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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Here's pretty much their only good song as far as I'm concerned. They had a lot of hits out here, but I never jelled with their sound. many many did though. they were a pop/rock/mainstream band.
  2. The Beatles always gets me. Why do people find it so hard to recognise such brilliance? Ridicule for appreciation of possibly the most famous band in history doesn't make any sense. The otehr 2 you mentioned were never my cup of tea, but if I was to look down on everyone who liked them, there wouldn't be many people left lol
  3. Hard to watch as a Swans fan. Solace in that we had such an inexperienced team out there who were in it all game.
  4. I think everyone has a different experience. I admit that my area is very insular to indiginous Australians, so I have a bias that the problem is greater than I understand. That said, I don't see much compelling evidence of systemic racism in this country. I'd suggest that this is reflected in the US. I'm sure tehre are many states and areas far worse than others, and people from the aeas where racism is less, could be some of those getting up and scoffing, not fully understanding what goes on in some otehr areas.
  5. The weirdest thing is that Trump, in claiming that it was terrorism (which is not weird at all) said that his army officials thought that due to the type of explosion, that they thought it was terrorism. Now I'm no expert by any means, but when I first saw it, I didn't think terrorism for a second, it's just not the type of bamb that they would have access to or use. Over 100 dead last I hear and 4000 injured. During a pandemic, with a corrupt governement and a shitty state of living already. Sad.
  6. I mean it's a fair point. Removing that picture for that reason implies that there may be some legitimacy to the concern, and prehaps even help 'normalise' this type of thing if that's possible.
  7. Most of my Collingwood friends feel the same way. Guarantee if you win the flag, it will be 'a hard fought win in a harder than usual season'
  8. Usually I eventually get to a Stryper disc and pick up a few good songs. hopefully when I can be botehred with this there are a few on it.
  9. Which bands that you like, are you likely to cop ship for liking? I'm pretty open, I like what I like, but if I posted some of them on Facebook groups etc, I think they would cop a lot of criticism. Nelson - people generally think of them as fluff, and I think tehya re far better than that. Stryper - perhaps not so much tehse days, but early on, they were 'some weird religious band' Trixter - were always considered fluffy as well. Black Veil Brides - For some reason I think they are labeled emo, or whatever, and not 'real hard rock' Five Finger Death Punch - same as above, for some reason they are seen as corney or modern or whatever.
  10. Today I heard that the Aboriginal dude who is looking at changing a lot of words here, is seeking to have the slogan "smarter white milk" changed. *rollseyes*
  11. Said at the time it was far too big to be terrorist acttivity. They don't haave access to that type of power. Trump said something linking terrorism, but that was likely just because he could lol Looks like it's incorrect storage of volatile chemicals & substances.
  12. Never been a massive fan of live albums. With a few exceptions - Scorpions, Maiden, Tesla, Kiss, maybe a couple of others. Concert DVD's are another thing, if it's gonna be live I wanna watch it as well.
  13. CureTheSane


    We are able to carry on our business. Fortunately we supply businesses that are allowed to operate under the restrictions (we supply people who do online retail sales) But it was a grey area last night and for a while I thought that we were not able to operate. during that time I was pretty pissed, thinking we had to shut down for 6 weeks. Income gone, don't qualify for any government assistance. fortunately it turned out ok for me, but for a brief while I got a really good understanding at the hurt and anger out there.
  14. CureTheSane


    I'm Ok with all of that. I don't agree with open slater on homophobia, racism, etc, etc, but I'm not going to get updet about it. The tolerance shown on this board has actually been really impressive considering the topics. But it's your board and as you say, your rules. That said, I'm going to try and create some music topic over the next few days. I don't care if they have been done before, or are kinda lame, would be nice to not have to think so hard when I'm here
  15. CureTheSane


    Cool.... just waiting for you to call out the misandry against Trump in this thread or on other posts on this boarAside from that, you used the word incorrectly. You also called Metal T a misogynist, and you'd want to have a pretty robust amount of examples to make that stick. Calling him that is actually very offensive to him, based on one comment, that is acyually him repeating a meme that has been around for over 20 years (minus the addition of the last bit ... with one left wing) Your implication that anyone who posted that comment is an act of mysogyny is also potentially incorrect. Misogyny is a general term for hatred or dislike of women. I certainly did not see Metal T as having a hatred or dislike of women. I'd say you actually owe him an apology.
  16. CureTheSane


    No need to go there. These types of discussions have generally been done in a resonably civil way here to date, with minimal personal attacks. That said, I really don't have anything more to say about Trump. Or the USA. Today in Victoria, Australia, we entered into Stage 4 restrictions. We now have a curfew between 8pm and 5am, only retail allowed open is related to food or essential services. Can only leave home once a day for only 1 hour to get food shopping, and can only be done alone. Only one person allowed in a car at once. Not allowed outside a 5km (around 3 mile) perimeter of your home unless travelling to work. Exercise outside allowed only for 1 hour per day, no more than 5km away from your home. Sucks, but will be interesting to see if it works and we can be one of the very few countries that has been able to control this thing for the second time.
  17. CureTheSane


