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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Daddy, daddy cool.... daddy, daddy cool.... And once it's in your head, it's there for days...
  2. Yeah, pretty average song. I don't hate it, I wouldn't skip it, but if it was on an album, it wouldn't be a keeper. As much as Axl made himself out to be some kind of perfectionist genius, he really never delivered the goods after UYI I&II In the meantime the rest of the band went out and made some decent and great music. He will be remembered as someone who had a nice little period of time where he contributed to some great music, and then faded away.
  3. lol, @ Collingwood jokes. Never unenjoyable. BUT, I am barracking hard for them at the moment. The higher up the ladder they finish, the worst draft picks they get, and the better Harvey does with them, the more likely they will keep him on as coach and they'll leave Don Pyke alone to stay as assistant with the Swans
  4. oooooh, I hate it. The song itself is ok. Probably way to AOR for me, but I can live with it. What I hate is how song that song is to sing like Sammy did. Saw him live once and he gave a run down on why he rarely plays it live. He talked about the register he got to and why an idiot he was because he set himself a near impossible task to sing it live. And how it takes so much from his voice to get to where he needs to get to and it drains him etc etc He then sung it, and did a great job. Then he explained how lucky we all were to hear it the original way as he was basically only doing acoustic versions from now on. So the song about, whilst ok, is safe and sung in an average range and is done easy. What I love about the song is the way Sammy sung it, knowing the lengths he went to so that it was special.
  5. CureTheSane


    I was replying to what Dan said, that zero is impossible. Either way it's kind of a moot point, because whilst it is achievable, it is not practical. And yes, our governments are targeting zero. I mean I am the one who's been sooking about these inappropriate lockdowns sings our first one last year. Don't think I'm some radical mask advocate, or vaccine advocate. I wear a mask only when I have to. the other day the check out chick at Woolworths had a go at me because my mask was below my nose. Needless to say, she got a serve. Who the fuck is she, the mask police? My talk of one returning traveler was to point out how easily we will be in and out of lockdowns for the rest of the year. But just for the record - wear a mask or don't, I really don't care. Get a vaccine or don't, I really don't care. I'm happy for us to all fully open up say 2 months after we've have vaccines available to everyone. 60%, 70% of the population vaccinated? I really don't care so long as everyone has had the opportunity to get their jabs.
  6. CureTheSane


    We have got to zero cases 5 times in my state. It can be done, but at a significant cost to business and mental health. Problem is, it just takes one returning traveler to get out and about with the virus for it all to start spreading again, and that will never change. Otehr issue is this Delta strain that is much harder to contain. NSW (where Geoff lives) is seeing that right now. and it looks like it might not be controllable, with cases on the increase. Like I've said before, just wait for the new strains...
  7. CureTheSane


    So just announced. Because of 6 new cases, 2 of which are as yet untraced, our whole srate of victoria, population, 6.5 million people,is going into lockdown #6. This time for at least a week...
  8. I like that Facebook tracks me and advertises shit like then shit I've searched. Tracking on social media seems minor compared to QR codes tracking every movement we make these days I've tried Facebook music groups, but you can't really have threads like here. And you end up arguing about styoopid stuff more than you would here as well.
  9. I'm sold. never heard of them before, but sounds great.
  10. Not the sort of movie that you can recommend. People who hate that M Knight Shamalam (or whatever) movies won't like it. It was a bit weird. No way kids in a family are so happy to play together like they did all the time and are so close. Predictable at times, but watching it you kinda know roughly how it will end, but not how you're gonna get there. Check out the trailer, but if you're up for it, I'd try watching without the trailer, I think you'd enjoy it more.
  11. CureTheSane


    sums it up better. I've visited churches all around the world when sightseeing. Every church in Europe charges admission, or donation to enter. Other countries, such as SE Asia and China, the ones who have a less commercial and purer faith, allow entry under their religious considerations (take off shoes and hats etc) with no fee (sometimes there is the odd donation jar, but it's certainly not a condition of entry)
  12. Hit the cinema for the first time in a while and saw Old Was a fair movie, reasonably unique.
  13. CureTheSane


