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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. Me too! First spin but it sounds very promising. Deal with the Devil is a KILLER track!
  2. I agree with Geoff. Straight ahead rock and roll. Nothing more, nothing less. It is just alright IMO.
  3. I really don't see this going anywhere. If they play a few shows good enough. Put Monsters of Rock back together and I think we will see a full fledged Dokken reunion. Otherwise, I just don't see anything happening
  4. Having a New Belgium's Hoptober ale.
  5. Nice one Ian! Really like that disc. Spinnin' Grand Design~ Time Elevation
  6. So the Cains Offering is better than the new Strato? Maybe I should check it out then. I like that Impellitteri a lot and yeah Rob sounds great to. The Tango Down is awesome and maybe I'm in the minority but I love Alex's vocals. I agree with Wes. Alex's vocals kina grow on you. At first though, give it some time.
  7. Absolutely love this disc. Very good tuneage!!
  8. Color me jealous. If I'm not mistaken, me and you were two of the only people that actually liked IV, I think this is way better. On first listen I'm gonna say it picks up where Pull left off, which to me is a really good thing. Killin' me. LOVE Pull. Spinnin' Last Temptation~ Better Late Than Never Wow.
  9. I agree with the above. There has to be a way to keep Dave around?
  10. Doksdad


    Fist only had about three tunes that were worth listening. Fleet Street (Making People Pies, Evil In his Eyes) is ESSENTIAL if you are a rock fan. But I would say that In The Red is their best album. Get the greatest hits and call it good.
  11. Jericho is from Winnepeg Canada. And the same age as me. He attended all the concerts I did back in the day as he used to drive down from the North to Grand Forks, Bismark and Canada to see all the metal bands that came through. He and I have to get together one day and talk some metal. Seems like a good guy and I do like all the Fozzy albums thus far. This new one I don't believe will be an exception.
  12. Nice work Keef!!! Have a PBR on me!
  13. I'd never had the Little Caesar s/t before but I think it's good bluesy hard rock. Agreed. Spinnin' Syrum~ S/T Have you heard this one yet Pete? I am thinking you will love the guitar sound on this one!
  14. Hey Dave! You need to talk that Kix band into comin' to MN or at least SD for DRF 2010!!!
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