    My outsider gut feeling is that Trupm will get back in and with a bigger vote. As I've said, I don't live there and the only real concern I have with who is the US president is how it will affect my country. So I don't really give a crap who that is, they don't go into an election witha run down of what their relationship will be with Australia To be honest I kind of want Trump to lose, just so I don't have to hear about him day in day out. But I reckon he has some balls in his court and the way he is starting to play underdog with unfair voting etc smacks of a smart ploy to call oto action everyone to vote for him, to ensure he gets all the votes he can. I think there will be a lot of people who love him who didn't vote at all last election as they thought he had no hope of winning - they will be voting this round. Likewise, there will be a lot of people who support for opposition supporters who thought Clinton was a show-in last time and didn't bother voting.
  18. CureTheSane


    Jesus, that's an hour long clip. If the stupid bitch in the last post I made allowed me to realise anything, it's that life is shory, to short to waste on that. I watched the first few minutes and it was clear where it was going. Perhaps the kind of thing I may watch when there are actual facts rather than speculation, guesswork, blame games and conspiracy theories feeding it. Right now, there is no real evidence that it is a man made virus, no conclusive evidence that China purposefully or even mistakenly decided not to tell the extent of the virus for whatever reasons. personally I believe that there is a storng chance that Chona could have opened up about the shitstorm much earlier and significanly contributed to allowing the spread. That's just me and my comment is only as valid as the whole video, in that it's just guessing. I hope some truths come out and any wrongdoings are punnished.
  19. CureTheSane


    Let me address this fucking knobs points 1. More testing - more cases. People claim this in my country as well, but our figures show testing increased by only a small margin, while there were massive amounts of new cases. Need to look at the actual stats. Regardless, what she's saying is that infections are actually HIGHER than figures presented, but they were undetected due to lack of testing. So shit is even worse than she thinks it is... 2. Somebody has lukemia. They are alive and being treated. They get covid and die. Guess what? It was corona that killed them. If they didn't get the virus they would likely still be alive. For how long who knows, but it was the virus that caused their death. 3. Who cares is people with existing antibodies are considered new cases? They are new detections and go to the figures of total cases. It seems she doesn't want to account for these people in total infections. 4. Face masks are useless and only for training for a vaccine, to make you feel safe to encourage taking a vaccine. She's an anti vaxxer. Enough said, lol. If they are useless, why do doctors, nurses, testers, etc wear them when assessing covid cases? They aren't perfect, but they are a hell of a lot better than nothing. 5. Why weren't masks mandated when it all started? Because they were needed for health professionals to pretect the most valuable people. 6. Death is terrifying? lmao. Yeah, fuck death, just live your life, go out and if you get the virus and die, no biggie, was always gonna happen to you at some point. While you're at it, stop wearing seat belts, do as many drugs as you like, do some untethered rock climbing. What the hell is she talking about as if this is using up 'half of your life, if you only get a really short life? Suuuuurrre, it's the media who make dying terrifying..... or maybe people just don't want to fucking risk an early death due to some avoidable virus? That has to be the stupidest clip I've ever seen. Surely it's a joke?
  20. CureTheSane


    Left, right, means nothing to me. I just say what I think, I'd hope that some of it falls into both camps. nothing worse than people who follow their political line without waveringa nd allow this to change how they miht genuinely feel. This is what I've touched on with the Trump stuff. Cool, hate him, think he's a tool, or a comedy act, but if you're not going to conceed that he's done anything good (ie: if you are blinded to it) then for me, your opinion is completely worthless....
  21. Had a couple of spins of this now, just tonight and I went i not expecting much. I was one of the few who thought the first album was only good, where most others frothed it. But this new one I really like so far. All great songs, love the sax, love that not every song has the same basic tempo and vibe (listen up Revolution Saints) look forward to more listens
  22. CureTheSane


    I was referring to BLM protests in my country, which were totally peaceful. But 10,000 to 30,000 people gathering together during a pandemic, just when you're starting to get on top of it, was a fucking poor move by those who protested.
  23. Sounds like Def Leppard recording a soundtrack to an 80's rom-com with lyrics written by their kids. lol, that was a bit harsh, it wasn't too bad, just not for me...
  24. CureTheSane


    Second wave in my city was brought on by lax/inexperienced/rent a guard security are hotels isolating returning travellers, and frim BLM protests. The community was also lax due to poor/weak leadership. Second time there was far more community transmission. Also, even with new higher figures apparently 1 in 4 people with covid, were found not to be in isolation as they were supposed to be and are being investigated. 25% of people with covid going back to work and staying out in the community. That means we're kinda fucked. And there are pockets developing in other states now, even with borders closed.
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