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Ebay Seller - has anyone dealt w/this one?

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I must admit I've been out of the buying loop for a while, so unless it's someone I recognize from here, I have no idea who I'm buying from! :anon:


There's a seller on Ebay from Basingstoke UK with two different seller ID's -"sellingonadrenaline" and "nitromusic". I'm looking at the Talisman "7" disc. But for $4.97 & 7.99 shipping? One of the negative comments was that the buyer thought he got a Russian boot, so I'm skeptical. Any thoughts/comments? Thanks gang! :drink:

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I must admit I've been out of the buying loop for a while, so unless it's someone I recognize from here, I have no idea who I'm buying from! :anon:


There's a seller on Ebay from Basingstoke UK with two different seller ID's -"sellingonadrenaline" and "nitromusic". I'm looking at the Talisman "7" disc. But for $4.97 & 7.99 shipping? One of the negative comments was that the buyer thought he got a Russian boot, so I'm skeptical. Any thoughts/comments? Thanks gang! :drink:


He sells russian pressed cds.

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nitromusic sells Russian CDs yes. If you read his auction near the end it is written "THE CD IS BRANDNEW EAST EUROPEAN IMPORT CD"


I think someone here stated earlier that they receive payments in UK, but the CDs ship out from Moscow. I'm not sure if it was for this particualr seller though, better do a forum search and check it out.

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nitromusic sells Russian CDs yes. If you read his auction near the end it is written "THE CD IS BRANDNEW EAST EUROPEAN IMPORT CD"


I think someone here stated earlier that they receive payments in UK, but the CDs ship out from Moscow. I'm not sure if it was for this particualr seller though, better do a forum search and check it out.



Huh. "EAST EUROPEAN IMPORT CD" = Russian boot. <_< Think I'll stick w/NEH for a legit copy. Thanks guys! :drink:

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... and he doesn't sell or ship to most european countries ! Guess why ... ?!?! :whistle:

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Nuclear Hell has MANY seller names on ebay. All their listings are almost identical in wording as well as the very low selling price along with the $8+ shipping price.

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What I find amusing is the pure 'animosity' towards discs that are legally pressed in Russia. I mean...I know most of it is ignorance...but, damn.....


I think some of you people don't realise that everything pressed in Russia isn't a bootleg!!?? If I was a Russian, I might just be offended........

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Backing up what a few guys have said here. I've just bought a shitload of CDs from NuclearHell (because they are very cheap) and they're definately NOT bootlegs. As Sam, Jim and TDRough said, they're just Russian pressed CDs... exactly the same as me here in Australia buying and Australian pressing of a US or European artist. Nothing wrong with that... as far as my simple mind understands. :)


I'd definately recommend NuclearHell to anyone... the discs I've got so far have all been excellent, and 100% legit... aside from the fact I don't think they're allowed to be "legally" sold outside Russia. :D


Christine, I'd suggest going to the NuclearHell website and picking up a few CDs with free shipping rather than that price w/shipping on ebay.

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These are not boots.


I have brought from them before... 'Nuclear Hell' and the cd are top quality.

Inserts and discs are all 10/10. Actually most discs I got had extras not availalbe on US or Euro pressings.


My only complaint would be slow shipping, but when you're paying half the price of elsewhere yuo cannt complain.

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These are not boots.


I have brought from them before... 'Nuclear Hell' and the cd are top quality.

Inserts and discs are all 10/10. Actually most discs I got had extras not availalbe on US or Euro pressings.


My only complaint would be slow shipping, but when you're paying half the price of elsewhere yuo cannt complain.


Yeah, I agree with all of what Lindsay says. Shipping's a little slow, but for free shipping I would honestly wait for 2 months without being upset... it is such a HUGE bonus, especially for us Aussies here. As Lindsay says, the discs and inserts are always 100% perfect. Sometime you have to replace a few CD cases, but again... free shipping I'd expect them to come without cases anyway so that's another complete bonus.


Also agree with what TDRough says. Andrew is a great communicator and very quick to reply to emails and let you know what's going on, and very willing to help you out. Seems like a very cool guy. I'm extremely impressed with them.

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I wanna know why the FUCK my post was deleted.


