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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. I guess it's a look for some reason, but why are those two mongaloids wearing face masks? Deducts about 10% of quality from my enjoyment of the song, but it's cool. I like this one. When the dude lets those screams go in the chorus is really reminds me of someone, but I can't think who. I'd like to hear more from these guys.
  2. Yeah, no getting past those growls for me, but yes, it's solid for what it is. Not sure it'd edge out the million other very similar bands for me, personally, but it's solid.
  3. Bands like this really make me wish I could get past the screams for a prolonged listening experience. These are cool, as was their last (similarly themed) album 'The Silver Scream 2: Welcome to Horrorwood.' It is a brutal and in places absolutely awesome listen... if you can handle the screams. I can't, for returned listens, but when they're not all-out screaming, 'The Shower Scene' is one of my favourite songs from the last decade or so.
  4. Yep, me reflected on the Warrant comments. It was such a massive departure, but it is very easily my favourite Warrant album (though I still love the others) and also one of my all time faves. Yeah, I've watched all the videos too and didn't know there was an ongoing story either. The band themselves did say it was complicated, even as the authors and filmers of it. They actually floated the idea that when the story is finished, they were thinking about releasing the story as a short film, minus the music video parts. Just the story alone. That'd be cool too. Just 'cause I do these things, I was watching a reaction guy on youtube go through a bunch of their videos last night and laughed aloud a few times at him trying to decipher it all. Maybe when I have the time I'll give it a crack too. Haha, you pose and interesting question regarding Cauterize. And a very complicated one. I love the two bands (and debut albums) for near on the exact same reason, but in delivery, they're near on polar opposites. Cauterize's debut is like an onslaught of pure, fast-paced, raw and emotive weaponry, where as The Broken View's debut album (and EP) carry the same amount of heavy emotive impact; just dressed in a far more considered, refined and immaculately delivered approach. But in absolutely no way at all, less emotive and hard hitting than Cauterize. One could argue even more so, I do not doubt. So I don't know. At this point in time I would say these two are my all-time favourite artists, but maybe I need this new The Broken View album to break the tie. I could mention Cauterize alongside Warrant in my comments above, about bands that retained their excellence, even if their next album was a massive shift from the previous album, as Cauterize's 'Paper Wings' is a completely different beast to 'So Far From Real.' And I do feel like there's no way - even if they wanted to - that The Broken View could replicate their debut, with a lifetime of everything that made up that album (and EP) poured into that album. So it'll be interesting to hear how the next album stacks up. That first single - 'Something you can give yourself' - shows we could be in for a slightly unpredictable ride. lol, I am rambling but I guess in a pinch I am undecided on my overall favourite. I will say that where the most common critique I saw levelled at Cauterize was Jesse's vocals, this dude in The Broken View (Austin Kranick) is my current favourite vocalist and I can't see any reason why I wouldn't list him in my top 3 all time faves. Absolutely love his voice. Throw in the massive drum sound and immaculate production and there's every chance that if you call them even or thereabouts on a songwriting level, all the other bits might just push The Broken View into the #1 spot for me. Sorry mate, bet you didn't expect a novel. Just so rare to find a band that really sticks out from the pack, and it's a sweet thing when it occurs.
  5. lol, I don't understand the fuss. Are they just bitter that they wrote a weak song and it got released for the world to hear them not at their song-writing best? I like Jon, Aldo and obviously Bangalore Choir, but I actually think the BC version is significantly better than the Aldo Nova version and if anything they did it a service by dropping the "dance of the dead" bit. You can't polish a turd and although this song isn't an absolute turd, it was BY FAR the weakest song on the BC album and obviously not good enough to make the cut for Aldo Nova's 'Blood On The Bricks' album... or any Bon Jovi album. I feel like there's probably not much to the reality of the story, but it doesn't seem like a song worthy of much fuss.
  6. Nice. That’s a cool line up. Yeah, I actually saw Boys Like Girls on their Love Drunk tour many years back now, and they slayed. I recall it being an awesome show.
