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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Nice! I too would like a physical copy of that cd!
  2. Spread Eagle-Open To The Public (93) THis album is amazing! Seattle's own War Babies-S/T! Keith AGREED on W. Soul! WASP had THe Crimson Idol (92) Riverdogs-Bone (93) Rumbledog-S/T (93) & The Drowning Pool (95). Tora Tora-Wild AMerica (92) Tyketto-Strength In Numbers (94) Blackfish-S/T (93) Just to name a few of my fave's.
  3. Yeah, those young punk-asses just need to stay away from here. Speaking of yung ins whatever became of that sprite "sambora86" or some such nonsense...
  4. I obviously missed this thread the first go round, but I will comment now and say I dig it! Maybe its all the echo or what have you on the tracks, but this reminds me a lot of Downtown Dreamers era Masi. If you can get it done I'd buy one and I'm sure there are a few members here that have the means to do it and do it right. Thanks for sharing by the way and RIP Parish and Bryan.
  5. Belee dat. I should assume your life is also a bit more draining at the moment, too. Belee dat! Gonna watch another 15 minutes of it tonight before I fall asleep. Is it me though or is the voice of Bane (SP)anoying as fudge.? When I watched it about a month ago, I mentioned Banes voice too. Maybe Im just getting old. But I had a hard time understanding a lot of what he said. He seemed to be mumbling a lot. Thats about the only part of the movie I didnt like. Well I actually made it through the whole deal and it was a pretty darned epic movie, longer than a wet week, but kept me interested through out. Still thought the Bane voice was just strange, really weak sounding and was it me or did he always sound like he was asking a question, even when he wasn't. ANd agree I had to really pay attention to his dialogue, wonder if that also has something to do with him not having a mouth to know or follow along with? So this too is my only complaint with this BM installment, come to think of it I did not care for Heath Ledgers, Andy Dick incanting when he played the Joker either... Side note: Anne Hathaway in too tight leather pants was certainly a treat, I could watch her bent over that Bat Bike all day long... Mhmm... I think I already posted this, but if you had a hard time understanding Bane, this recap might clear some things up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkMPZ7WeDck Sorry, but that voice was equally as annoying as the one in the film...
  6. Well at least one thing we can agree on is that in this Superbowl, the officiating was consistently inconsistent... Still think Beyonce could have wardrobe malfunctioned for us, preferably bottom side...
  7. Belee dat. I should assume your life is also a bit more draining at the moment, too. Belee dat! Gonna watch another 15 minutes of it tonight before I fall asleep. Is it me though or is the voice of Bane (SP)anoying as fudge.? When I watched it about a month ago, I mentioned Banes voice too. Maybe Im just getting old. But I had a hard time understanding a lot of what he said. He seemed to be mumbling a lot. Thats about the only part of the movie I didnt like. Well I actually made it through the whole deal and it was a pretty darned epic movie, longer than a wet week, but kept me interested through out. Still thought the Bane voice was just strange, really weak sounding and was it me or did he always sound like he was asking a question, even when he wasn't. ANd agree I had to really pay attention to his dialogue, wonder if that also has something to do with him not having a mouth to know or follow along with? So this too is my only complaint with this BM installment, come to think of it I did not care for Heath Ledgers, Andy Dick incanting when he played the Joker either... Side note: ANne Hathaway in too tight leather pants was certainly a treat, I could watch her bent over that Bat Bike all day long...
  8. MOre chit chat this morning, apparently Portland radio sucks just as hard as Seattle radio...
  9. And didn't we get some back story on BF in one of those "new" trilogy movies?
  10. Belee dat. I should assume your life is also a bit more draining at the moment, too. Belee dat! Gonna watch another 15 minutes of it tonight before I fall asleep. Is it me though or is the voice of Bane (SP)anoying as fudge.?
  11. Started The Dark Knight Rises last night and fell asleep before the opening credits... No reflection of the film I'm sure, just how old and lame I am...
  12. Not an advert, but the radio personaluties were gabbin away about something humorous to them.
  13. Agreed, yes. Obviously good for informational purposes. That said, a world without CD's, would be like sex with no climax. Just pointless...
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBEcU-mLXFk OK here it is, watch the fight unfurl and you will have to watch it a number of times to appreciate it, but at the 25 second mark (to fully appreciate the act find the 23 second mark and let it play to 26,27 and then jump it back to 23, do this about 50 times) of this video watch at the 30 yard line, just ot the right of center screen. You see Walker #29 come popping up and there is a this ref who he full on charges at and shoves back 5 yards and then nothing mentioned... ANd after that we watch Walker pitch a fit for a LONG time and then #24 gets the personal foul call? Just a curiousity, to me.
  15. Is Rich Ward still in this group, if so we already know from Fozzy that he can play the shit out of those songs...
  16. This coming from a Steelers fan who was handed a Super Bowl against the Seahawks. I kid you Terry.. but I kid you because... well.. The Ravens won. At this point it doesn't matter what anyone thinks.. just as it doesn't matter what anyone things about the Steelers - Seahawks Super Bowl. The game was called consistantly.. that's about all you can ask for these days. That penalty wasn't being called in the 2nd and 3rd quarters... and wasn't call a penalty at the end. I know you kid and I love you too buddy. The Raven/Steeler jabbing makes me smile See. I gave kudos, Baltimore kicked arse all of the first half and enjoy the ring it will be another 12 years before they get another shot. I would like to get to a point where we don't have to argue consistency in officiating. I mean they reveiwed every other damn play in the regular season then when it comes down to the big game its all bets off? And still no one mentions the ref abuse? I got to go on You Tube and find the play now.
  17. Adverts again this am... gonna be a long week.
  18. I'm so happy that Ray Lewis only got to mention GOd once before the mic was ripped from his meathooks and was really shocked when the announcers started talking about his murder charges and how people either love RL or dispise him, "no wait Phil they say hate, pure hatred"... The hold was just that a hold, half the distance to the goal line, 1st down and 4 more chances to punch it in, which they would have. To say you can't call that in the Superbowl is just Simms being a network tool. Did the Ravens take the 9'ers to school in the first half hell ya, did the network mucky muck cut the power to cool the Ravens jets and give middle AMerica something to talk about sure did. And sure that safety was chicken shit, but thats what pro ball has turned into, a bunch of overpaid pussies that can't beat a team fair, they got to let the clocks do it... I am shocked, amazed and confused that no one is mentioning #29 on the Ravens defense abusing that referee during the 1st half scirmish and not getting ejected with prejudice. In any other game you look at an official cockeyed and its a 3 game suspension, this guy sprang up and thrust out with both hands shoving an official and not a peep...
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