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Everything posted by tts42572

  1. I'll 3rd this lol... This sounds really good. What I like is Girish is doing more signing and not screaming like he often tends to do in his main band....This is basically what I'd want to hear more of from him. I thought the first song was decent but really digging the 2nd one.
  2. I could be wrong, but I thought I remember the girl he was with was the girlfriend of one of the other guys in the band or something so I doubt there's ever a Bad City reunion lol. Nice to see him back in music in some fashion but this certainly doesn't interest me much. I do hear some Bad City in these though...I think mostly in that 2nd tune which is probably the best of the bunch here for me. The dude has a good voice for rock music and I still listen to that Bad City album from time to time but the whole gospel rock thing isn't for me.
  3. Been a very slow start for me also. I always have a current year playlist with that's years releases I dig....And so far, I haven't even started that playlist for 2024. There's just been nothing of interest to me so far. All my listening has just been diving into older releases. I think it's going to be a very slow year for my tastes. I'm looking forward to new Kissin' Dynamite but being they haven't even released a single yet, I'm sure that's at least a good 4-5 months away from release. Maverick is another on my list but last I knew they were still recording so that will probably be toward the end of the year also. I think just about every band I follow has come out with a new album in the past 2-3 years which was mostly all the result of them working on stuff during covid to varying degrees. I feel like all that stuff is through the pipe now and this is shaping up to be a very slow year. Hopefully some stuff comes along that surprises me.
  4. Agree. Don't hate that. Don't overly like it either though lol. Frankly, probably about as good as it's going to get from these guys at this point.
  5. I was the same....Or used to be until the past couple albums. I always kept holding out hope they'd get back to doing stuff closer to their earlier stuff but they just keep moving farther and farther away with every release. I'm willing to at least give the opening single a listen though out of respect for what they once were but my expectations are basically non-existent. It's just such a shame....These guys used to be right there with my favorite bands back in the day and I even found some songs on HAND, Crush and Bounce I remember liking well enough. But there's been nothing at all on the last few albums for me.
  6. Agree 100%. I was as hyped for Forgotten Shades of Life as much as any album in the past 10 years or so. And it turned out to probably be one of the biggest disappointments I've ever had with an album. I absolutely loved Carnival Days and the Vibration EP....both darn near perfect and exactly what I'd want from these guys. But for me they did a complete 180 with that last album. The songs just weren't very catchy or interesting IMO. I think Scream is the only song that has stayed in any of my playlists. It boggles my mind why they didn't put Fake Perfection and Broken Into Pieces on that last album....I think both songs would've elevated the album and are better than most of the songs that made the album. In hindsight, it appears these guys made a bad move leaving Frontiers. I mean, they had built some decent momentum. with that Carnival Days album but they seem to have fallen off the radar a bit now. I believe I saw an interview with Hannes done last summer that said they were working on new material and shopping it around to new labels as they weren't happy with the label they had moved to after Frontiers. I think their next release is probably a fairly important one to get them back on track and it seems like they're probably aware of that with the slow pace they seem to be moving at. Fingers crossed they can get back closer to the style of Carnival Days & Vibration with their next release.
  7. Horrible. I'm not sure how I look at it....These guys are either one of the biggest over-achieving bands in history....or one of the biggest underachieving bands. I mean, on one hand they overachieved being that they made a huge career out of basically 2 albums (AFD, Illusion albums) but on the other hand they underachieved by only managing to do 2 decent albums. I guess at the end of the day, they became huge and made their money so guess they got what they were after. But they surely left a lot of meat on the bone and should've accomplished much more.
  8. Not a bad song musically but struggling with the vocals and accent in spots.
  9. Same here. I liked the first album, but the 2nd album lost me because of the singer. I remember not minding the opening single but then it sort of lost me the more I heard. I dig the vibe and overall sound but when that stuff doesn't matter if vocals hold you up for whatever reason.
  10. Don't think I've ever heard of these guys as far as I can remember. Song is okay but not really grabbing me all that much. I think I'm a little iffy on the singer. I'll probably give the next couple singles a listen to see if they stick a little more or not.
  11. Been checking that one out too.....it is pretty good. Not quite as edgy as the new one though. Been sampling their other albums too but so far the newest one is grabbing me most.
  12. I have to make an edit to my year end list. After seeing some other year end lists, I happened upon giving the new album from Black Stone Cherry a listen after seeing a couple people with some similar tastes post about it. I've never once listened to these guys before but really digging this new album and have basically had it on repeat the past week....just some solid modern melodic rock with some edge to it. It kind of reminds me of the When Legends Rise album from Godsmack that I got into quite a bit after listening to it this year. Maybe I'm just in the mood to hear something a little different lately, IDK. Anyways, my "final" list now: 1. Temple Balls - Avalanche 2. Midnite City - In At The Deep End 3. Black Stone Cherry - Screamin' At The Sky 4. Station - And Time Goes By 5. Tempt - S/T 6. Defiants - Drive 7. Eclipse - Megalomanium
  13. Never really listened to these guys but with new music hitting slow to start in 2024 I've been noting some stuff I've seen on year end lists to check out and this was one I checked out. Really good album and some solid modern melodic rock. Kind of reminds me in sound to Lansdowne....Frankly, sounds very similar IMO, especially to Lansdowne's more recent material which has more of a modern sound compared to their Blue Collar Revolver days. Think my favorites so far are Nervous, When The Pain Comes, Smile, World and R.O.A.R. But there's nothing here I'm getting the urge to skip. Good stuff for a little change of pace.