  7. I was actually considering just the other day if these guys might take the trophy as my favourite band. I think it possible. I love what they've released so far so much. But I was listening to their new podcast yesterday - really interesting for a fan of the band - and the lead singer and main song writer made a strong point that he thinks the main issue with modern rock bands is that they keep releasing the same thing over and over again, and that is not a trap he wants to, or plans to fall into. Sadly, lol, in my eyes. I obviously don't want the same songs re-recorded, but I love what they're doing and hope their evolution isn't too extreme. Many bands show you can continue making great albums that are not like the one before (Warrant, Vain, Poison, Danger Danger, Skid Row etc). Millions of examples that it can be done well, so I hope these guys are one of the ones. Confirmed also in the podcast is that their new album will be out in March 2024. Also mentioned was the fact that they have a million songs written and they're start on the next, next album soon. I actually found them (the singer and drummer, who did the podcast, answering fan questions) to be really interesting dudes. Passionate movie buffs and as far as I could tell, their music videos are done completely by the dudes themselves, and that they have a running story going in their music videos. Made me want to sit back down and watch them all, in order of release, back to back. The current storyline hasn't been from the start of the first video... I think they said it starts from the 'Start Over' music video? Anyway, interesting dudes and I'm super excited about new album in March. Interesting side note was the drummer mentioning he was a big fan of the Motley Crue, Def Leppards etc. of the world.
  8. That’s a sweet combo. Was listening to their podcast today and The Broken View said they’d aim to get to Australia in 2024. That would make me delirious with glee.
  9. I’d hate dearly to be part of that We.
  10. Desmond Child was the opposite of shit. IMO never made a band worse, only better. Ponti on the other hand, I could not say the same. He surely has to shoulder some of the blame for the decline of “hair metal” leading into the early 90s with his banal tripe.
  11. Oh, I see. Genuinely never even heard of them. Given the forum we’re on I’m assuming a reference to Desmond Child and Jack Ponti may have more relevance.
  12. Lol. Dudes, you gotta tell me what albums these are for. I’m really curious about this one.
  13. lol, I have no idea what that is. Stock photography probably wasn't around in the 80's, Clay Aitken probably wasn't born yet and I don't even have any word association at all with Waterman. I think you're missing my point, though. I don't love or often even like ADV's output, but it's 2023 and whatever I think of ADV, I think even less of Tracii Guns and Jack Russell as songwriters, in 2023.
  14. Jack Russell has indeed not been in GW for an age (thankfully, for his sake, based on their output), but that doesn't change the fact that whenever we hear him we'll associate him with his time in that band. And because GW sure as all heck aren't providing us with any listenable music, I don't mind placing a bit of hope in Jack's hands that he can still serve up something a hardened GW fan might enjoy. We must have different stereos because the LA Guns stuff truly just sounds like a demo to me. It's absolute garbage. If I'm being honest, I didn't mind the sound quality of this new song above in this thread, but even if you're hearing an off mix, I'd still swear it sounds completely superior to everything going on with that last LA Guns album, production/mix-wise. I was genuinely excited when Guns got back with Lewis, but I haven't enjoyed much of the reunion at all and would easily take the pre-reunion phase of the band over their recent output. Sadly no longer possible, but you know what I mean. I just checked and noted I wouldn't have heard Jack Russell on an album since 2017 - no time at all for an acoustic album and Zeppelin cover album. I'm sure he sounded fine... just hadn't heard from him for so long, on original material, and genuinely believed, from interviews I'd heard, that he was basically done. And not all by choice. But it's nice to hear him again. Like I said above, in principle, I 100% agree with artists writing their own songs over being spoon-fed songs, and in most instances I am 100% on board. But In this case, I'm not sure. Maybe it's a case by case basis. Because I personally would hate to hear bog average shit these guys would most likely write over more songs like the one above. It's definitely sad that I have that little faith left in these artists that I have absolutely loved throughout the years, but if you give me the 10, 20 or 30 best songs that Guns, Russell and ADV have written in the last 10 years, I would bet both testicles that probably all 30 of them would be ADV songs, as much as that's not a nice thing to say. But it's truthful.
  15. I actually like that last Revolution Saints album, for some seemingly unknown reason. Not to me - it just sounds nice. But everyone else seems to hate it so much. I like it. I was racking my mind to remember what the last Journey album was. Got it now. Yeah, that was shit, but again, there were at least a couple of decent songs on it. Something I can't say for this Hugo album. And does the production/mix really matter that much when you substitute your drum sticks and guitar picks for feathers? I know, I know. One one of the things I hate most of any critique is someone chiming in saying how they hate something because they're so metal and what they hate is too soft. I hate hearing that line of critique when the album in your hands is full of killer cuts, even if they are very lite. The problem in this case, though, is that is as lite as a feather dropping onto a pillow, plus it has those super sickly sweet vocals and, most of all, the songs are just super sappy and really weak to me. BUT!!! To each their own. I'm obviously alone on this one and that's cool. I'm glad y'all dig but it's not for me.
