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Pointless Nonsense


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Nick C is my hero and I'm not joking.


The laughter filled the atmosphere surrounding the bar on the barmy winter's evening. "Colin, buy me a beer you ol' poofter!" yelled Colin.


"Uh, Colin, you big poofter," said Winthrup, the maid's butler, "You just called yourself a poofter and asked yourself to buy yourself a beer."


"I know that," said Colin. "I don't need a running commentary on how homosexual I am!"

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Barney slowly eased the gun from his jacket and turned around to face Greg and pointed it directly at his head. A grim smile betrayed the satisfaction of finally having Greg in his sights!


"oooooooh nice gun.....can I have a go? Pleasepleasepleaseplease.....puhhhleeeezzzeeeeeee...I'll be your friend!" cried Greg.


"No s'mine...no bagsies either!!!" Barney sure walked it like he talked it.

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There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition....Welcome to the HH Zone..

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Barney slowly eased the gun from his jacket and turned around to face Greg and pointed it directly at his head. A grim smile betrayed the satisfaction of finally having Greg in his sights!


"oooooooh nice gun.....can I have a go? Pleasepleasepleaseplease.....puhhhleeeezzzeeeeeee...I'll be your friend!" cried Greg.


"No s'mine...no bagsies either!!!" Barney sure walked it like he talked it.





Bekham was afraid that one day his tusks would hinder his progress in life. Up until now, living on a hill in upper North Mongolia, he had yet to deal with the atrocities of suburban life. On Tuesday, he wandered into a book store, looking for a copy of 'Asses... and How They Look'.


"OH MY GODDAMN GOD!!!" yelled Beatrice, the pretty young lady behind the counter at the book store. "You have tusks on your face!"


Bekham's face and tusks turned a deep shade of crimson. He now knew that he could never interact in the world at the foot of the hill. He wept, and as the tear rolled down his face onto the tip of one of his tusks, Beatrice caught it with her tongue. "I love you, Tuskman." She went to embrace him, but accidentally impaled herself on his other tusk. She died in his arms and the tears fell like rain from the tip of his tusks.


He now knew that he could never interact in the world at the foot of the hill.

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There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition....Welcome to the HH Zone..


Is there any good porn in the fifth dimension? If so where can I sign up to join the HH Zone? :tumbsup:

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He opened the door to the old house and it gave out a creak like the screech of a startled cat. The dank air assaulted his nostrils and he winced as his lungs drew it in.....decay, the smell of wet leaves and damp musty plaster permeated the air.

He sprayed the air freshner around...."I'll give it five minutes" he thought "and then start vacuuming the carpet"

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  • My Little Pony

I'm so lost. What's going on in here? I wondered as I began reading the senseless amounts of copious previous posts. Immediately unwanted images of Barney preparing supper under a blazing sun in Oz while Paul and Gregory confirm their identities on a fifth dimensional pornographic film, penetrated and dominated my brain. I stood there and watched my brain become bombarded with visions of obscene acts performed before Barney of Oz, and there was nothing I could do to refrain it from continuing. I reached out to get a solid grip on my brain - in order to rattle the images off it, but I only succeeded in entrapping my hands within it...

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Slowly, by the hand Rachel lead Horace into the half light of the bedroom, her scent was driving him wild with desire. She let go of his hand and took a few steps away from him and he drank her in with his eyes. Smiling over her shoulder at him she let the flimsy material of her dress fall to the floor revealing her intricate back tattoo of Popeye eating a pizza.

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Slowly, by the hand Rachel lead Horace into the half light of the bedroom, her scent was driving him wild with desire. She let go of his hand and took a few steps away from him and he drank her in with his eyes. Smiling over her shoulder at him she let the flimsy material of her dress fall to the floor revealing her intricate back tattoo of Popeye eating a pizza.


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Nick's last two entries in this thread are my two favourite posts of the year. Hands down.


Slithering across the floor, Shane felt the carpet on his belly. It felt good, like the chance of rabies being abolished at the mercy of a doctor and his penis, and his needle. He wiggled his tongue free from moistened lips. "Hissssss," he said. "I'm a snake." He turned the corner from the rumpus room, leading into the kitchen. He never saw the length of the Boa Constrictor that met him with fangs in his eyeballs. Within three minutes Shane had been swallowed in his entirety and he now rested in the stomach of a Boa Constrictor. Before being stabbed in the face with the Boa Constrictor's fangs and swallowed whole, Shane had been an odd guy.

