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Ebay Seller - has anyone dealt w/this one?

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I wanna know why the FUCK my post was deleted.


If someone here is sucking corporate cock then you go ahead and do it - but if you are going to prevent me from exposing the frauds in this business then you are a bigger piece of shit than they are.




The reason I deleted your post genius, is because you named names and insinuated that illegal dealings were going on without showing any specifics or facts. Believe it or not I do the same for you when non-specific negativities are posted about you. I know you love to sling the shit and you totally can't handle it when people do it back to you, but hey not really my problem.


Additionally, as you said you're not perfect either so why not shut the fuck up for a change. It's not like you're doing this to "help" us, you're just trying to take the focus off your own negative aspects, and pretend you're a good guy or some shit. You're in it for the money, that I can respect. I have zero respect when you hide behind supposed high moral ground.


I do respect you Pete and you are a valuable member of this community and I consider you a comrade....but we all know that Sam is a bit harsh with the words and does not use the greatest tact when voicing his opinions, etc. I agree with the first paragraph of your post regarding specifics ,etc. But I feel you are a bit off base here where Sam's intentions are in mentioning these instances. I think, perhaps, you're letting your 'personal' feelings for him sway your 'moderation'. Sam *is* a businessman, so yes....he wants to make money with his company. But I've known Sam for over 10 years and have spoken to him personally many, many times and he has a genuine interest in provding this music to the masses.....even though his methods may not be the 'soundest', his intentions are true....and I get the distinct feeling that the reason he is even forthcoming with this info *which he has known for some time*, is two fold......


For one......Sam has been so maligned here that, think for a second.....that he is trying to show all of those 'naysayers' that the labels, etc. that they hold in high regard....or NEVER go after on a witch hunt like they do Sam, that they seem to be given a 'free pass' while he is CONSTANTLY taken to task. He is human.....and has been hurt by this 'negativity' and they've played on his wrongdoings until the knife could not possibly go any deeper. So, it's his way of saying 'Hey....I'm not the only one that has made mistakes...take some of the heat off fellas'. So, yes....I would say that it is partially to help heal his own self-esteem and/or image in the eyes of the HH Community.


And two.....to provide this forum...and its members with factual information regarding these situations, and as such, I'm sure the generally concerned people of this forum would like to hear the stories. There are plenty of people to 'call out' "Bad Ebayers"...."Bad Sellers"...."Bad Traders", etc...and this is no different.


I mean........this website has it's own section for Z-Record's follies on the front page so it's not like it refrains from this kind of thing..........


Ultimately, Dan decides what is best for his website and, as I always say....I adhere to that because I love coming here and contributing and ....receiving insight from all of the valuable contributors to this site. I try to play the 'middle ground' for the most part. When those that didn't know the 'facts' concerning Retrospect and Sam came here and continually bombarded him, I tried to make them see the whole situation from someone who knows. I even took some flak from them with people commenting that I'm "on the payroll"..."I have a stake in Retrospect", etc.....etc......all of which was untrue, but I held steadfast in my ways, regardless of the attacks against myself because I try to do what is right.......


In the end, we ARE one big family here......


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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I wanna know why the FUCK my post was deleted.


If someone here is sucking corporate cock then you go ahead and do it - but if you are going to prevent me from exposing the frauds in this business then you are a bigger piece of shit than they are.




The reason I deleted your post genius, is because you named names and insinuated that illegal dealings were going on without showing any specifics or facts. Believe it or not I do the same for you when non-specific negativities are posted about you. I know you love to sling the shit and you totally can't handle it when people do it back to you, but hey not really my problem.


Additionally, as you said you're not perfect either so why not shut the fuck up for a change. It's not like you're doing this to "help" us, you're just trying to take the focus off your own negative aspects, and pretend you're a good guy or some shit. You're in it for the money, that I can respect. I have zero respect when you hide behind supposed high moral ground.


