. I feel if he just hangs in second place like he is right now, he will be the man to beat with only ten races to go.

Even Jeff Gordon has said that those last ten races are his best race tracks. He has a tendency to really turn it up at the end of the season. I think he can beat Jimmy in the last ten races.

Remember Jimmy's rookie year? He was ahead of Jeff most of the season until the last race when Jeff past him in the points. I guess we will see, because it looks like it's going to come down to Jeff and Jimmy. I don't think Jr. has what it takes to keep up with those two.

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Read my last post from a week ago. I had alot of good things to say about Jeff Gordon. Well, guess what?...... He won the Brickyard 400 today, and the thing about it is, I've had a feeling he was going to win all week long.

He is going to be the man to beat!





Jeff Gordon dominated Sunday's caution-filled Brickyard 400, leading 122 of 160 laps to get his fourth career Indianapolis victory (the most Brickyard wins of anyone in NASCAR). The win is also the fifth of the season for Gordon, who gained significant ground on series points leader Jimmie Johnson.



Jeff Gordon has won at Indianapolis in 1994, 1998, 2001 and 2004.

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I don't mean this as a knock on Nascar or any fans of Nascar racing.

I went to the races once, and it was the biggest collection of white trash I have ever seen. I am not putting any other fans of racing in that category mind you. Just my particular experience with racing was laughable. I am from California and that could be a big part of it. Not a big racing fanbase in San Diego. I found myself bored to tears and somewhat fearful for my life in "Deliverance" sort of way. I also found myself hoping for a wreck, and that's just not good. Again, I hope nobody on here thinks I am grouping fans of racing in with my experience. I meant no insult. Just sharing my racing experience.

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Well.....hey, everyone has their own experiences, right?? I used to go to the time trials at Indy every year.....and had a BLAST!!!! Then....when I went to the actual race a few times.....I hated it!!! People were squoooooshed in butt to butt to butt!!! I couldn't breathe!!! (Yes......I KNOW Indy is not NASCAR.....but it IS cars going around ..... and around........and around.....lol....) It was the biggest collection of EVERY walk of life I'd ever seen..........takes all kinds, eh??? :D


Some of the nicest, sweetest people I know (my Daddy for one) are NASCAR fanatics......so I'll be the last one to ever say anything bad about them!!! :lol:


I personally don't really care much for racing......I'd rather go shopping!! :lol:

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You did kind of offend me. I don't mind you stating your opion that it was a bad experiance but calling everyone there white trash and fearing for your life kind of got me. One thing I look forward to every week is sitting back and watching the race and relaxing and watch the pretty shiny cars go round in round. Fine you don't like it but watch how you say things.

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I totally started off by saying it was not a comment on fans of racing(you). The particular track I went to was nothing but a collection of white trash. I can't comment on any other track or even the same track on a different day. My lone experience was not a good one. I feel like I did watch what I said. An example of my experience is this. The guy wearing the white corduroy pants and the big shiny belt buckle that sat next to me was sizing me up. Not because he wanted me, but because he had run out of spaces on his pants to wipe his nacho cheese covered hands, and was thinking that I had plenty of clean areas on my jeans. That same guy was asking the guy with him if he had banged his girlfriend the night before. Innocent enough right? That is until you throw into the mix that the dudes girlfriend was nacho boys daughter. Not a knock on race fans, just these particular races fans.

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Let me ask you this then. Was it just these people sitting next to you or was there a problem with everybody there. Think about it? What about the guy sitting three rows in front of you. How about the guy in the section next to you. Sounds like it was just these people next to you. Not everyone there. Its just like a someone totaly not into our music coming to a metal show and just the person next to him is a problem, so he leaves and says everyone there was nothing but burnouts there. I wouldn't like that. So maybe when I don my #20 hat and shirt on Sundays I turn into white trash. I'm really just trying to point something out. But a nacho guy and his friends daughter don't make a venue with thousands of people all white trash.


Sorry on my soapbox again.

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Let's call it hundreds of people in this case. Yes in my opinion they all fit my desription. I am not classifying all people who are into racing in that category. I know many die hard fans, who I would never think were white trash. I would defend your right to paint yourself in rainbow colors and cheer on any driver you wanted. These people that night were different. It was a collection of oddities. I have never been to another track or even back to that one again. I can't say what type of people are race fans. I can however tell what I saw that night.

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I am not wearing any fucking blinders. I was simply stating what I saw on that one night at a tiny little track in El Cajon, California. It was an observation made by me, which if I can remind you came with a disclaimer stating it wasn't my opinion on all racing fans, or even any racing fans outside that racetrack that very night. Your point is that not all race fans are white trash. Point made, and understood. even agreed with. In fact I agreed with your point before you even made it. I obviously touched a nerve. For that I am sorry. In fact, I apologize to all race fans, there families and friends. I apologize to Nacho Cheese boy and his kin. If you feel i lumped you in with Nacho Cheese Boy, I am sorry. I am sorry I stole Metal Edge magazines from the stores when I was a teenager. I am sorry Lita Ford's musical downfall didn't lead her to a career in porn. Maybe we will get lucky when Britney's career goes down the tubes. And most of all, I am sorry I ever posted in that fucking Nascar forum. Consider retraction issued and subject closed. AMEN AMEN, I am clean again!!!!!!!!

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Ok maybe I did get a little crazy, but didn't most of us guys wish Lita had done some porn? As far as I am concerned, it's over. Let's find someone we can both agree to talk shit about. How about people that go to the ballet? They are all so hoidy toidy with there balcony binoculars and........ummm I'll just shut here and say I truly meant no disrespect and sincerely apologize if i slighted anyone.

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