  16. Nice. Man, these guys have released a lot of albums. I'm not sure I'm across all of them. I've liked what I heard in the past; must make sure I'm up to date with their output.
  17. lol. Somebody fill me in; am I out of the loop? Who is this guy and why does it look like someone's spending a hell of a lot of money on these horrendous videos? As terrible as they are, I am sure money's been put into that. Why have I never heard of this melodic rock / AOR god before?
  18. Whilst I would generally agree with the premise of all your points, if I can be the devil's advocate in this instance, I'd say these things; Mix may not be great but it sounds one hundred full percent better than the last LA Guns album, and to be fair, probably even recent Great White albums. And again, I agree that the song could be seen as forced and unoriginal, but to be fair, have Guns or Russell written a better song than this in a long time? I'd love to be shown otherwise, but are Guns/Russell in any position whatsoever to still be writing decent songs, and if so, where these good songs been at for the last decade or so? Anyway, I dunno. I was like Mike. I was actually really surprised that the tune wasn't actually that bad. Tracii's guitar sounds way better than anything he's put down for recent LA Guns and I also thought Jack Russell was gone from music so was surprised to hear him, let alone hear him sounding pretty decent. I guess what I mean to say is I don't hate it. Which is more than I can say for recent LA Guns or Great White.
  19. I guess it'd be weird for everyone to pile on with a similar opinion, so consider this the other side of the coin. I don't like it one bit. Genuinely, just not at all. And not in a "I don't like Journey anyway" kind of way. I actually don't think comparing this to Journey is a compliment. Like anyone, I listen to some light stuff but when something is this soft and gentle the songs need to carry the shit out of it for me to be interested. And unfortunately, for me, they do not. I guess his direct peer these days would be someone like Michael Bolton and if I'm playing those side by side, I'd take the new Bolton album over this. Though I'd prefer neither, lol. But at least 'Eyes on you' is a nice song. I didn't like any song on this Hugo album. 'Don't Wanna Live Without Your Love' is the best of the bunch, imo, but in the fullness of time my description of it as a "pretty solid tune" above is about the most I could throw at this one.
  20. From the album; Jesse James Dupree - Breathing Fire 1 . Lay It On Me 2 . Never Gets Old 3 . Breathing Fire 4 . It's Not Love 5 . Stranded 6 . Born to Ride The Lightning 7 . Kill The Sunshine 8 . Over My Dead Body 9 . White Flag 10 . Rappa De Pappa The song above is not the best on here, imo, sadly, though, not that it counts for much. Some of the songs on this album are actually better than I would have realistically expected from it. The problem? Sadly, it's the vocals. The songs would have to be perfect for me to look past the vocals, and they're not quite at that level. Like I say, some surprisingly half decent tunes like 'Breathing Fire,' 'It's Not Love' and 'Stranded' for example. Throughout the album, though, the vocals just ruin the whole thing for me. I'd hardly have called myself the biggest fan of Dupree's voice even back in the day, but it was what it was and it was the voice of Jackyl. Unfortunately, age and time has been unkind and it's a tough listen.
  21. Yeah, that song's a beauty and easily my favourite on the album. The rest is all good; really solid. Sadly, none of it quite stacks up to the album opener. A lot of really solid tunes on the album, but yeah, 'Faith' is the clear winner.
  22. What does the radio silence on this one mean? People not interested in it, or they heard it and don't like it? For me, it seems like a step in the right direction for these guys, but they're still taking slow steps. Everything's almost in place and it feels like it's well within their reach, but they're still not quite there for me. There's so many great musical passages and ideas on this album, but the final execution - as has been the issue on previous output - just loses me, often, at the final hurdle. There are some nice tunes like 'It Ain't Over (Til It's Over),' 'Keep The Fire Burning,' 'Save Me Tonight' and 'Mistake.' They're my picks from the album, but even all of these four - I feel - could be that little bit more refined to really bring them home. But they're good. Plenty of other really good moments on the album. I do genuinely like a lot of what the band is doing... just want to hear it all brought together in a super cohesive package. Maybe the next one? Still well worth giving this one a listen, though.
  23. Oh, and another pretty decent recent release; Nowhere Left - Places We Couldn't Belong 1 . Hurt The Same 2 . Substance 3 . These Bones (feat. Lø Spirit) 4 . My Mistake 5 . Broken Story 6 . Disguise 7 . You Don't Even Think About Me (feat. Boys Of Fall) 8 . I Know Better 9 . Breathe Underwater 10 . Phantoms (feat. COLE) Dude thinks he's busting hip hop rhymes, lol;
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