I do respect you Pete and you are a valuable member of this community and I consider you a comrade....but we all know that Sam is a bit harsh with the words and does not use the greatest tact when voicing his opinions, etc. I agree with the first paragraph of your post regarding specifics ,etc. But I feel you are a bit off base here where Sam's intentions are in mentioning these instances. I think, perhaps, you're letting your 'personal' feelings for him sway your 'moderation'. Sam *is* a businessman, so yes....he wants to make money with his company. But I've known Sam for over 10 years and have spoken to him personally many, many times and he has a genuine interest in provding this music to the masses.....even though his methods may not be the 'soundest', his intentions are true....and I get the distinct feeling that the reason he is even forthcoming with this info *which he has known for some time*, is two fold......


For one......Sam has been so maligned here that, think for a second.....that he is trying to show all of those 'naysayers' that the labels, etc. that they hold in high regard....or NEVER go after on a witch hunt like they do Sam, that they seem to be given a 'free pass' while he is CONSTANTLY taken to task. He is human.....and has been hurt by this 'negativity' and they've played on his wrongdoings until the knife could not possibly go any deeper. So, it's his way of saying 'Hey....I'm not the only one that has made mistakes...take some of the heat off fellas'. So, yes....I would say that it is partially to help heal his own self-esteem and/or image in the eyes of the HH Community.


And two.....to provide this forum...and its members with factual information regarding these situations, and as such, I'm sure the generally concerned people of this forum would like to hear the stories. There are plenty of people to 'call out' "Bad Ebayers"...."Bad Sellers"...."Bad Traders", etc...and this is no different.


I mean........this website has it's own section for Z-Record's follies on the front page so it's not like it refrains from this kind of thing..........


Ultimately, Dan decides what is best for his website and, as I always say....I adhere to that because I love coming here and contributing and ....receiving insight from all of the valuable contributors to this site. I try to play the 'middle ground' for the most part. When those that didn't know the 'facts' concerning Retrospect and Sam came here and continually bombarded him, I tried to make them see the whole situation from someone who knows. I even took some flak from them with people commenting that I'm "on the payroll"..."I have a stake in Retrospect", etc.....etc......all of which was untrue, but I held steadfast in my ways, regardless of the attacks against myself because I try to do what is right.......


In the end, we ARE one big family here......


I disagree, Sam's negativity and lack of any semblance of communication skills is what brings it all down on him. It's up to him to fix it at the source. He's a supposed professional businessman, but he seems to have a problem acting like one. I deal with professionals all day long in all types of capacities and if any of them acted half as immaturely as Sam I'd discontinue dealings with them in half a heartbeat. It's almost like you're saying I should let him slide because he's handicapped. If you really want the "unfair witchhunt" to stop, tell your buddy to calm the fuck down and snack on some Prozac before logging in.


I will continue to delete the non-specific insinuating posts, whether they be from David, Sam or whomever. I rarely ever delete a post, but the post was nothing other than "ooh, these guys do bad things and they should be ashamed". If Dan tells me not to delete anything, obviously I'll stop. That kind of, "well you wouldn't believe what (insert name here) is doing", and then saying nothing specific is a bunch of crap. If he's got something to say, then he should be a man and say it. Anything less is just gossip. If he came out and said so and so is doing this or that I wouldn't have touched the post, regardless of the content, because one of the few things I agree with in your post is that this is about getting information, good or bad about sellers and traders. Sam's post was not informational other than the names he mentioned.


For the record, what I think about Sam has nothing to do with it. I happen to like David, but I'm no stranger to deleting his posts either.

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I disagree, Sam's negativity and lack of any semblance of communication skills is what brings it all down on him. It's up to him to fix it at the source. He's a supposed professional businessman, but he seems to have a problem acting like one. I deal with professionals all day long in all types of capacities and if any of them acted half as immaturely as Sam I'd discontinue dealings with them in half a heartbeat. It's almost like you're saying I should let him slide because he's handicapped. If you really want the "unfair witchhunt" to stop, tell your buddy to calm the fuck down and snack on some Prozac before logging in.


