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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. That one has its moments Wes! Europe~ Last Look at Eden (EP) This one is much "harder" than I expected. The two new songs are pretty damn good
  2. U Devil U~ Europe I dig it. And I am not a big Europe fan.
  3. You know, my fifth grade history teacher was the father to the guitar player in that band! His name was Mr. Skanson, not sure what his son's name (Darren?) is but that's a cool addition to your collection Rick! Congrats!
  4. A little late but what the hell... Happy Birthday Man!!!
  5. I agree. It's excellent and just as good as their first.
  6. KILLER tune! Psychodelic Eyes~ Electric Boys
  7. As my son would say, "that's diculous Dad". Congrats Sir Ian. Class act.
  8. Now owning this I can say that I agree with you 110%. It's a shame because the music just fucking smokes! But listening to it for the second time today, I was actually glad when the CD was over and my player switched to the next disc (which happened to be the new Primal Fear ). Anywho, I guess it depends what your tastes are and usually I'm not big into lyrics, but these were kind of funny once and then got really stale, really quick. As Jez said, just a bit too predictable. It'd bee nice if these guys would record an album with non goofy lyrics under a different band name. Exactly what I was thinking when I first heard the album. They are getting lots of attention at the moment and are being called everything from a Joke, a Parody, a Comedy HM band, you name it. A Fair few people will get bored of the lyrics pretty quickly I reckon, and I think they would be so much better and have much longer lasting appeal if they really toned it down next time - alot more people will appreciate them and they will last alot longer, although obviously this will go against what they are trying to do I suppose. At the moment - 2 albums tops in my opinion. Sorry guys, I know I said it above but I just so, 200% + disagree with you guys here. It is honestly not in my mind capacity to understand why these lyrics should/would have less longevity than any other lyrics. For example, what's a song we all love? Let's say, for the sake of this argument we all dig 'Fighter' by Kane Roberts. Just a completely random selection, but pick any song in the world and I'll argue this case. What is it about the lyrics in 'Fighter' by Kane Roberts that makes that song timeless and a song like 'Fat Girl', 'Asian Hooker' or 'Community property' not? Just because the lyrics are funny? Why don't we get sick of Johnny's story about being a fighter and giving it all you got and never giving up? To me that's a lot more tiring lyrically, but it's a stunning song and I'll love it to the day I die. 'Cause I just like good songs. And good songs aren't just good temporarily. We've alll admitted this album kicks absolute f*cking ass, so why won't it next year or ten years from now??? Sounds like pop music mentality to me. Sorry guys, I just don't get it. Fate wrote funny songs - love them as much as the day I first heard them. To each their own, but to me every CD I am hearing at the moment is paling in comparison to this and I am always hungry to put it back in my CD player. I have NO issue whatsoever with the lyrics and I, for one it seems, would be disappointed if they toned it down for future releases. I just don't understand why they have to sound like everyone else to have longevity...
  9. Yep. If it were not the same weekend as Dakota Rock Fest I would be there. But really, there is no reason to go to this, go to DRF!!!!!
  10. I've seen them in a bar in Grand Forks ND a few (5?) years back. I am not a fan of the band other than the song Over My Head. The guitar player is really good live. If they do an acoustic show, I would pass on it. If I had a chance to see them again, I would decline. Especially if I had to pay for the ticket and the drinks.
  11. I'm a huge fan so I'll be buying for sure. I thought Ron was involved with Retrospect? I think Sam covered that in another thread. While still friends and maybe some partnership on the side, a bigger label was needed for this release. Great band, looking forward to this one!
  12. Have fun Wes! Maybe you'll run into Paisty Jenny playing in a gig in a cave
  13. Nice work, for a pirate. Congrats Matey!!
  14. I will have FarCry business cards with me this year... I hope they work! If it doesn't work Pete then maybe you can do a "special favor" for one of the security guards. Pfft, not after last year. I couldn't sit down for a week.... So that's why you were leaning up against that trash can. It had nothing to do with alcohol. Believe me, there's not enough alcohol in the world to make me switch teams. I like too much... I know what you mean, I've been a Cardinal fan forever so you'll never see me rooting for the Cubs. Wasn't Marshall one of the Security Guards last year??? At least he was acting like one Just ask Mark Slaughter
  15. Besides Pete and Farcry, I am looking forward to seeing Talon and of course Dokken. Rick, you'll love Dokken. Jon is so great live. You'll think you're seeing George but with more showmanship. Don is a great frontman obviously (hopefully we will get to hear some of his great stories), and Barry beats the shit out of the bass. Wild Mick likes to mix it up and chime in every now and then. It will be a GREAT time! Also looking forward to April Wine. I have seen them twice. Once in a small bar and once at a rock festival like DRF. Both times they were great. Maybe we can see Skid Row from the stage again this year....
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