If someone here is sucking corporate cock then you go ahead and do it - but if you are going to prevent me from exposing the frauds in this business then you are a bigger piece of shit than they are.




Another day, another person who gets the double fingered red smilie.

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I wanna know why the FUCK my post was deleted.


If someone here is sucking corporate cock then you go ahead and do it - but if you are going to prevent me from exposing the frauds in this business then you are a bigger piece of shit than they are.





Easy, Sam....


Anyway, I am curious as to why Sam's post was deleted, as well. :bigboom: I thought it contained some interesting tidbits. There's always at least two sides to every story, and Sam's post certainly added some tantalizing info.


No one could ever accuse Sam of being tactful, but if he has some valid points, why not let them out there for everyone to see?


Just my two cents... :tumbsup:

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I get my info from the horses mouth so to speak. If some people at various forums around the globe would stop brown-nosing certain record labels and actually start talking to bands , they might get a clue on how these bands are getting shafted.


Here's a classic example (a small version - I have a lot better ones).....


Norwegian guitar player from a certain band comes over to the NAMM show. He asks his (well-known) label if he can have a few promo cd's. The label tells him to buy them off the website. He never got any of his cd's (not even ONE after production) and then he has to PAY for a few promo copies????? WTF????



You guys think I just make this shit up? I have hundreds of stories like this.


Am I perfect? Nope.


AM I 100% honest with every band who has a contract with me? Yep.


How is it that every band I talk to has something shitty to say about various labels around the world?


When I present these issues , they are shot down as ludicrous.


Get off your knees and start asking questions.

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I get my info from the horses mouth so to speak. If some people at various forums around the globe would stop brown-nosing certain record labels and actually start talking to bands , they might get a clue on how these bands are getting shafted.


Here's a classic example (a small version - I have a lot better ones).....


Norwegian guitar player from a certain band comes over to the NAMM show. He asks his (well-known) label if he can have a few promo cd's. The label tells him to buy them off the website. He never got any of his cd's (not even ONE after production) and then he has to PAY for a few promo copies????? WTF????



You guys think I just make this shit up? I have hundreds of stories like this.


Am I perfect? Nope.


AM I 100% honest with every band who has a contract with me? Yep.


How is it that every band I talk to has something shitty to say about various labels around the world?


When I present these issues , they are shot down as ludicrous.


Get off your knees and start asking questions.


Quite incredible! :bigboom:


Please keep us informed, Sam.

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Jeez, I didn't mean to start a war in here!!! :anon: See, this is why I ask you guys about stuff like this. I sure as hell don't claim to know everything about cd's, I just know what I like and I buy originals because I hate for the bands to get screwed. If they're not boots, then they're not boots. My apologies to anyone I pissed off. -_- <feeling quite contrite>

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Jeez, I didn't mean to start a war in here!!! :anon: See, this is why I ask you guys about stuff like this. I sure as hell don't claim to know everything about cd's, I just know what I like and I buy originals because I hate for the bands to get screwed. If they're not boots, then they're not boots. My apologies to anyone I pissed off. -_- <feeling quite contrite>


No war here, IMO. Just an interesting thread you started, that happens to have several mini-threads involved. :P

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Agreed. No war here Christine , I am just enlightening my fellow HH members.


I shall add another story here....


The same Norwegian guitarist who happened to be signed to a label here in the U.S. (with a different band) sold approximately 2000 copies of a certain disc. When asked why they only got a $500 royalty check for the ENTIRE amount of units sold - the particular label-owner just said "Oh well , sue me".


I've never had a thing to say about this label-owner before and will continue to keep my mouth shut to who he is (for now) - but you visit this forum mister , so I'd like you to explain yourself - you know who you are.




My bandmate and best friend Ron Keel licensed THREE of his recordings (FULL CD'S) to another well-known label here in the USA - he got $3000 up-front , $1000 for each cd. He hasn't seen a PENNY since. THIS WAS 7 YEARS AGO!!! Those particular cd's are STILL being sold.