I will continue to delete the non-specific insinuating posts, whether they be from David, Sam or whomever. I rarely ever delete a post, but the post was nothing other than "ooh, these guys do bad things and they should be ashamed". If Dan tells me not to delete anything, obviously I'll stop. That kind of, "well you wouldn't believe what (insert name here) is doing", and then saying nothing specific is a bunch of crap. If he's got something to say, then he should be a man and say it. Anything less is just gossip. If he came out and said so and so is doing this or that I wouldn't have touched the post, regardless of the content, because one of the few things I agree with in your post is that this is about getting information, good or bad about sellers and traders. Sam's post was not informational other than the names he mentioned.


For the record, what I think about Sam has nothing to do with it. I happen to like David, but I'm no stranger to deleting his posts either.




Ok Pete , I am going to refrain from posting what I really think of you and that's going to be extremely difficult. But since you are the guilty party of what I accused you of in my earlier post , I think that pretty much sums you up.


So let me make this absolutely clear so you can get it through that thick egotistical skull of yours.


Does NEH Records carry Frontiers / MTM titles? Do the Harlings carry Frontiers / MTM titles?

What about Perris / Metal Mayhem / Dreamdisc / The End Records??



IT IS ILLEGAL for Frontiers and MTM to export their titles to the USA when they are ONLY LICENSED FOR EUROPEAN RELEASE.




Do you not get that????. How much more fucking proof do you need?????


Now before people get on the Russian cd kick - let me add a clause here.... (USED cd's can be imported / exported / exploded - wherever) - when they are SEALED however and then wholesaled to distributors around the world that's when it becomes illegal.



Jesus Christ people , get your head out of your stinky ass shitter and learn the business.


The reason I get so pissed is guys like Pete who will chastise me to no end and can't even be bothered to learn MUSIC 101. You bitch and whine about shit that I do and then give the reacharound to the labels that are shafting the bands!!!!


Wake the fuck up. I am sick to death of MORONS.


Pete , you were one of those nimblenuts a year and a half ago that said I would fail within 6 months. And all your talk of me being unprofessional doesn't count for SHIT because 18 months into this thing I am kicking ass and the bands keep on comin. So you can take all your negative energy and blow it out your ass - the same place your words come from.


Now hand me my pro-zac.... :blink:

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Ok Pete , I am going to refrain from posting what I really think of you and that's going to be extremely difficult. But since you are the guilty party of what I accused you of in my earlier post , I think that pretty much sums you up.


So let me make this absolutely clear so you can get it through that thick egotistical skull of yours.


Does NEH Records carry Frontiers / MTM titles? Do the Harlings carry Frontiers / MTM titles?

What about Perris / Metal Mayhem / Dreamdisc / The End Records??



IT IS ILLEGAL for Frontiers and MTM to export their titles to the USA when they are ONLY LICENSED FOR EUROPEAN RELEASE.




Do you not get that????. How much more fucking proof do you need?????


Now before people get on the Russian cd kick - let me add a clause here.... (USED cd's can be imported / exported / exploded - wherever) - when they are SEALED however and then wholesaled to distributors around the world that's when it becomes illegal.



Jesus Christ people , get your head out of your stinky ass shitter and learn the business.


The reason I get so pissed is guys like Pete who will chastise me to no end and can't even be bothered to learn MUSIC 101. You bitch and whine about shit that I do and then give the reacharound to the labels that are shafting the bands!!!!


Wake the fuck up. I am sick to death of MORONS.


Pete , you were one of those nimblenuts a year and a half ago that said I would fail within 6 months. And all your talk of me being unprofessional doesn't count for SHIT because 18 months into this thing I am kicking ass and the bands keep on comin. So you can take all your negative energy and blow it out your ass - the same place your words come from.


