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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. I think "Camp Ogden" would be a good album title... Best of luck with the zodiac mind warping you Zigue Zigue Sputnik mo'fo'... I always though TooDamnGlamn (or some such alt spelling) would be a cool band name. Then you open up the world of acronymns... TDG!
  2. ^^^^^^ Yes we do and damn if Topanga wasn't always and still is hawt!
  3. Michael Stipe said it best, when he said, "Its the End Of the as we....."
  4. Cool beans Geoffrey. Whats it like being a dad? Pretty amazing and scary and awesome and scary and exciting and... As stated by Stefan, from one dad to another enjoy your sprout, fatherhood is truly a magical journey and as Glenn mentioned it FLIES by... my "babies" are going to be 7 and 12 next month. If I can offer any words of wisdom they would be 2-fold, love, love, love your baby and never let him forget it and do the same for mom. Always lend an ear to what she's going through as a new mom cause it can be a rough go emotionally... Congrats again!
  5. I have been abused and been a victim and for that I want you to rape, I mean hug me, to make me feel okay again. I want to know that beautiful humans, like you, do exist. And not just in my fantasies. But yeah, everyone block your ears. This will make people cry, but I actually don't like 80's heavy metal at all. I would prefer to listen to it over anything else I don't like, but as for actually liking it personally, I just sadly don't. Yes it's got the riffs, some killer music and... well, that's where it ends for me, sadly. I prefer the new brand of heavy metal, personally, because it's got the riffs, but it's also more melodic and catchy, and I much prefer the lyrics. That said, with heavy metal there are always good and bad types and it's all completely in the ear of the beholder. I just personally prefer the new bands. I listened to NWA and Geto Boys in the mid 90's... because I prefer rap to grunge. For me personally, it's the lowest form of music out there... maybe equal with jazz, actually. Yeah, thanks mate... I actually recall seeing some of those before and I remember you kids talking me into getting the 'Dirt' album. Worst mistake I ever made in my life - hated every single second of it. For the record, I too wish they had stayed glam... The DIRT album is a far far distance away musically from the early years of AIC. Now I dig DIRT, but I can see how it would not transcend from the earlier Hanoii, Faster P. Cat influenced AIC. They released most of those demo's on a disc in the Nothings Safe box set, but I am sure the MP-3's arereadily available if your inclined.
  6. Just watched, again, the 21 Jumpstreet remake and damn if it aint funny. Meaning it is flippin' funny.I can give or take Jonah Hill, but that Channing Tatum is a funny dude and as bad ass gangser Ben Gazzari would have said "He's a sexy guy." One of my favorite lines: "I know the cause, Glee! Fuck you Glee!"
  7. Yeah, maybe I'm listening to a different song, but the one above is kick ass and even through my broke ass computer it sounds great! Agree with Dave this is vintage Krokus and me like it.
  8. First off and youve already beat yourself up about it, but you played into the hands of the enemy bro. They got EXACTLY what they wanted and you piped off and got the ax and they sat around feeling good about themselves for sticking it to ya. As my good friend ADC would say "you dumb f@ckin' dummy." That said, the best thing you could do now to "get back" at them is to smooch a little posterior and get back on the air waves and in the future as a wise man said, "kill em with kindness". Or like you said, "Hit the dump button." ANd besides you gotta think about your family and how "she" likes you being on the air and how it makes her feel. Just my 2 cents, you douche.
  9. Got this in the post last week and it is in my revue cue, but from the spin I gave it it is certainly going to be well received/reveiwed.
  10. Since today was a work from home day, I awoke using my Black Berries alarm clock and I picked the "ocen side" sound bites. Pretty clever, crashing waves and then a tug boat horn or 2 to get your eyelids open...
  11. In Vain-In Death We Trust Getting ready to finish its reveiw, favorable. Good stuff!
  12. Red State-A non funny movie by the Kevin Smith. This one was not meant to be funny, but a great story non the less. KS is a stud no doubt about it.
  13. http://www.bringbackglam.com/journal/2008/5/1/diamond-lieto-alice-in-chains.html Here is a funny little article, by some clueless kids, but it does have a nice picture of pre AIC, Diamond Lie and Layne and the gangs poofy hair. I guess thats why I liked them, they always appreciated solid rock music, heck before they blew up and became AIC and were just aic and even before aic as Diamond Lie they played Hanoi Rocks covers and had the likes of Tommi Gunn join them on stage regularly. Hanging with them regularly I learned a few things though, Jerry Cantrell is a douche, Layne was so quiet nice and respectful you just wanted to move mountains for him and Sean Kinney was and is as I've seen him at many local rock shows from KIngs X to a TKO, is also a humble music aficianodo just like us. Here are a few YouTube's of pre AIC glam splendor! King Of the Cats! Killer with a bunch of cowbell! Everyones fave, Queen Of THe Rodeo, its a live one, so's the quality isn't top shelf, but the vid is cool: http://youtu.be/NSzOgzRtRQs Excellent David Bowie cover, which was a staple in the live shows, the first is the recorded quality version and the second is the live version... Suffragette City: SC Live, but cool for all the who's who??? of Seattle glam rockers in 88, keep your eyes open for most of Tramp Alley. Let this one keep going after SC and you get to hear them do a couple verses of Faster P. Cats Babylon. As Diamond Lie: Over THe Edge http://youtu.be/fMUl6YBUmCQ That should give you all something to chew on. Geoffrey give the earlier stuff a go so you can get a better appreciation of the boys in 88. An d look closely in one of those videos you may catch a glimpse of yours truly...
  14. JLH is soooo awesome! And that Hunger Games girl is a tasty little up and comer as well...
  15. Thats great stuff and the kids look cool too!!! More power to them, wish more bands could rock like them, especially in 2013...
  16. Not bad at all..................................very "majestic".
  17. So I e-mailed the band and was informed a physical release is in the works and they'd let me know when it is ready.
  18. That second ass from the left was out of tune... I would have used my weiner, dude must not like the ladies.
  19. Stormspell would be my first suggection. Iordan is a great guy and when he releases something it gets the platinum presentation for sure. But being in contact as you are is half the battle isn't it? Especially if the masters are at hand...
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