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2013 HH Donors
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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. Took the kids to A Christmas Carol. It was good. It was a bit dark though and my four year old was a scared when the ghosts from Christmas past, present and future showed up. Also there was an intense horse and carriage sequence. The Dok survived with no nightmares so it was great! Recommened.
  2. Excellent band. They put out some great stuff!
  3. This one is worth the price of admission. Awesome tunes throughout. Buy with confidence. Blackie rocks.
  4. I think you should rethink this Rick. I have this album and it's worth picking up. And we will take in a Helix concert together, yes, yes we will
  5. Not so worst. Good guitar playing. But did not light my socks on fire. Worth checking out though.
  6. You know, LOVE JSS and think he's in the upper echelon of vocalists but this one is not grabbing me at all. I keep trying to like it but.......nothing. Well, I should not say nothing but it's not near what I was looking for and hoping for. The songs are just not there for me. I am not giving up on it however, I will keep spinnin' it and hoping. JSS deserves at least that much.
  7. Welcome. Join the addiction.
  8. The whole thing, or just the first 2 or 3 songs? Hated that album. I'll give you that G! Amazing voice though. Old School is a pretty good tune too. Spinnin' Faster Pussycat~ Front Row To The Donkey Show (And trying to get the visions of Taime in dress out of my mind )
  9. LOVE that album, great choice! Spinnin' Carl Sentance~ Mind Doctor
  10. Here's the video of Thrill Me.
  11. What did that set you back Wes? Not to much just one of my kidneys. The doctor says I can live with one though so it's cool. Should have gave him your liver instead, it's almost shot anyway....
  12. Bagged the leaves on the lawn today and listened to several albums. Pump~ Sonic Extasy Overland~ Diamond Dealer W.E.T.~ S/T Valentine~ Soul Salvation Getting Red~ Do Ya Get It
  13. Ridiculous. Truly. Post whore.
  14. Dok is a Lion. The girl is a princess. Get candy. Go home. Watch some good scary flicks. Go to sleep.
  15. Carl Sentance~ Mind Doctor Very good. Awesome voice.
  16. Excellent album! Like Wes, looking forward to more tuneage from this band!
  17. Yeah it would have to be something like the monsters for it to be worth it for Pilson to leave Foreigner unless they could schedule it when their off the road since I imagine he gets paid a pretty good amount for playing with them. $$$ talks and that is what it would take to do a full fledged reunion tour. Plus, it would have to be attached to a huge tour like the aformentioned Monsters of Rock. Would that not kick ass to see the Monsters of Rock line up again?
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