Now hand me my pro-zac.... :blink:


Yes you mentioned that thing about me thinking you would fall in 6 months, which is:


A. not something I ever said, and...

B. not something I really care about anyway.


At any rate, if you can find that post (and no, I did not go back and delete it), feel free to bump it up, and if I did say it I'm obviously wrong, but I'm about 99.9% certain I never said that. I don't know or care enough about your business to even hazard a guess at your potential for longevity. Not really sure why you keep telling me how you're showing me how great your business is doing. Are you in need of approval? ;)


As an aside, thanks for the specifics about the labels, believe it or not that's the kind of stuff (other than your immature and overly confrontational method of presentation) that might actually be useful.


Like I've always said, my problem with you is that you fly off the handle anytime anyone asks you a simple question that you deem to be some kind of affront, and then you'll come in and make your little attacks on everyone else, while still not exactly answering any of the questions sent your way. Hypocrisy, nothing more, nothing less...


As I said, don't care, you don't either so there ya go.



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I disagree, Sam's negativity and lack of any semblance of communication skills is what brings it all down on him. It's up to him to fix it at the source. He's a supposed professional businessman, but he seems to have a problem acting like one. I deal with professionals all day long in all types of capacities and if any of them acted half as immaturely as Sam I'd discontinue dealings with them in half a heartbeat. It's almost like you're saying I should let him slide because he's handicapped. If you really want the "unfair witchhunt" to stop, tell your buddy to calm the fuck down and snack on some Prozac before logging in.


I will continue to delete the non-specific insinuating posts, whether they be from David, Sam or whomever. I rarely ever delete a post, but the post was nothing other than "ooh, these guys do bad things and they should be ashamed". If Dan tells me not to delete anything, obviously I'll stop. That kind of, "well you wouldn't believe what (insert name here) is doing", and then saying nothing specific is a bunch of crap. If he's got something to say, then he should be a man and say it. Anything less is just gossip. If he came out and said so and so is doing this or that I wouldn't have touched the post, regardless of the content, because one of the few things I agree with in your post is that this is about getting information, good or bad about sellers and traders. Sam's post was not informational other than the names he mentioned.


For the record, what I think about Sam has nothing to do with it. I happen to like David, but I'm no stranger to deleting his posts either.




Ok Pete , I am going to refrain from posting what I really think of you and that's going to be extremely difficult. But since you are the guilty party of what I accused you of in my earlier post , I think that pretty much sums you up.


So let me make this absolutely clear so you can get it through that thick egotistical skull of yours.


Does NEH Records carry Frontiers / MTM titles? Do the Harlings carry Frontiers / MTM titles?

What about Perris / Metal Mayhem / Dreamdisc / The End Records??



IT IS ILLEGAL for Frontiers and MTM to export their titles to the USA when they are ONLY LICENSED FOR EUROPEAN RELEASE.




Do you not get that????. How much more fucking proof do you need?????


Now before people get on the Russian cd kick - let me add a clause here.... (USED cd's can be imported / exported / exploded - wherever) - when they are SEALED however and then wholesaled to distributors around the world that's when it becomes illegal.



Jesus Christ people , get your head out of your stinky ass shitter and learn the business.


The reason I get so pissed is guys like Pete who will chastise me to no end and can't even be bothered to learn MUSIC 101. You bitch and whine about shit that I do and then give the reacharound to the labels that are shafting the bands!!!!


Wake the fuck up. I am sick to death of MORONS.


Pete , you were one of those nimblenuts a year and a half ago that said I would fail within 6 months. And all your talk of me being unprofessional doesn't count for SHIT because 18 months into this thing I am kicking ass and the bands keep on comin. So you can take all your negative energy and blow it out your ass - the same place your words come from.


Now hand me my pro-zac.... :blink:


*deep breath*


Sam..........you're not doing yourself any favors here. All you needed to do was post the info. You didn't need to go off like that........


C'mon man.....

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Additionally, as you said you're not perfect either so why not shut the fuck up for a change. It's not like you're doing this to "help" us, you're just trying to take the focus off your own negative aspects, and pretend you're a good guy or some shit.


