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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. I found some fillers. Or at least songs that weren't keepers. The difference is the quality of those that were keepers. Title track is probably their best piece of music, should be their legacy rather than The Final Countdown. Halfway To HEaven, I'll Cry For You and Talk To Me are also exceptional songs for me, not just keepers, but defining songs.
  2. So I was listening to Stryper today and for the first time really, it hit me how unique a guitarist he is. For me, great guitarists are those who sound unique, rather then just being fret kings speed guitaring. Was surprised at how much his style affected the overall sound of Stryper, and therefore, as a guitarist has risen significantly in my ranks.
  3. 16 Tonnes - The Tuff version, which is better than the original.
  4. People who don't like Jackyl would mostly be because of his voice being different to the 'norm' and perhaps the redneck shtick. But there is no good reason for Jesse's voice to be the reason (Axl, Lemmy, Ozzy, etc etc) I think maybe they weren't given the time required to sink into the music. Regardless, lots of killer stuff over the years (from album 2 onwards...) Secret Of The Bottle Locked & Loaded with Brian Johnson Twice As Ugly Speak Of The Devil Push Comes To Shove Kill The Sunshine Headed For Destruction Screwdriver Cut The Crap Misery Loves Company Don't Lay Down On Me Down The Road Before
  5. Empty Garden - Elton John Which prompted me to search for a hard rock version, but nothing really around....
  6. Love this band, so killer tracks... Take A Little Time Solid Ground If It's The Last Thing I Do Life Higher Than Love I'm Here For You Nobody's Perfect Many others are keepers as well. Look forward to the new one.
  7. Ahhh, some foxy boxing, eh? Yes, I like your idea better
  8. That wouldn't be a fair fight, she's smack Harris. A fairer bout would be Donald vs Harris
  9. Flipped through this album quickly and sounds pretty good. Can't wait to give it a proper play...
  10. Fair enough. How about Trump vs Harris then?
  11. Can I start a thread "Who would win in a fight, Trump of Biden?"
  12. Do we need to ask permission to start a new thread now?
  13. Also, will be interesting to see how the US mdia handles the new president. They've kinda set him up as the saint vs Trumps sinner. Will he continue to get a hall pass on scrutiny? Or will they need someone else to savage, so just swap to him?
  14. I've been binging on Below Deck. Far more entertaining. I mean your reality political show was entertaining for a while, but then it got very sooky. I'm no big Trump fam, but I do think that a lot of his humor went over most heads, and instead of saying "it was a joke" he just didn't give a fuck. As for cancel culture, we the poor dude who created Coon cheese lost his legacy. Seems society couldn't differentiate between real life and a racist slur. We have a reporter on the ABC here, her name is Ash Raper. Fuck knows how she been allowed to not have to change her name.... I can see Jesse James Dupree up before a court one day answering to he "if it feels good, do it" mantra That leaves the door open for far too many things lol I'm thinking that the term 'snowflakes' will be used a lot this year. It's already an annoying term, will only get worse...
  15. So Trump is out soon. What next? Does the shit show continue? For another 4 years? Kinda feels a bit like The Godfather Part 3 starting at the moment.
  16. Prisoners In Paradise. Stayed in my head all day. I'm ok with that
  17. Kinda risky. Further piss of those who stormed the capitol building? But otherwise, meh.
  18. Parts of that reminded me of Duran Duran for some reason.
  19. I mean that's a speech made by one person, that may have inspired a democratic way of thinking or whatever, and the democracy in the US is what it is at the moment. Forgetting about all the BLM, Trump etc bullshit, and thinking about the democratic way of living that the US has, how is it far better than any other democratic society? Most democratic countries live by the same content of that speech. As an outsider I seee many flaws in the US system. I also see flaws in ours and other countries systems. Is it just a pride theng that has US citizens saying it is the best in the world? Or is there a tangible merit in taht ongoiing statement?
  20. Well, I clicked on the news, and to be honest was expecting a lot more. I guess it was pretty significant, because they took over whatever building it is. But the BLM rioting seemed far far worse. I find it fascinating that there are completely different takes on the aggression of the two events, for a few minutes, then I go back to my life. When I was watching the news, some reporter in the US was being interviewed and she said in passing during that, that "America has the greatest democracy in the world" Got me wondering as to why the US is considered by so many thins way. is it just Americans who think this? What are the reasons that a thought like that is based on? Genuine question, not trying to start shit...
  21. haha, I just woke up and am like "WTF is going on?" Noticed some normally cool American Facebook friends being very aggressive on Facebook, but just thought they were having a bad day lol Guess I need to turn the TV on and get some popcorn out...
  22. All this live stream stuff it weird. I watched a VH concert from Japan when Hagar was in the band last week. It was great. Didn't even know the Kiss thing was happening on New Years. It cane up ion my YouTube recommendations so I clicked it on and watched it. Later found out that it was some $40 PPV event that was illegally put on YouTube. For me, you pay to be at a live show, or you buy the DVD of a concert. This is mixing them together and I don't see the attraction...
  23. Is this a CD only thread? Didn't notice. Anyway, I have 2 copies of the vinyl. All 3 songs are damn good
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