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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. Don't forget about Ronnie! And Angelo! And of course Tommy! Damn it was great to meet and hang out with all of those guys and to get to see them rock it up at Dakota Rock Fest! Great memories indeed and South Dakota invites FarCry back with open arms and raised beers again next year!! Absolutely! I'll be there!!!! I would bet the beerbarrow will make an appearance for three years in a row too!
  2. Jen #1 and Jen #2 were a good duo. Can't wait to meet your kids next year. It sounds good on paper. But not sure if it is a 100% thing yet. But I am not totally opposed to the idea of the family at DRF 2010. Jen #2 needs to have fun too and she would be doing the majority of the work for it happen. After all, I NEED to be in the VIP area hanging with you guys
  3. I agree, it does sound heavier on the album. Also, the guitar player really borrows from Zakk Wylde in his playing style, doesn't he? Backed that tune is heavier and I love it and yeah there is some Zakk style guitars going on. Now the guitarist Riff Miller was in Adriangale I believe. Yep. Plus Rif wrote Fallen Angels on the Talon cd! Great tune and a great guy! He was a George Lynch fan but he said he's more of a Zakk style player now.
  4. Looking forward to the review!
  5. You're such a post slut. And you can't tan.
  6. Freakin' very fitting! I guess I would have a hand in this whole transformation as I was the one that reaped the first wrath of Evil Rick! My sternum is still sore from the pointer finger of Evil Rick. By the way, he was drunk and he is not Evil Rick all the time. But he is to be feared and long hail Blue Tequila!
  7. Really? I have experienced the other way around. Wild Mick has never been personable to me or my wife. Don has gone out of his way on every occasion to make sure we are taken care of and is a great guy.
  8. Nice haul SB! Love the Schoolboy Crush, nice purchase.
  9. Penny Lane - Midnight Tales From The Funhouse- Part 1
  10. Wow. What a weekend. Thanks to Rick for putting my wife (Doksmama) and I up in his home. Also for stocking the beerbarrow full of ice cold beverages! Thanks to Wes for making the trip and for his wife whom provided my wife with a rock buddy the entire weekend. And then to Pete for being the bestest of performers and just all around great guy! As we go the DRF's keep getting better! Can't wait for Dakota Rock Fest 2010!
  11. I just would like to take the time to tell all that Pete, Mark and the Boys kicked some serious ass at Dakota Rock Fest! From the opener to the end it was a stellar show. I was honored to have been there. Mark is a great showman and of course Pete shreds the six string. Hold your heads high guys because you kicked it. Great show!
  12. Dokken~ Sunset Superstar Great White~ Wasted Rock Ranger
  13. I agree with you 100% on the order you have, and they were all fantastic! I agree with the rundown all but I believe that Talon edged out Tango Down by a smidge. If they would have played Wrecking Ball they would have easily won the Talon vs. TD war. I did like the energy of TD but my hats off to Kory and the rest of Talon for putting on a show with a new lead singer that kicks some serious ass! He may not have known all the lyrics but he put on a very respectful show. Either way, it was a kick ass weekend with Pete, Rick, Wes and the rest of the entourage'. Already lookin' forward to next year
  14. Actually it was Saint Nick that created the Internet. And it was Rick/Evil Rick that created the beerbarrow
  15. All Fall Down kicked ass live and probably got the crowd the most fired up of all the songs they played Backed and it don't matter to me that the lyrics are kind of cheesy, it is what is is a fun rocking song that as Rick said gets the crowd going. Plus a chorus that's easy to remember. Is it me or does the song sound ALOT heavier on the cd than it did live? I thought it was a bit lighter live. Still like the song but the cheesiest of lyrics for sure. But if its a good groove, who cares? This song has that.
  16. Don's great! Say hi to him for me! We (my wife Jen and I) just hung out with him at Dakota Rock Fest. Although briefly as he had to leave for the hotel early.
  17. LOVE that album. Spinnin' Tango Down~ Damage Control
  18. Me too. Love the cover of Change though. That one jumps out immediately.
  19. Sweet! Thanks Wes! Man, that weekend ROCKED!!!
  20. THANKS! If it comes even halfway close to the fun we had last year it will be well worth the drive!
  21. Have a SAFE TRIP Everyone! See you all Friday! ~C
  22. I did see that on another metal forum but it didn't give any source so I thought the guy was making it up. If it's for real, then that's frickin' sick. I woulda fired him too. No need to take pranks that far. I was at a softball tournament one year and I seen another team tip over the porta potty with one of their team mates inside. They tipped it on the door so he could not get out. Finally, some other team went over and tipped it back up. The guy came out and was totally blue from the solution and what not from the porta potty. His uniform was all white. He flipped off his team, had a few choice words, got in his vehicle and left. They had to forfeit the rest of the tournament as he was their ninth guy. Now that's also taking a prank too far
  23. Gearing up for the weekend with my mix mp3 disk of Dakota Rock Fest bands ~Farcry ~Dokken ~Bombay Black ~Firehouse ~LA Guns ~Goodbye Thrill ~Talon ~Skid Row ~Enuff's Enuff ~April Wine ~Brett Michaels
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