  14. Really no resolution other than to be very frugal with what I buy. I just don't listen to CD's much at all anymore but it's still a struggle to not buy them for some reason lol. I have cut it down considerably though as I only bought 3 last year. I have to keep reminding myself though to only buy albums I absolutely love or bands that I just want to collect. It's still hard though as I still have those memories of buying basically every album that came out even if I only liked one song off it lol.
  15. Tyketto is great. Saw them for the first time on the 2020 Monsters of Rock Cruise. Danny Vaughn still sounds excellent. I just wish these guys would tour more. I think Danny lives somewhere in Europe now so they hardly ever play the USA anymore. I was also happy to see Lynch Mob on that same MORC with Oni. They played the whole Wicked Sensation album in order which I thought was cool. I've see nthem without Oni one time and it just wasn't the same. I've never seen H.E.A.T with Kenny so that would be something I'd like to see also. I'd definitely be attending this show if I had the opportunity.
  16. Yikes. How could a band that was so good become so bad? Clearly, there was a reason these songs they're putting out were never released.....they're all varying degrees of bad. Whatever secret sauce this band had back during the Appetite and Illusion eras clearly got used up and the jar was licked clean. Is it really that hard to just do some catchy hard rock songs with some Slash riffs/solos mixed in? Apparently it is because they don't seem capable of doing it the past 30 years.
  17. Okay tune. Probably about as good as anything he's done solo. Still, don't see myself returning to it for more listens. Just never been enamored with his solo stuff as for me it's light years away from what he did in Skid Row.
  18. I think you nailed what it was for me.....I've grown pretty tired of these Fontiers projects. I'm not buying the anymore and hardly listening to them either. The ones I do listen to are those that I've really liked and sort of already made room for in my head lol....WET, Nordic Union, The Defiants, etc. The Defiants might be more of a band than a "project" anyways as at least they've played some live shows.....Same with W.E.T. Either way, I want to spend my time listening to and actually supporting bands that I might actually have a chance to see live someday, who are active on social media, etc. As a result, I pretty much just skim past these projects now unless something comes along that absolutely blows me away. This sounds pretty decent but I haven't been too into previous First Signal stuff I've heard in the past when I did check them out some. I'm not huge into Hess for whatever reason.....even the Harem Scarem stuff is hit and miss for me.
  19. Feeling like my list is pretty well set this year unless I discover something over the next couple weeks. For me, 1. Temple Balls - Avalanche 2. Midnite City - In At The Deep End 3. Station - And Time Goes By 4. Tempt - S/T 5. Defiants - Drive 6. Eclipse - Megalomanium Not really much beyond that I spend a lot of time with or that really grabbed me. However, even though it came out 5 years ago, one of my most listened to albums this year according to my spotify list is Godsmack's When Legends Rise so that probably should get an honorable mention since it was really a new discovery for me this year. In reality, I'd probably put it 3rd on my list above if I included it. If I were picking a top 5 songs, probably would be: 1. 19 Summertime - Defiants 2. Someday - Midnite City 3. Trap - Temple Balls 4. Camouflage - Tempt 5. If You Want Me Too - Station Pretty decent year overall for my tastes. We'll see what next year brings. As of now, I think my most anticipated album is probably Kissin' Dynamite as they recently announced a new album will be out sometime in 2024.
  20. He may have...But I don't remember if he did lol. I think the first I remember hearing of him was in Danger Danger. Either way, I doubt whatever he does on this solo album will exceed his Danger Danger or Defiants stuff for me.
  21. Will be checking it out but don't really see myself getting into it. I don't know what it is, but for whatever reason I seem to often struggle getting into solo releases. And especially when it's from artists that have been established in other bands/projects that I've enjoyed. I think by nature I always compare the solo release to whatever the artist had done previously in other bands/projects and seems like most times it ends up feeling like a lesser version of that previous stuff to me. Will check it out though....He's a talented dude.
  22. Was able to give this a listen and happy to report it sounds fantastic! Only one listen but damn, this rocks! This will certainly be in my top 3 this year. We'll see how things settle with more listens. Well worth checking out if you enjoyed their last album as this just picks up where that left off and takes it up a notch IMO.
  23. Yeah, I've noticed that some. I remember he didn't care much for the latest Def Leppard though That said, I think he's said he doesn't like devoting a lot of time and doing videos to stuff he doesn't like as he doesn't want to come off as a hater and he's said he mostly just likes spreading the word and bringing some attention to stuff he likes. And I get it....nobody is going to send you stuff to review if they think you're going to hate on it lol....like Frontiers for example I kind of pick and choose what I watch from him anyways and mostly only watch stuff I know I've liked or might be interested in.
  24. Review of the album....I haven't seen many other reviews posted of it. I enjoy this guys reviews/reactions and often seem to find myself agreeing with him.
  25. Agree. I feel like being with somebody like Frontiers might help them immensely just from the distribution standpoint. I just think it's kind of tough for an Australian band to get traction these days here in the US. I guess it's not much different than Euro bands trying to get traction here either....The logistics here with visas and crap just make it tough. These guys should be playing festivals like M3. I miss the old Melodic Rock Fests....Andrew would've had these guys coming over for sure!
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