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  • My Little Pony

It's three 'o clock Wednesday morning. In three hours something's going to happen. Something terrible. Something that will change the world, as we know it. Something that will change the world forever. Two hours and twenty three minutes. Yes, I type slow.

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The wilderness looked wild and unkept. Craig stood on it's border and scratched his forehead. When he removed his finger from his forehead he noticed some dry skin under his fingernail, and it was then he realised he got slightly sunburnt at the races the other day. His skin was now peeling. Looking at the wild unkept wilderness, he wondered if the fleas and ticks in his hair felt the same as he did.

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The face was a sight for sore eyes, until the eyes were too sore to visualize anthing anymore and the person went blind. Then the face was just a sight.

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Finally the fish were cooked, he put them back in the tank but they didn't seem as playful as they once were. Same went for the roasted dog who just wouldn't play fetch. He could feel loneliness crowding in on him as he basted the parrot.

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  • My Little Pony



You're very good at games, aren't you? Do you ever cut the legs off adventurers and see how long it takes them to crawl to what they think is safety but is actually a swamp filled with flesh-eating insects? That's one of my favourites. Maybe we can play it later.



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I could bend a 500ft construction crane with my bare hands if I wanted to!

You mean like this - *bends 500ft construction crane with bare hands*

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I could bend a 500ft construction crane with my bare hands if I wanted to!

You mean like this - *bends 500ft construction crane with bare hands*


Good grief no...noooo...that's not the way to do it :rolleyes: Do it like this...watch and learn.....


*bends 500ft construction crane with bare hands*

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    • Some of these I have touched on in the past, but not found myself desperate to explore more. For instance 8 have hardline eclipse and also II. But that's it  Same with a few others on the list, I may have an album. So I guess I really want another Tyketto where the whole catalogue is great. If any on the list fit that bill. In the past I tried out Alfo November. The one with a brick wall in it?, Lillian Axe and a Loudness. Maybe I need to try them again. I purposefully left some off, like Vibbie Vincent Invasion because of the screechy vocals. I guess I always put Mark Free in that group as well.
    • Doesn't sound like Sweet at all but I kinda like it actually.
    • From your list and what hasn't been mentioned ,Sleeze Beez -Screwed,Blued & Tattooed and their Powertool album  ,Bezerk by Tigertailz , first two Lillian Axe , Baton Rouge - Shale Your Soul...all particular favs of mine,I have  a soft spot for Loudness - Thunder In The East also,dunno if you have Master Of Disguise from Lizzy Borden but it would be my fav by them....to be honest most of the artists on that  list I like though 
    • New song 'Burning Like A Falling Star' from the forthcoming album 'Full Circle'.    
    • Well, the first two "Giant" albums are quintessential, as is the "Hardline" debut. Akdo Nova's "Blood on the Bricks" is one of my all time favourites, Lizzy Borden is awesome as is the Mark/Marcie Free fronted "King Kobra".  
    • So some may remember that Tyketto toured recently and aside from Forever Young, I never delved into this band. So I did, so I'd know the songs in concert and was blown away. A great band with an awesome catalog that I had missed out on. To be fair, in the 80's it was a lot harder to access and find out about a lot of the more fringe bands, that's my excuse anyway. So I now am faced with digging deeper into some other bands I've overlooked. Some of these I gave a go, and wasn't really impressed, but now I'm starting fresh with an open mind. So below is a list of bands I have eitehr never bothered with, or never really gave a proper go. Lizzy Borden is on the list and I have done a bit of their stuff and like it a lot, so I will definately dig deeper into them (I've got some older stuff and some newer stuff, but have skipped quite a few albums) But the others, fire away, tell me which bands have killer material that I'll froth and how stppid I've been to skip them. Aldo Nova Badlands Baby Tango Baton Rouge Black N Blue Britney Fox BulletBoys DAD Giant Hanoi Rocks Hardline Jetboy King Kobra Kingdom Come Lillian Axe Lizzy Borden Loudness Love Hate Quireboys Saigon Kick Santa Cruz Shotgun Messiah SleezeBeez SouthGang Tiger Tailz TNT Vain White Tiger  
    • New song 'Chase The Sun'.    
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