I don't need to get in on this whole thing and have a heap of respect for both Pete (:wub:) and Jim (Thanks mate... still excited about my mail box :D) but I have to agree 100% with what Pete's saying here because it's exactly what I thought after reading Sam's posts. I visit quite a few music sites and maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but I never see guys from MTM, Frontiers, Kivel or AOR Heaven... any other label... I never see them attacking each other and seeing posts like Sam's recent ones appear to me like someone trying to take the focus of himself and sling shit towards people not even involved in the whole matter... nothing more.


Before Sam tears me apart for not knowing all the facts, I admit I don't... but neither do most of us. Most of us just want to hear the music, without the bullshit involved. No one wants to see any of the artists get ripped off, but as with what happened with Z Records... I'm sure the artists are smart enough to take care of this themselves. Sam, you know I don't like you but I've never attacked your label and never would, unless I had good reason too... which I personally don't at this point in time. That said, I still read what everyone else says and a lot of people I respect have a lot of bad things to say about you, but on the other side of the coin we have Jim, Dave (LV KIX) and Lonnie who all back you up... of which I have immense respect for all 3 of those guys. So I'm in the middle and that's where I'll stay.


Anyway, the point of this seemingly pointless email (but do I know any other way?) is to say that if people are attacking you/your label, it'd be a nice move to refrain from dragging other unknowing parties into the equation just to take the focus off yourself.

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Geoff , the reason you don't see them slinging shit at each other is because they are all in bed together doing the same thing to their own artists. The same thing that Z Records did.


Somebody once said that I have enemies in the music business. That 'someone' was another label-owner who was bent out of shape because I exposed him for the fraud he is.


I have enemies because I do not adhere to the conventional way of doing business. And if you look at successful businessman of the past and present you'll find that they had to 'cross the line' and take chances doing 'unconventional' methods to get to where they are.


It's funny how you guys mention me slinging shit to take the focus off myself.....HAHA....the majority of you monitor my existence 24/7. I sling the truth. I protect the musicians. I am one of the only label-owners in the world right now who is a bonafide professional musician.

I WANT everyone to focus on ME. Business is good and there's not a day that goes by where a band is emailing me wanting to sign with R.R. because of their previous unsuccessful dealings with 'other' labels.


I don't know if you guys think R.R is a joke but I released more product in the past 18 months than any other company in the world. This is serious and regardless to what some of you think , I am making a dent in the industry one day at a time. It's not about me , it's about the music I represent.


I have nothing to hide and judging from record-breaking sales in January , the real music fans believe in the cause too.


One more thing.... I told you months ago that Retrospect releases would become collectible items. Well , judging from ebay sales of already oop Retrospect titles , my prediction came true (once again foiling all the nay-sayers and unbelievers - who's laughing now?). I have seen other sellers fetch prices of $80-$100 of various oop Retrospect releases.


End of story.

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Wow, got to admit that was about the most civil reply I've ever seen from you. :D More like that and you may not get so much negative focus. You even refrained from personally attacking myself or anyone else here. Seriously, I'm not kidding. Not bad. :) Congratulations.

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Everytime I see one of these so called war of words with Sam taking on the world, I feel like I'm watching Jerry Springer. The only thing missing are those redneck chicks flashing their boobies. OK, well I guess Geoff's Spagetti & Sausage photo from the Ten Seconds Over Tokyo thread comes close enough.

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I don't really feel like I'm taking on the world - just the industry whores that have abused bands for too long.


So many of you are quick to point out bootlegs and yet you condone the shafting of bands by the labels you idolize.


I believe that is the definition of hypocrisy.


Bootlegs will always be around - you will never stop it , but you can educate.


Greedy label-owners will always be around - I can't stop it , but I can educate.

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My last response to this foolishness, no seriously.


I don't have any doubts that at least several of the indie labels are screwing their artists. I have no doubt that all of them are in it to make money.


But Sam a champion of the little guy, and an... educator... I'm sure somebody will believe it.



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hundreds , if not thousands , already do.


Some of these posts seem to becoming from a cult leader and not an owner of a reissue label.

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