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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Holy shit! As I've already noted in several posts this afternoon, I just got this CD last night and listened to it at lunch… and what can I say?! What a piece of melodic rock! Sorry Tim (2), mate don't agree with you about it losing it's way in the middle a bit. I have not enjoyed a CD as much as I did thise one since I first heard Blind Date. As each song played I thought, 'Surely the next will have to falter and this level of quality cannot keep up', but it remains throughout, until the last song, that is. Not a fan of that, but the other 11 are awesome. 'It's a little too late' and 'Where do I go from here' being instant faves due to their heartfelt sentiment. (Sorry Tim (2), both around the middle ) Anyway, I'll post my much anticipated review shortly, but for now I'll just enjoy what may be the best release of the year thus far. Love it! Sensational vocals too. Cheers, Geoff
  2. I watched 'Madagascar' last night. Harmless fun I must say. No complaints, and it was on tight-ass Tuesday too, so the ticket was only half price! Cheers, Geoff
  3. Hey T-Bone (Sorry, it feels like hours have passed since I first opened your post, delerious with joy as I peered at the left hand side of my screen) but I must agree! I got a package from AOR Heaven the other day and it contained a sample disc of this Blanc Faces stuff. On other sites I'd seen it compared to Mecca and Pride of Lions etc. and to each their own but I'm not a big fan of these two, and I thought to myself 'Oh yeah, another toss-bag album for AOR fans to blindly rave about'. I had no intention of buying the thing, but I put the CD in the player as I cooked up some dinner for my lady and Whooooooooshka! My balls were pressed against the window, my eyeballs rolling around the sink, my ears raised to the roof in a blissful air of grace... what can I say? I'm not a huge pure AOR fan, but this just sounds awesome. I can't wait to get the disc now! Interesting story, hey? Cheers, Geoff
  4. Ummmmm....isn't that, like, EVERY Journey album? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL. Very true indeed. Just shows how much I care about 'em hey... What I meant to say was that I much prefer the Augeri albums. Cheers, Geoff
  5. Def Leppard/Vivian Campbell - I don't think Vivian ruined Def Leppard as I still enjoy their music, but one must wonder if he did affect the level of excellence. This one didn't phase me too much. Skid Row/Johnny Solinger - This is one where the result was good and I was happy to see Skid Row back, but I'd be lying if I said anything other than that I would have LOVED to see Sebastian back. A shame, but not a music ruiner. Bon Jovi/Hugh McDonald - I think Bon Jovi's recent discs would still have sucked regardless of who was playing bass. Ratt/Jizzy Pearl - Yeah, pretty rotten. There is and only ever will be one voice for Ratt and this is just a silly choice, no offence to Jizzy. They should give it up without Mr Pearcy... unfortunately. Iron Maiden/Blaze Bayley - Who knows? Van Halen/Gary Cherone - I'm lucky because I think they suck no matter who is at the vocal helm, but what I heard of this CD did sound even worse than the norm, IMO of course. Journey/Steve Augieri - I don't like Journey, but I MUCH prefer the albums I've heard with Steve on vocals. Poison/Richie Kotzen - Yeah, hate to be a broken record, but he just didn't suit Poison. The songs were great, Richie's a great player (I guess) but I don't personally like his style and guitar sound at all and hate his vocals with a passion. Great album, not a wise choice in players. Blues Sarenceno (SP?) suited Poison well, but I didn't like the majority of the songs on 'Crack a smile'. Motley Crue/John Corabi - Yeah, again to be a broken record not very Motley Crue-ish. Another great album, but like Ratt, there will only ever be one voice for Motley Crue. Quiet Riot/ Paul Shortino - I like this album best of the Quiet Riot collection, though that ain't saying much. Good choice, good disc. No problems here. Warrant/Rick Steier - He is associated with the decline of their sound and I missed Joey Allen immensley... so yeah, this one was a pretty big one too. And I hate to say it again, but there will only ever be one singer / song writer for Warrant and no Jani is a huge thing. But good luck to them and I look forward to the new disc. either way. Cheers, Geoff
  6. I never saw any of them live, but for the videos and everything else I saw, Sebastian was always a fave of mine. Tosser or not he was a brilliant frontman, and I always had a soft-spot for Bret Michaels as well. Cheers, Geoff
  7. F*ck! I had both those CDs, but sold them both for really cheap on ebay. Should have waited... Damn Bo! LOL, just kidding. Good on him. As for Badlands, personally not a fan at all. Not my style of music, but still good to see a band like that noted on a show like Idol. The only reason he did it without music is because no one had ever heard of the song and could not be arranged to be played at the short notice I reckon... Cheers, Geoff
  8. For me it is 100% about the music of course. Most the ones I buy / have bought aren't worth that much, and more to the point is the fact that back when I bought them I had no idea they were actually worth something on ebay and so on. I just loved the music. I have never bought a really high-priced rare indie but have been very lucky in my originals trading (Back about 3-5 years ago) and also CDR trading since and I picked up a lot of what people talk about as rare indies, and some of the rarest glam demos around... all purely for the love of the music because I don't have the time or the contacts to sell that kind of stuff. I must admit that before I bought a home I did, from time to time, go out to 2nd hand shops and if I saw something I knew would get a dollar or two on ebay, I would buy it purely to sell - if I had it already. Eg. I bought about 15 copies of the 21 Guns CD (Aussie Indie) for a few dollars each - but why not?! I made quite a bit on that... and never even liked the CD myself But yeah, now that I can't afford to buy ANYTHING anymore, that list of stuff I really want stacks up daily - and not because of their worth (Which is nothing yet), I just want to hear the music! Bloody hell, I think I'm the only person in the place who hasn't heard Soul Sirkus yet! Hopefully get a few for my b'day though... but unfortunately I've missed so many that many out-rank Soul Sirkus in my need-to-get list Cheers, Geoff