Another very good friend of mine Mark Gendel (from RPM) owns 50% of the publishing on the RPM albums. When I found him , he had no idea of any RPM re-issue and was pissed to learn that the issuing label had used bonus tracks that were not theirs to use! This was 2005. It is now 2007 and Mark STILL has not received a dime from GEMA or the issuing label for the 50% publishing he OWNS!!! Hence , OUR re-issue which is Mark's baby.


There's no excuses. There's no "well maybe this or maybe that". This is real life and it's bullshit.


Shall I continue?

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I wanna know why the FUCK my post was deleted.


If someone here is sucking corporate cock then you go ahead and do it - but if you are going to prevent me from exposing the frauds in this business then you are a bigger piece of shit than they are.




The reason I deleted your post genius, is because you named names and insinuated that illegal dealings were going on without showing any specifics or facts. Believe it or not I do the same for you when non-specific negativities are posted about you. I know you love to sling the shit and you totally can't handle it when people do it back to you, but hey not really my problem.


Additionally, as you said you're not perfect either so why not shut the fuck up for a change. It's not like you're doing this to "help" us, you're just trying to take the focus off your own negative aspects, and pretend you're a good guy or some shit. You're in it for the money, that I can respect. I have zero respect when you hide behind supposed high moral ground.

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I wanna know why the FUCK my post was deleted.


If someone here is sucking corporate cock then you go ahead and do it - but if you are going to prevent me from exposing the frauds in this business then you are a bigger piece of shit than they are.




The reason I deleted your post genius, is because you named names and insinuated that illegal dealings were going on without showing any specifics or facts. Believe it or not I do the same for you when non-specific negativities are posted about you. I know you love to sling the shit and you totally can't handle it when people do it back to you, but hey not really my problem.


Additionally, as you said you're not perfect either so why not shut the fuck up for a change. It's not like you're doing this to "help" us, you're just trying to take the focus off your own negative aspects, and pretend you're a good guy or some shit. You're in it for the money, that I can respect. I have zero respect when you hide behind supposed high moral ground.


I do respect you Pete and you are a valuable member of this community and I consider you a comrade....but we all know that Sam is a bit harsh with the words and does not use the greatest tact when voicing his opinions, etc. I agree with the first paragraph of your post regarding specifics ,etc. But I feel you are a bit off base here where Sam's intentions are in mentioning these instances. I think, perhaps, you're letting your 'personal' feelings for him sway your 'moderation'. Sam *is* a businessman, so yes....he wants to make money with his company. But I've known Sam for over 10 years and have spoken to him personally many, many times and he has a genuine interest in provding this music to the masses.....even though his methods may not be the 'soundest', his intentions are true....and I get the distinct feeling that the reason he is even forthcoming with this info *which he has known for some time*, is two fold......


For one......Sam has been so maligned here that, think for a second.....that he is trying to show all of those 'naysayers' that the labels, etc. that they hold in high regard....or NEVER go after on a witch hunt like they do Sam, that they seem to be given a 'free pass' while he is CONSTANTLY taken to task. He is human.....and has been hurt by this 'negativity' and they've played on his wrongdoings until the knife could not possibly go any deeper. So, it's his way of saying 'Hey....I'm not the only one that has made mistakes...take some of the heat off fellas'. So, yes....I would say that it is partially to help heal his own self-esteem and/or image in the eyes of the HH Community.


And two.....to provide this forum...and its members with factual information regarding these situations, and as such, I'm sure the generally concerned people of this forum would like to hear the stories. There are plenty of people to 'call out' "Bad Ebayers"...."Bad Sellers"...."Bad Traders", etc...and this is no different.


I mean........this website has it's own section for Z-Record's follies on the front page so it's not like it refrains from this kind of thing..........


Ultimately, Dan decides what is best for his website and, as I always say....I adhere to that because I love coming here and contributing and ....receiving insight from all of the valuable contributors to this site. I try to play the 'middle ground' for the most part. When those that didn't know the 'facts' concerning Retrospect and Sam came here and continually bombarded him, I tried to make them see the whole situation from someone who knows. I even took some flak from them with people commenting that I'm "on the payroll"..."I have a stake in Retrospect", etc.....etc......all of which was untrue, but I held steadfast in my ways, regardless of the attacks against myself because I try to do what is right.......


In the end, we ARE one big family here......

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