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Everything posted by Doksdad

  1. I guess I will chime in as well. I too am a bit disappointed with the line up. I do look forward to Axe and Vince Neil. I seen him back in November and I can honestly say, he rocked. He was backed up by the guys in Slaughter and they put on a great show. I agree with Wes, that the concerts are really icing on the cake of a fabulous weekend of hanging out with Pete, Rick, Mike, Marshall, Taco, Jen and Wes. We always manage to have a good time and make some good memories. So, with that said, I am looking forward to DRF 2010. And bring on the New Farcry!!!
  2. You can quote me on this - I will eat my own testicles if this isn't in my top 10 at the end of the year. This one is so good it's a shame to listen to anything else
  3. No. Those two songs and the majority of the bands debut disc (which was awesome, and which you need to own) are the only good songs this mediocre band have ever written. Wow, totally disagree with that. I think the s/t and 'Sign in the sky' are both fantastic albums. So basically, James, if you didn't like 'Sign in the Sky' I wouldn't even bother with the rest of them because that's as good as they ever got, imo. Something about this new album is leaving a bad vibe with me and I have a feeling it'll be a major letdown, but I'm still very much looking forward to hearing it. I heard it's a cross between 'Go all the way' and 'Natural Groove', which are undoubtedly their worst 2 albums, so we'll see how this goes. I agree with Geoff that Sign In The Sky is as good as it gets.
  4. Even in upper MN we are supposed to get 8-12 inches by Monday a.m. We have enough snow already. Yuck.
  5. Word on the streets is the Riverbottom Nightmare Band is re-forming and playing DRF.....get your tickets now.
  6. I did not like this one much at all. I thought it was very weak. But to each his own...
  7. Pearl~ Little Immaculate White Fox Damn, Meatloaf's daughter can surely sing! I am diggin' the rockers on this one! Very surprised.
  8. Thanks for the rundown of this one!!! Soooooooooooo looking forward to this disc!!!
  9. I sent him an email today but haven't got a response yet. He usually responds and I didn't get one of those "this email account has been deleted" messages. Same here, hope he's okay. I still haven't gotten a response. He's probably on a tropical island with Eric Brittingham knuckles deep in all the good things in life! BTW~ Happy Birthday Jay!!
  10. Again, have a rockin Birthday Guitar Pete
  11. Interesting. Never have seen them live. Would've been excited to see them back in 88-92 but now...hmm. You going to be at Rock Fest Cory? yes i am man, been there the past two years too. can't wait, got my vip tickets last weekend. i seen bullet boys about three years ago when they were at nutty's north in sioux falls. i thought they were pretty good, it'll be interesting seeing them again. and on one website i saw, it says that lita is playing on both friday and saturday, anybody know if that's true? Annual beerbarrow pre-party at my place Friday @ noon if interested! Let me know and I can give you the info how to get there. Always good to meet new HH members! Noon???? My beer from the night before will be well warm by then Rick! I guess I can always keep Taco company in the garage until you guys roll out of bed. I will guard the beerbarrow
  12. Interesting. Never have seen them live. Would've been excited to see them back in 88-92 but now...hmm. You going to be at Rock Fest Cory? 88-92 would of great with the original lineup especially the 88' tour with Winger and Cinderella. Now I'm not sure with one original member but I guess it's no different than Bang Tango or any other band from that era with very few original members. Hopefully they kick ass and just play the old shit! I seen them on that tour with Winger and Cinderella. They were great! But that's when they had really good music to play. Let's hope they keep the setlist to the first two albums!
  13. I guess Wes will have to come and get me this year
  14. Yep. Awesome band. They also have a release called Roller that was put out prior to All In A Day's Work. It's not quite as good but still a pretty nice collection of tunes.
  15. I would love to see Tom Kiefer and Cinderella for the 7th time. They put on an awesome show.
  16. I know Allan Fryer from the band Heaven applied. Great band and great voice. I cannot see him fitting in to Angus and the boys. Not gritty enough.
  17. Doksdad


    Agreed. He just is plain talented. Hopefully he shines on this as well.
  18. Love Butch and will probably dig this stuff.
  19. Happy Belated Dog!!! Hope it was excellent!
  20. I just don't see it. I do however see a Dokken/Lynch Mob tour with Don and George rippin' it up on two or three songs a night ala the mini reunion they had recently. I have said it before, the only way I see the entire band getting back together is a "Monsters of Rock" type tour which would bank them lots of money. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see them get back together and make NEW music but I think they would just tour and no new music. That's my two cents.
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