    Yeah, but as mentioned by many of us Australians here, we are fairly likely to bend over and submit. We are far too complacent and accepting of what we are instructed to do. The other side are the people in the US, who (IMO) are far too "my rights" "my freedoms" etc etc and are at times just obstinate to accept the greater good. Would love to be somewhere in between, where we were able to do what is required, after insisting our leaders qualify their requirements, and demonstrate the reasons why. It wasn't that long ago that you needed a little booklet when traveling to show that you had yellow fever, malaria, etc vaccinations at customs when you arrive in a country. This was phased out when the numbers of people travelling vastly increased.
  14. CureTheSane


    Yep, a lot of women out there crying, and a lot of guys declaring that they are never getting a jab
  15. Saw Pig, with Nic Cage. Was ok, watchable I guess. Wouldn't see it again. Also saw Jolt which was about some chick who jolted herself with a zap of electricity to control her anger, and her journey in pursuit of bad guys. Could have been so much better, One of those movies that didn't know if it was action, or comedy, and didn't work as both.
  16. CureTheSane


    I'll also say, re masks on kids. If they can carry and transmit covid, then no issues with masks, of with parents deciding to immunise them. I made sure my kids had their shots growing up, they had no choice. I decided what was right for them as a parent. Also, you're gonna need boosters for the vaccine you've already had, and then others to combat other variant, of which there will be many. One thing I'd be worried about if I was unvaccinated is a fucking really deadly strain that comes about and existing vaccinated people have some resistance to it, but unvaccinated in big trouble, Kinda like this delta strain, which is twice as easily transmitted. What happens when we get a 'gamma' strain that is twice again transmissible and has a strike rate of 10 or 20%?
  17. CureTheSane


    France and Italy have both introduced a green pass and some other pass for people who have been vaccinated. it allows them to do much more, mass gatherings, restaurants, etc and instantly the vaccine rate jumped, increasing between 15 and 200% depending on which part of Italy you're in. Travel will remain a big one, and Broadway venues have apparently announced "no vaccine, no entry, no exceptions" These things are just the start. Eventually people who never wanted a vaccine will just be complaining that they were forced to get one.
  18. CureTheSane


    Cannot deny or confirm...
  19. Yeah, but the rating system here is pretty screwed up. In fact I haven't seen it used for a while. But a 70% is a pretty average/crappy album 80% is average/good 90 - 96% is really good 96 - 100% is great to perfect. That's my take on it. If I was to rate using this system, mine would come in at 20% pretty shit, with only a few songs worth hearing and no keepers 40% poor, lucky to get 1 or 2 keepers 50% average, 3 keepers 60% ok, 4 keepers and some other ok songs that you might not skip if playing the full album 70% good 5 or 6 keepers 80% great album, 7 keepers 90% 8 or more keepers, couple of fillers, but that's ok, there are usually a couple 100% impossible, even the albums where every song is a keeper has songs that could be better. Some songs might just scrape in, etc Like some of my fav albums... Dr Feelgood 90%. Even though it has 3 songs I am not a huge fan of, sticky sweet, slice of your pie, rattlesnake shake, the other songs are really really good and llift it up. 5150 would be 90% Inside is pretty crappy, leaving only 8 songs, probably 6 of those are killer Hot Action Cop. 90% I kept them all, except Goin' Down on It Dangerous Toys Pissed 90% Pain train and strange are average, the rest is killer Bad City 95% these are all keepers, and amazing songs, this would get a 95%, because there is always room for some to be a little better, some have no room for improvement Pretty much my next favorite 50 or so albums would be 80 - 90% and it's downhill from there for the others
  20. CureTheSane


    I already do. Handy for headbutting people in the ass when they piss me off
  21. CureTheSane


    So, unsurprisingly, 50K new cases per day isn't enough for this to really make the news here. I mean we are getting stuff on Fiji rates because of the smaller population, but unless the US is hitting the highs of the past, it's not shocking enough So are these50K all unvaccinated? Are they breaking down the percentages and comparing those rates to hospitalisation etc? I always assumed that the US would be like "hey, you want the jab, get it, otherwise it's your funeral bro" and dropped all masks and restrictions.
  22. CureTheSane


    I wish I had been, I could have used that as an excuse
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