  9. Jeezus wept!!! This is the best thread ever! Music? What f*cking music! I can't hear a thing with this rising pants-object blocking all sound outlets in this room! Cheers, Geoff
  10. Thanks guys and gals... to those who posted here, think I've seen many of your posts in passing, maybe commented here and there and everyone here seems a nice chap, lady, camel, walrus or feline etc. Anyway, I best be off and just for something new, maybe post a comment or two... Cheers, Geoff
  11. Thanks for the comments guys and gals. Glad to see I'm not stepping on the toes of the civil people around here. I must say, I did take the comment by Mr Man as a reference to my posting too much / and perhaps me posting the negative as well as positive. I forget what he said, but something about me becoming and "Online nuisance, a pest". I'm not sure if he was referring solely to the Madame X comment or to my comments in general. Oh well, either way not too phased, and glad to see that there are hopefully not too many others with similar thoughts. See you all (or your typed words) around! Cheers, Geoff
  12. Hey all, I know this is very delayed as I have made a millions posts on the comments section of this website and I even posted a bit here when I was at my old job, but I just want to make a formal introduction for the sake of good times. I've just seen The Man post in the comments section that I am becoming quite the nuisance, and I can see why he might make a comment like that, but I might as well set up camp here and explain myself... I am aware that I post a lot of comments on a lot of bands and that it might even seem as though I have nothing better to do. But it could not be more to the contrary. I am a huge fan of melodic hard rock and there was once a time when I did little else but listen to the music in question. These days I have myself a beautiful girlfriend and we are currently in the process of looking for a place to live together, and if we're not looking for that we're up to something. I love to surf too and spend a lot of my spare time in the ocean and every now and then the day winds down, or I have a spare moment after work, or during lunch sometimes and I like to post a comment or two... or a dozen. I'm not doing it to annoy anyone, just to share my opinion on the music I love. I mean no offence by my comments and actually feel bad when a band aquaintance or member reads a bad comment, but I'm just here to offer my honest views - good or bad - on each CD I am familiar with, as I still enjoy the act of putting in my view here and there. As I said, I don't mean offence to anyone and I'm sorry if my posts get a little too much at times, but they're only made when I have a spare moment or two and are not meant to cause offence, but just actually trying to assist / help people out if they're wondering about a particular CD. I am no AOR Freaky or Propane or the like. If you have problems with me, or my opinions or anything I will be more than happy to address them here on the massage boards, or at my email address: ihaveteeth@hotmail.com NOT g.wols@ponl.com as it might come up in my ID. This was the address for my old job which I left last year. Anyway, any questions feel free to shoot. As I say, I know I'm not a new member but a lot of you guys and gals here seem cool and friendly, so just wanted to say a hello to all... and there's a bit of my story. Cheers, Geoff From Australia ihaveteeth@hotmail.com
  13. I saw a couple of posts above someone noted Parlor Trixx - what an awesome CD! Got to play that one again myself. Well, this morning I had Shannon playing. Anyone know these guys? The CD (self titled) was released a couple of years ago (or was it just last year?) - really good melodic hard rock, but doesn't seem to have made the site. And next time I put my earphones in it'll be Sharon I'll be hearing. Was listening to Shy Tiger (a slightly high volumes) in the car last night - f*cking awesome stuff. Put on Stun Leer during my extensive exercise regime last night and then Shakra's new one as I was going to sleep. Anyone guess which letter of the alphabet all my eyes are directed to at this point in time when selecting music to listen to? Cheers, Geoff
  14. Hey Blue Tequila, you may have heard '1985' if you've heard samples of the latest SR-71 CD 'Here we go again' - IMO, the best CD of 2004, closely followed by Frontline. But yeah, I don't know if it's been addressed in this thread but the song was written by SR-71 and a few lyrics were changed up so it could be included on the BFS CD. I haven't heard their version yet, but like every other SR-71 song, their version is spectacular and I wish they were getting their own fair share of due airplay! Damn the world! Cheers, Geoff
  15. Hey Tim, He's touring over here in Australia. I saw him last Thursday night (Or was it 2 Thursdays ago now?!) Yeah, I think it was Thursday 2 weeks ago - the 2nd of September. BTW, F*cking awesome show!!! Anyway, I got a copy of the new CD for aud$24 at the merchandise sale after the show. Yeah, hasn't been released yet but there are a lot of lucky Aussie fans who I suspect proudly own the CD... Awesome stuff. I'll let you know, I've been a fan of Jeff for ages, but never a HUGE one. This CD, though, is just excellent. Great musicianship, killer hard rock songs and overall I think it's probably better than 'Prism', IMO. Very, very fine CD!!! Cheers, Geoff
  16. Tonight it has been Mitch Malloy's debut (F*ck me, is 'Nobody wins in this war an amazing song! As well as 'Stranded...), Sargant Fury's debut - what a sensational album!!! And also Sahara Snow's CD. Just making sure it is the peice of shit I thought it was... and yeah, it is! Been spinning JSS 'Lost in the translation' a lot too. Awesome album!!! Cheers, Geoff
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